At any rate, here we are at Show and Tell, because, it is, you know, Friday! If you haven't already, you might want to run over to Kelli's and get in on the fun. It's really not too late--I hope! Kelli is the creative lady over at There Is No Place Like Home.
My treasure for today is brand new!
Several years ago my husband suggested we start a collection. Somehow he had heard about Dept.56 and was fascinated by the idea of a New England Village. We had been on a summer trip to Maine and Massachusetts and were newly in love with that area of the country. So, we made a trip to a local store and picked out a lighthouse as the first building for our village. A tradition was born!
Since then we have added a building every year. Those, and a few figurines, are a cherished part of our Christmas decorations. I will show you the village when we go on the Christmas Tour of Homes with BooMama on Dec. 17. I know you plan on being a part of those festivities!
Anyway--This year we made a selection for the 2007 addition to the village. We chose a Flag Shop. It is very cute and will fit right in. However, that's not my treasure!
After we decided on that building, Lee found this cute print shop/newspaper--The Woodbridge Gazette. He ordered it, also. He knew I would love it. My Dad owned and operated two small town newspapers when I was a teenager. I spent many hours helping out at the Chillicothe (TX) Valley News. Lee was right--I love this delightful little shop!
Now, granted, my dad's place was not an 1801 version of a print shop. However, it was definitely old fashioned compared to today's computerized printing processes. I remember the old linotype machine and printing press. My Dad also hand-set a lot of his headlines and ads.
Take a look at this little "take-a-peek" window in the front of the Gazette.
Can you see the printer hand-setting some type! That could be my Dad--a century and a half later! I will really enjoy including this little print shop in the village this year along with the school, post office, church, lighthouse, etc. that we have collected over the years?
Update on my husband's computer--It has had a MAJOR MELTDOWN! The current prognosis is that it can be revived with major part replacements. It will take a few days. In the meantime we will be sharing or I will have to venture into "the scary room." That would be our home office that gets little use these days. I only go in there when I must. There is no telling what is in there! :-) The desktop computer hides out there. It has been so long since it has been used I don't know if it'll work. I may give it a try. If you don't hear from me for several days, send a search team! :-)
Labels: Christmas, Show and Tell

I'm a little late today, but here is my list of special things in my life that begin with N.
Nativity--The story of the Nativity is the most precious story.
What a glorious gift we were given on that night so long ago!

Naps--Taking a nap is a treat--especially on a cold or rainy Sunday afternoon. An afternoon nap is a gift you give yourself!

Napkins--Cloth or Paper--It really doesn't matter. If I'm using a napkin it probably means I have food to eat. We take it for granted. Unfortunately, for some having adequate food seems a luxury.

Necklaces--Everyone can stand to have a little bling in their life!--Right? :-)
This is a part of what I've been doing for the last few days. I'm sure you can relate!
I am almost finished with the decorating agenda for the year. The first things I put up were these two wreaths. I love them so much because they were made for us by a dear friend the year we moved to this house. This is the tenth year for them to greet friends and family to our home. I have considered replacing them, but have decided that If I do just a little more sprucing up they will make it through this year.
I would love to see what Christmas looks like at your house!

Some people are not going to believe this! I'm going to share a recipe! I know. I know. Somehow there is rumor among people I know IRL that I do not cook. Not true! I do. I especially enjoy cooking this time of year. I just have never cared for the idea of "fixin' (as we say in the South) supper!
So, for all the non believers--Here goes! I made these bread loaves for the sweet ladies in my Monday night Bible Study. We had some cranberry cookies a couple of times that they loved, So--I thought they might enjoy this little treat as an end-of-study/Christmas gift. What a precious group of women! I loved every minute I spent with them. Monday night just won't be the same--until we start another study after Christmas.
Cranberry Banana Nut Bread
1-1/3cups sugar
3 eggs
2 cups mashed bananas--about 4 large
3-1/2 cups Self-Rising Flour
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1 cup chopped nuts--I use pecan/ walnut would also be good
16 oz. can whole cranberry sauce
1. Heat oven to 350*F. Grease--or spray--bottoms of two 8x4 inch loaf pans.
2. In large bowl, cream shortening and sugar together until light and fluffy. Add eggs 1 at a time, beating well after each addition.
3. Add bananas, flour, soda, nuts and cranberry sauce, stir gently to blend. Pour batter into prepared pan.
4. Bake at 350*F for 1 hour or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cook in pans 10 minutes. Remove from pans. Cool on wire rack. For easier slicing, wrap loaves and store overnight in a cool place.
I like this recipe because it easily makes two good sized loaves. I have a good recipe that uses fresh berries. This recipe uses the whole berry sauce so chopping berries is not required. Since I needed eight loaves this was much quicker than using fresh berries--and still good! I actually made six small loaves with one recipe. So, if you're in the neighborhood, I have a couple of extras. Drop by--I'll gladly share!
Here they are all wrapped and ready!
But, nevertheless--look at this recipe I found after I was already making that batch of bread loaves!
Cranberry-Orange Bread
1 cup nut-like cereal nuggets (Grape-Nuts)
1 cup uncooked regular oats
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/3cup sugar
1/2 tsp. baking aoda
1/2 cup nonfat buttermilk
1/4 cup vegetable oil
2 large eggs
1 tsp. grated orange rind
1/2 cup low-sugar orange marmalade
1/2 cup sweetened dried cranberries
1. Combine first 6 ingredients in a large bowl, make a well in center of mixture.
2. Whisk together buttermilk, oil, and eggs, add to dry mixture, stirring just until moistened. gently fold in grate orange rind, marmalade, and cranberries. Spoon into a lightly greased 8 1/2 x 4 1/2 inch loaf pan.
3. Bake at 375* for 28 to 32 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool in pan on wire rack 5 minutes. Remove from pan to wire rack, and let cool 20 minutes or until completely cool.
I found that one in Southern Living. I think it sounds like a tasty as well as healthy choice. I may give it a try--after I find homes for these last few loaves in my basket! :-)
Yes, I am definitely enjoying preparations for this season. I have shopping online to do, more baking, a little more decorating, some blogging fun to participate in, and plenty of IRL traditions to savor and cherish. I pray that, through all the busyness of the season, my family and I will retain our focus on the reason for the traditions and activities--the very precious reason for the celebration.
You can scroll below it to read other posts.
Carolyn tolerated her surgery well and is recovering from the procedure. However, the surgery was not as successful at eliminating the cancer as we had hoped. Please continue to pray that her doctors will be led to the treatment that can provide a cure. We still pray for miracles.
I'm asking all of my blogging friends to pray for this precious little, twelve-year-old girl. Her name is Carolyn--Her mother Adrianne is in this picture with her. Her dad, Jeff is my nephew. Carolyn has a younger brother, Jacob. They live in the Houston, Texas area.
Carolyn has a very rare form of cancer that she has been battling for over two years. For several months she was "cancer-free." However, it returned with aggression about the time school started this year. She will have surgery tomorrow, November 21. This is not the first surgery she has had since the beginning of this journey. This surgery is, of course, a very serious point in her treatment.
Carolyn has fought this battle with great courage and faith. Her family has fought valiantly along with her. However, it has been a long and hard journey. She, her parents, and her younger brother would appreciate your prayers. I am praying for miracles. peace, and strength. Please join me in lifting Carolyn and her family up.
Pray continually.
For many years we went to a nearby state resort--just across the state line in Kentucky. I always considered it our family fall retreat. We went there almost every Thanksgiving for more than twenty years. We started going when our boys were very young and continued through the addition of daughters-in-law and grandchildren. Some years we were all there, sometimes it was just part of us, and a couple of times times Lee and I were by ourselves. We have many wonderful family memories of those trips to Lake Barkley.
Life has changed; in recent years we have spent the holiday at home. Our family was all together at our house last weekend. We enjoyed a non-traditional Thanksgiving dinner. BAR-B-QUE! We were traditional enough to have turkey in the form of this cute CHOCOLATE cake!
We didn't take a lot of pictures this year. I guess we were to intent on talking, eating, and playing. As I looked through the pictures, I realized that this is the best one of the day. Lee and I are never happier than when we have all four grandchildren with us!
Ella,Luke, Spoony, and Joshua!
What a group!
I hope you had a great and peaceful day with people you love!

Hm-m-m-m- Let's see, I'm sure there are some things in my life that I enjoy or treasure that start with the letter M. Oh yes, here we go!
1. Memories--I enjoy looking at photos from years gone by. What a flood of memories those pictures can bring. Of course, we can't stay in the world of memories. There are too many things that need to be done, and enjoyed in the present. But it is certainly nice to take an occasional side trip to the past and think fondly of those people, places, events, and things.
2. M and M Candy--Well, almost anything chocolate is totally terrific. This is just one example of chocolate goodness. AND--You know, it "melts in your mouth, not in your hand!"
3. Memes--Blogging is a wonderful hobby, pastime, diversion, etc. I'm glad I stumbled into this wonderful, friendly, sometimes wacky world. Memes help me get to know my blogging friends better.
4. Marriage--I have had an exciting journey for over 38 years with a wonderful man. I never could have expected or imagined the adventures, challenges, and blessings that we have experienced together.
5. Mexican Food--Good eating!
6. Marbles--You play Chinese checkers with marbles. Both of my six-year-old grandsons have recently discovered the game of Chinese checkers. Luke and Spoony are delightful and I love playing this and other games with them. Spoony and I are planning to challenge his brother, Joshua, and Luke to a game when we are together at Christmas.
7. Mail--Snail mail, email, and packages--I love all kinds! Actually, I can do without the Spam and junk kind! :-)
8. Mocha--As in White Chocolate from Starbucks. 'Nuff said!
9. Mattress--A good, comfortably firm one is my preference. Think I'll go find mine and go to sleep soon!
Labels: Just Having Fun
Psalm 90:2Before the mountains were born
or you brought forth the earth and the world,
from everlasting to everlasting you are God.
Psalm 69:30
I will praise God's name in song
and glorify him with thanksgiving.
Psalm 100:4
Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise:
give thanks to him and raise his name.
Labels: Celebrating Holidays, Praise
Many people predicted that the fall colors that we enjoy every year would not be very vibrant. It appeared, for awhile, that those people might be right. We usually hit the peak of the color season several weeks before now. This year, however, the trees changed color very slowly. Some of them just seemed to be losing leaves with little change in color.
THEN, just a day or two ago, I began noticing a difference in the Autumn Glory Maple tree in our backyard. I began to think that, maybe, there was hope for color after all. This is what I saw off our deck yesterday:
Last night we had a storm--lightening, thunder, rain, and wind. The temperature dropped significantly during the night. I just knew the storm would strip the trees of the leaves before we had really gotten our fill of the color that was beginning to really pop!
This afternoon, as I drove through the neighborhood--This is what I saw:
Labels: It's That time of Year
On Sunday afternoons my older son, Greg, normally comes over to visit with his dad so that I can run to the grocery store and have a little time to do some of the things that need to be done. Often, Luke comes with him. The three men have an afternoon together.
This week when I got ready to go, guess what? My car didn't want to go! So--This little scenario took place in our driveway!
"OK. This is how it works."
Luke gets a basic electric current lesson and instructions in how to hold the jumper cable clamps.
"Be careful! Don't let these things touch!"
Greg gave Luke VERY clear instructions about how to hold those cable ends. He was rather vivid about what could happen if they touched. No way was Luke going to let those things get close to each other!
"Stand back while I attach them over here!"
"Oh, I get it, Dad! You're putting power from your truck into Grandmama's car."
with the vehicles and the camera!
Just a few minutes later I was on my way. They were ready for an afternoon of ice cream, football, and Chinese Checkers (Luke's new favorite game). What great guys!
Labels: Family

2. Name it "Housework."
3. Send it to the RECYCLE BIN.
4. Empty the RECYCLE BIN.
5. Your PC will ask you,
"Are you sure you want to delete Housework permanently?
6. Calmly answer,
"Yes," and press mouse button firmly...
7. Feel better?
Works for me!
Labels: Just Having Fun
John 3:16 (NIV)
"For God so loved the world
that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him
shall not perish but have eternal life."
1 Corinthians 14:15 (NIV)
So what shall I do?
I will pray with my spirit,
but I will also pray with my mind.
I will will sing with my spirit,
but I shall also sing with my mind.
James 5:13 (NIV)
The Prayer of Faith
Is any one of you in trouble?
He should pray.
Is anyone of you happy?
Let him sing songs of praise.
Here's my list of possibilities. At least they are my possibilities at this time. I may find others that also interest me. I will read at least two of these and add them to my Fall Into Reading list. In addition, I'll be reading some Christmas books--some new and some old favorites--with the grands.
• The Christmas Pearl by Dorothea Benton Frank
Labels: Book Talk, Celebrating Holidays
Ella is at that very precious stage of life when a child can say the sweetest--or the "darndest" things. Ella is very exuberant and thoroughly enjoys life. I hope she never loses that characteristic.
Yesterday her mother came by our house to get Ella's brother, Luke . He had been spending some time with us after school. She left Ella in the car when she ran in to say hello to Lee. So, I went out to speak to the princess. She exuberantly greeted me--as if she had not seen me for months-- by throwing her arms out for a hug and yelling "GRANMAMA!"
Then, her very sweet little voice, she said, "How's Poppy today? Does he want to see me?"
She is very sure that seeing her would make his day. And--she's correct!
A couple of months ago Ella, and the people who live with her, came over to visit on a Sunday afternoon. She obviously had the Bible story from Sunday School on her mind. She said, "Sit down, Granmama. I'm goin' to read you a story."
Of course, I sat down. Never pass up the chance to have a three year-old "read" or tell you a story!
She picked up my Bible, opened it to the middle and proceeded to "read" the story. It went something like this. (Try to imagine the sweet little lisping voice of a three-year-old who doesn't quite have all the speech sounds or the grammatical nuances of pronouns, etc. mastered.)
"Moses was a little baby. He was in a basket. Uh, Granmama, do you know he Mama name?"
My mind went blank, so I stuttered a little as I replied, "It's, uh,--I can't remember, but his sister's name was Miriam. Didn't she watch him in the basket?" (Believe me, I looked it up later--Jochebed--Exodus 6:20; Numbers 26:59)
Ella looked at the Bible and said, "That's right. He sister name Mirum. He mama name sumpin else. And he in the basket."
"Uh, granmama, what he granfather name?"
"Well," I answered, "Ella, I'm not sure the Bible tell us that."
Now, it may be in some "begats" somewhere, but I wasn't going there with her! Besides I wanted to know what would happen next!
"Oh, Granmama, you know! He grandfather Jesus!"
"Now, Ella, Jesus was not Moses' grandfather."
Before I could go further she exclaimed, "Oh, yes it is! But what Jesus daddy name?"
"That would be Joseph."
"And, Granmama, what Jesus mama name?"
"Oh, that's right! Joseph he daddy and Mary he mama!"
"Now! Moses in the basket with he grandfather. Moses in the basket with Jesus, Mary and Joseph!"
With that she closed the Bible and looked at me with a smile of accomplishment. She had "read" me a Bible story.
That must have been some basket! I know Ella will get all those people straightened out someday. She will learn the difference in Old Testament and New Testament. She will learn the true story of Jesus and know that he died on the cross for her. She may even be able to remember Moses' mother's name when her grandchild asks someday! For now, I just thank God that she has parents who make sure she is having the opportunity to hear and learn those stories. She is blessed. She is a blessing.
Labels: Grandchild Fun
I have trouble saying, "No!"--to books!
I was in tar*get the other day; taking care of business and in a hurry! I know better than to walk by a book display in any store. However, this particular time it was the shortest way to the area of the store I needed. Notice, I did not say the quickest way. because, of course, my eye was caught by a particular display.
There.It.Was. I know. I should have just kept walking and put the title on my Christmas Wish List--My husband ALWAYS gets me some books. But, I HAVE NO WILL POWER WHEN IT COMES TO BOOKS--especially Jan Karon books with Father Tim and possibly other Mitford friends in them! At least it was 30% off! (I know--but, it's a way to justify. OK? Let me live with my illusions!) No will power, I'm telling you! None.
This is the next book I'm reading!
AND--I'm going to enjoy every word of it!

Labels: Book Talk
Romans 1:4
who through the Spirit of holiness
was declared with power
to be the Son of God
by His resurrection from the dead:
Jesus Christ our Lord.
Jude 1:25
to the only God our Savior
be glory, majesty, power, and authority,
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
before all ages,
now and forevermore! Amen.
1 Corinthians 15:57
But thanks be to God!
He gives us the victory
through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Matthew 7:24-2624"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine
and puts them into practice is like the wise man
who built his house on the rock.
25The rain came down, the streams rose,
and the winds blew and beat against the house;
yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.

Of course that means Show and Tell fun!
Kelli is the host.
You can go here to get in on all the fun!
Today I'm sharing a new treasure!
Well, yes! A friend from Bloggityville, USA!
How exciting!
in Becky's giveaway celebrating her 200th post at The Butler's Wife!
She made it, ya'll!
Wonder what how it would look on my dining room table.
This candle may be a little large--and it definitely needs some greenery!
How about a little sleigh with holly leaves and berries around a candle?
Let's take it in there and try it.
I usually have Santa on this table.
I can just imagine the chubby ole' gentleman
standing right in the middle of the runner!
It will be moved to a spot behind a couch
to make room for the tree in this area.
Now it is a place for displaying pictures of the grands.
At Christmas, it usually has Santas, Snowmen,
and a collection of pictures from past Christmases.
The runner could be a good addition to that display.
WELL! Can you believe it! Santa is so eager for me to put that table runner and all the other decorations out. He's trying to sneak in here before we have even have had Thanksgiving! Sorry, Santa! We're going to have to wait just a little longer!

is the Christmas Tour of Homes that Boomama! will be hosting.
Click on the button below to get all the details.
Be sure to come by here on the tour
and find out where the table runner
will be spending the holidays.

Labels: Celebrating Holidays, Show and Tell