Thursday, April 24, 2008
I've been busy taking care of life things. I think I'm ready now to have a little fun with you. I have so many things to talk about, but I won't hit them all today. I think a little random ramblin' is in order! I found this cute little shoe blogthing over at Cherdecor the other day. (I've been doing a bit of lurking and a little commenting)!
Anyway--I figure there is nothing more random that the shoes in my closet, so shoes/boots seems as good a place as any for me to start--Then there are the trees in my backyard--and my family--grandchildren. Oh, yes, it feels good to be back. I have lots of blog fodder to use from the last few weeks.
So, OK--enough ramblin'--Just What Kind of Shoe Are You? I don't know about this boot thang! I guess my wild, wacky, wide-open--um--bossy Texas roots are showing!
OK--More Randomness Ahead!
I have so many good friends! I have known that all along, but the last few weeks have really proven it to me. So many wonderful people have reached out to me in such a marvelous variety of ways--Phone calls, shopping trips, hanging out, cards, notes, and one of my favorites--EATING OUT!
The past three years I have spent most of my time at home. It is taking some adjusting getting used to going out in public. But, my friends are making sure that I am doing just that.
Here are two of my younger friends--two of the sweetest ladies in the world! The one sitting beside me calls me her "Southern Mom" (She's originally from a rather northern state.) She worked with me at two schools--I hired her both times! The other one worked with us at one of those schools--we chose her together. Now we have all gone on to other phases of life and none of us work at a school. We liked each other when we worked together, but now our friendship is on a different level. They have actually learned to call me Myrna rather than Dr. S! We laughed so much! Love 'em both!
Then, I took a little day trip with my very good friend (23 years), Joy! We went to a favorite spot for both of us. I have been there often with my family and Lee and I have been a couple of times with Joy and her husband, Richard. It is a little bit of a drive up into Kentucky, but worth it when you get to Patti's--a restaurant in a small KY town.
Patti's is the centerpiece of a little "old time" settlement. The restaurant has a very unique decor and delicious food--Be sure to reserve space for the absolutely unbelievable pies! There are several little shops there worth visiting. I actually bought a Christmas present. Really! Shhh! It's a secret!
In addition to the restaurant and shopping, there are pretty outdoor venues for weddings and such, gardens, a miniature golf course, and several other small tourist attractions. We saw a wedding reception in progress and then we were treated to the prom parade. All the nooks and crannies of the little village provide lots of photo op situations. So most of the prom goers in the area seemed to be there taking pictures. Fun to watch!
We weren't iexactly dressed for the prom parade (thank goodness), but we found some pretty places for pictures also!

Speaking of dresssing for the prom--What are some of those parents thinking about letting their daughters out in those dresses??! Oh! My! Goodness!
I haven't had my camera with me on all of the outings I have been on; but that's a glimpse of how I have been spending some of my time recently. Tomorrow night I have been invited to a friend's home for dinner with some other ladies. I'm looking forward to that. Friday, I'm having lunch with some Lifeway friends. Then there is a grandchild birthday party on Friday night! Are you seeing a theme here?! I'm going to have to go to Weight Watchers!!
OK! so we'll call this a start. I still have trees/family doin's/birthday parties and some other random stuff to share with you. So, come on back. I'll be here!
Anyway--I figure there is nothing more random that the shoes in my closet, so shoes/boots seems as good a place as any for me to start--Then there are the trees in my backyard--and my family--grandchildren. Oh, yes, it feels good to be back. I have lots of blog fodder to use from the last few weeks.
So, OK--enough ramblin'--Just What Kind of Shoe Are You? I don't know about this boot thang! I guess my wild, wacky, wide-open--um--bossy Texas roots are showing!
You Are Cowboy Boots |
![]() This doesn't mean you're country, just funky. You've got a ton of attitude and confidence. You're unique, expressive, and even a little bit wacky. You wear whatever you feel like – and you have your own sense of style. You are straight shooting and honest. You tell people how it is. Low maintenance and free wheeling, you're always up for an adventure. You should live: Where you can at least get to wide open spaces You should work: In a job that allows you to take change |
OK--More Randomness Ahead!
I have so many good friends! I have known that all along, but the last few weeks have really proven it to me. So many wonderful people have reached out to me in such a marvelous variety of ways--Phone calls, shopping trips, hanging out, cards, notes, and one of my favorites--EATING OUT!
The past three years I have spent most of my time at home. It is taking some adjusting getting used to going out in public. But, my friends are making sure that I am doing just that.
Here are two of my younger friends--two of the sweetest ladies in the world! The one sitting beside me calls me her "Southern Mom" (She's originally from a rather northern state.) She worked with me at two schools--I hired her both times! The other one worked with us at one of those schools--we chose her together. Now we have all gone on to other phases of life and none of us work at a school. We liked each other when we worked together, but now our friendship is on a different level. They have actually learned to call me Myrna rather than Dr. S! We laughed so much! Love 'em both!
Then, I took a little day trip with my very good friend (23 years), Joy! We went to a favorite spot for both of us. I have been there often with my family and Lee and I have been a couple of times with Joy and her husband, Richard. It is a little bit of a drive up into Kentucky, but worth it when you get to Patti's--a restaurant in a small KY town.
Patti's is the centerpiece of a little "old time" settlement. The restaurant has a very unique decor and delicious food--Be sure to reserve space for the absolutely unbelievable pies! There are several little shops there worth visiting. I actually bought a Christmas present. Really! Shhh! It's a secret!
In addition to the restaurant and shopping, there are pretty outdoor venues for weddings and such, gardens, a miniature golf course, and several other small tourist attractions. We saw a wedding reception in progress and then we were treated to the prom parade. All the nooks and crannies of the little village provide lots of photo op situations. So most of the prom goers in the area seemed to be there taking pictures. Fun to watch!
We weren't iexactly dressed for the prom parade (thank goodness), but we found some pretty places for pictures also!
Speaking of dresssing for the prom--What are some of those parents thinking about letting their daughters out in those dresses??! Oh! My! Goodness!
I haven't had my camera with me on all of the outings I have been on; but that's a glimpse of how I have been spending some of my time recently. Tomorrow night I have been invited to a friend's home for dinner with some other ladies. I'm looking forward to that. Friday, I'm having lunch with some Lifeway friends. Then there is a grandchild birthday party on Friday night! Are you seeing a theme here?! I'm going to have to go to Weight Watchers!!
OK! so we'll call this a start. I still have trees/family doin's/birthday parties and some other random stuff to share with you. So, come on back. I'll be here!
Labels: Random Thoughts
My, you HAVE been busy, haven't you? It did my heart good to see this new post. You've been on my mind and my heart a lot lately, my friend. I'm more settled now that you posted this. :-)
Looking forward to more new posts as you get to them. Hope you have a good rest of your week!
Love and hugs,
Great to hear from you. Sounds like life is keeping you hopping. It's always heart warming to reconnect with good friends. I am thankful that the Lord has brought many your way.
It's so great that you are going out and about. How wonderful to have such good friends. Ok the shoe thing. I came out Flip flops! You are laid back and very friendly.
Cheery and sunny in disposition, you usually have something to smile about.
Style is important to you, as long as you can stay casual.
It takes a lot to get you to dress up!
You are a loyal and true person, though you can be a bit of a flake.
That's just a sampling of the description of what I'm like according to my flip flop designation.
BTW..I never wear flip flops. Can't handle the thingee between my toes....
Continued blessings on you...
Isn't it wonderful to have friends to help lighten the load in life? It sounds like you have had a busy, and yet enjoyable week.
Now I have to go figure out what shoe I am!!!
Hi Myrna, It's lovely to hear from you. I'm glad you're getting settled and feeling good about life around you. These can't have been easy days, but I know the Lord has been with you.
Hi, I just found your lovely blog. Enjoyed doing a little reading and looking and I'll be back!!
I am glad you are out and about and enjoying the spring weather and good friends.
Good to see you back and with your usual flare. I came up Cowboy boots, too. Sounds like you've having the blessings you need and are adjusting well. I know there has to be many lonely moments, too.
I love it that you have some young friends. I think it adds so much to our lives to associate will all ages.
What a lovely post and how nice to hear you sounding so good! Glad your friends are getting you out and keeping you busy, especially if it does involve PIE! That restaurant sounds yummy! Love the bench with the wings that you were sitting on! Looks like you could just up and fly around and have a great time!
I was so happy to see your new post! Sounds like you've been filling your days with some really fun activities. I took the shoe quiz and it was pretty "on the mark" I am flip flops .
Enjoy all those meals out. Dieting can wait!!
It sounds delightful that you are having so much fun. You deserve it! And I'm starting WW again (at home, by myself) - AGAIN.
So fun to stop by and see this post, dear Myrna...and so glad you are blessed with such wonderful friends.
I loved seeing all the pictures!
So you are Cowboy Boots! You are sticking to your Texas roots, aren't you dear friend? Ha! Ha!
I am happy to read your postings and I am checking out the people you are running with to make sure you are in good company! Just kidding! You have many wonderful friends and that speaks well of you!
God bless you, dear friend! I am glad to know that your friends and family are taking good care of you.
Sweet Myrna~
I so glad that days are looking brighter for you! Get out with friends,laugh and enjoy the sunshine!
God bless,
I hope your not being around lately means that you're busy in an enjoyable way!
Just wanted to check in and wish you a very Happy Mother's Day, dear Myrna. I think about you often. :o)
Love and hugs,
Dear Myrna,
Just wanted to let you know you're in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that all is well with you. Know that your blogging friends care.
Myrna, I hope you are doing ok! I just wanted to stop by and check on you. I am keeping you in my prayers. Please know as others have commented that we are thinking of you, and praying for you.
I saw you out and about a bit today and was glad to see it. Hope to see you again soon!
Just wanted to stop by and let you know I'm thinking of you.
I have missed you and I cannot find your email anywhere. I know that you have experienced a lot of losses recently. No one, absolutely no one could go through the losses you have had without pain.
I heard this song this weekend that has changed my thinking. I have had the opinion that when my ship (ME) pulls up to the shores of heaven that I should have it shining and clean, but in all reality, it should be battered and the sails torn from the raging seas. I am not the anchor, Christ is!
We will be rewarded for the suffering we have gone through. Here is the song:
The Anchor Holds
I have journeyed
Through the long, dark night
Out on the open sea
By faith alone
Sight unknown
And yet His eyes were watching me
The anchor holds
Though the ship is battered
The anchor holds
Though the sails are torn
I have fallen on my knees
As I faced the raging seas
The anchor holds
In spite of the storm
Ive had visions
Ive had dreams
Ive even held them in my hand
But I never knew
They would slip right through
Like they were only grains of sand
I have been young
But I am older now
And there has been beauty
That these eyes have seen
But it was in the night
Through the storms of my life
Oh, thats where God proved
His love to me
I hope this encourages you today. You will be rewarded, my friend, and God will not leave you. When it seems he isn't there, he has picked you up!
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