Friday, November 30, 2007
Friday Show and Tell--Christmas Village Delight
We have had an emergency at our house! My husband's computer has gone on strike! Which means we are sharing. Between that catastrophe and some other responsibilities/activities today it has been slightly difficult for me to blog! My goodness! What a crisis!

At any rate, here we are at Show and Tell, because, it is, you know, Friday! If you haven't already, you might want to run over to Kelli's and get in on the fun. It's really not too late--I hope! Kelli is the creative lady over at There Is No Place Like Home.

My treasure for today is brand new!

Several years ago my husband suggested we start a collection. Somehow he had heard about Dept.56 and was fascinated by the idea of a New England Village. We had been on a summer trip to Maine and Massachusetts and were newly in love with that area of the country. So, we made a trip to a local store and picked out a lighthouse as the first building for our village. A tradition was born!

Since then we have added a building every year. Those, and a few figurines, are a cherished part of our Christmas decorations. I will show you the village when we go on the Christmas Tour of Homes with BooMama on Dec. 17. I know you plan on being a part of those festivities!

Anyway--This year we made a selection for the 2007 addition to the village. We chose a Flag Shop. It is very cute and will fit right in. However, that's not my treasure!

After we decided on that building, Lee found this cute print shop/newspaper--The Woodbridge Gazette. He ordered it, also. He knew I would love it. My Dad owned and operated two small town newspapers when I was a teenager. I spent many hours helping out at the Chillicothe (TX) Valley News. Lee was right--I love this delightful little shop!

Now, granted, my dad's place was not an 1801 version of a print shop. However, it was definitely old fashioned compared to today's computerized printing processes. I remember the old linotype machine and printing press. My Dad also hand-set a lot of his headlines and ads.

Take a look at this little "take-a-peek" window in the front of the Gazette.

Can you see the printer hand-setting some type! That could be my Dad--a century and a half later! I will really enjoy including this little print shop in the village this year along with the school, post office, church, lighthouse, etc. that we have collected over the years?

Update on my husband's computer--It has had a MAJOR MELTDOWN! The current prognosis is that it can be revived with major part replacements. It will take a few days. In the meantime we will be sharing or I will have to venture into "the scary room." That would be our home office that gets little use these days. I only go in there when I must. There is no telling what is in there! :-) The desktop computer hides out there. It has been so long since it has been used I don't know if it'll work. I may give it a try. If you don't hear from me for several days, send a search team! :-)

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  posted at 5:07 PM  

At November 30, 2007 at 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see your village. I have a few little houses - but they're not Dept. 56. These are just little cheap-o ones that I bought one year. Someday I'll get nicer ones. Someday!

At November 30, 2007 at 7:04 PM, Blogger ellen b. said...

Myrna you are cracking me up! I hope you get your computer back soon! Your little building is wonderful and I do see the type setter in the window. I'm looking forward to seeing your whole collection on the 17th!

At November 30, 2007 at 7:11 PM, Blogger nannykim said...

I received a church that was a replica of one in Boston, Mass. I do not have it out yet...I used to live up in New England and I do miss the snow!

At November 30, 2007 at 10:44 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

You are so funny! I often get "lost" in my sewing room, but I don't WANT a search team to come find me. I don't even want to come out to eat :)

I love your village pieces. That print shop is wonderful. I have always had a secret wish to be a small town newpaper gal. Small, small town.

This was a great show and tell. I cannot wait to see your village. AND ... my condolences on the computer.

At November 30, 2007 at 11:09 PM, Blogger Dawn said...

What a great collection - you're off to a good start. I just looked up the Willow Tree stuff on Amazon and figured out how much I'm going to hafe to spend for the next 5 years in order to get it completed. Yikes! What have I started??

I hope your computers get fixed soon!

I read your N favorites and you had a great list. I just mentioned in a recent blog that my dad has lost his sense of smell, so I reallyh appreciate the ability to enjoy good smelling things!

Have a blessed week-end!

At December 1, 2007 at 12:19 AM, Blogger Mommy said...

What a neat piece! I loved reading about you helping your father in the old print shop. Thanks for sharing. :)

At December 1, 2007 at 1:15 AM, Blogger Tammy said...

Oh, I love your village piece!
I first heard about Dept 56 when before I married, and was working at at a fun, homey gift shop.
I love Christmas villages, and can't wait to see the rest of yours!

At December 1, 2007 at 6:27 AM, Blogger Momma Roar said...

LOL at "it has been slightly difficult for me to blog! My goodness! What a crisis!" We can all so relate!!! :)

Very cute treasure!

At December 1, 2007 at 7:34 AM, Blogger Midlife Mom said...

I LOVE Dept. 56 and have a huge collection as I have been buying them for many years. I didn't get it set up last year but you have inspired me to get it out of storage and on display! I love your new print shop house with the old printer, it is adorable! It really must have brought back many nice memories of you and your Dad.

Know what you mean about a scary room. I have let my sewing room take a turn for the worst so I can relate!! lol!! xoxo

At December 1, 2007 at 10:27 AM, Blogger someone else said...

Dept. 56 has such wonderful villages. We have a nice collection of the Dickens Village set and I love to add to it as often as possible.

At December 1, 2007 at 5:14 PM, Blogger Cherdecor said...

I love your little village piece. We cannot wait to see the entire set on the Christmas Tour.

At December 2, 2007 at 11:28 PM, Blogger Kelli said...

What a wonderful collection to start! I can't wait to see the entire village.
I hope you get your computer fixed soon..yikes!

At December 3, 2007 at 11:20 AM, Blogger Robin said...

I love Christmas villages- I can't wait to see yours! I have a little one but it's one I made from a kit and my husband gets me a piece every year. I love it.
I hope your computer issues are solved soon - that is so frustrating!


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