Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Father and Son
I love watching children learn. I like it even more when the children I'm watching are my grandchildren. AND--I especially like it when they are learning from their parents. Nothing more special! This is one of those times, caught on camera. It is even sweeter because they were doing something for me!
On Sunday afternoons my older son, Greg, normally comes over to visit with his dad so that I can run to the grocery store and have a little time to do some of the things that need to be done. Often, Luke comes with him. The three men have an afternoon together.
This week when I got ready to go, guess what? My car didn't want to go! So--This little scenario took place in our driveway!

"OK. This is how it works."
Luke gets a basic electric current lesson and instructions in how to hold the jumper cable clamps.
"Be careful! Don't let these things touch!"
Greg gave Luke VERY clear instructions about how to hold those cable ends. He was rather vivid about what could happen if they touched. No way was Luke going to let those things get close to each other!

"Stand back while I attach them over here!"
"Oh, I get it, Dad! You're putting power from your truck into Grandmama's car."
Just a few minutes later I was on my way. They were ready for an afternoon of ice cream, football, and Chinese Checkers (Luke's new favorite game). What great guys!
On Sunday afternoons my older son, Greg, normally comes over to visit with his dad so that I can run to the grocery store and have a little time to do some of the things that need to be done. Often, Luke comes with him. The three men have an afternoon together.
This week when I got ready to go, guess what? My car didn't want to go! So--This little scenario took place in our driveway!
"OK. This is how it works."
Luke gets a basic electric current lesson and instructions in how to hold the jumper cable clamps.
"Be careful! Don't let these things touch!"
Greg gave Luke VERY clear instructions about how to hold those cable ends. He was rather vivid about what could happen if they touched. No way was Luke going to let those things get close to each other!
"Stand back while I attach them over here!"
"Oh, I get it, Dad! You're putting power from your truck into Grandmama's car."
Don't you just love it when a kid GETS it!
"TA-DAH! We did it!"
WELL--They just left me standing here
with the vehicles and the camera!
with the vehicles and the camera!
Just a few minutes later I was on my way. They were ready for an afternoon of ice cream, football, and Chinese Checkers (Luke's new favorite game). What great guys!
Labels: Family
Myrna, this was so sweet to read! And how great that you captured it all in pictures, too!
I can just imagine how great a feeling it is to watch your grandchildren learn from your children!
Blessings! precious.
What sweet men you have to assist you! I'll bet it makes you feel like a queen!
That is a great moment to share...a generation moment!
Ah. My boys too, have learned all about cars from their father. Among other things.
Fun memories.
So great that he is teaching him life lessons at such a young age...I love hearing about things like this!
What a wonderful post Myrna! That is so great that you got it all on camera!!
How do you get your photos so that you can write 'beside' them? I have the same designer that you do so we must have the same kind of template. I love how it looks, your site is just soooooooo pretty!
I is great to watch family being family...helping, learning, and teaching. You did a great job telling the story!
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