Laurie at Dance With Sound
amberly at Moments Amid Messes
Leigh Ann at Living to Learn and Learning to Live
Tammy at Family Doin's
cherdecor at cherdecor --Oops! I first said cherdecor did not have a blog. I was wrong. She does and you can find her right there at that link. go on over and visit her! Sorry!
I hope all of these ladies, and all the rest of you, will study along with us in the Fall Bible Study here at Cherish...the word! There are several ways you can participate. I have talked in some detail, about this here. Briefly, you can:
• Find a group near you to enjoy the study in real life. Come to Cherish on Wednesdays and link your post in which you comment about your experiences with your group and in your own individual study of the Word.
• Get a book from Lifeway or Amazon and study along with us with just the book. You will miss the blessing of Beth's video messages, but you will definitely get the meat of the study. Link up with us on Wednesday and tell us about your Bible study experiences.
• Use the book and study along with us. Download the videos or the audio version of Beth's message. Come to Cherish on Wednesdays and link your post with your discussion of your Bible study experience for the week.
I am looking forward to this experience. It is definitely an experiment and a challenge for me. I started the study myself this past week. OH! MY! GOODNESS! It is going to be great! I did the first day's work on the plane coming back from Texas. I'll tell you about that in a post in a few days. Just know I had me some worship time on that plane going over the Mississippi River!
Hope you choose to join us!
I hope you will decide to join us.
Labels: Bible Study, Bloggy Giveaway

You can go over to her place to get the guidelines and get in on the fun!
I've missed Show and Tell for the last couple of weeks.
I'm back and ready to enjoy it again.
This week I'm going to share a simple little box and the story that goes with it.
Part of the story is nostalgic, part is just plain silly!
I found the little mailbox at a craft fair in Maggie Valley. North Carolina about six years ago. We were on a trip with our son, dil, and very young grandson, Luke. I think Luke was about 6 months old at the time. We spent the night in Maggie Valley and enjoyed this craft fair in the middle of town. I found this mailbox with the number 428 on it and knew I had to have it! It is a bank and the PO Box door is an orginal one from an old US post office.
Our family had PO Box 428 for years in the little Texas town where we moved when my Dad, Charlie, married Rachel. My Dad owned the local weekly newspaper. His office/shop was two doors from the Post Office. I worked in the office after school and in the summer. Many times it was my job to go get the mail. So I saw that number a lot. Our mailbox was larger than this one, but I thought it was a good little memento of my family.
The man who was selling these mailboxes told me he could put the number on any box. So, I searched for one that had the combination BIC1/2. I don't mind telling you that combination because that particular Post Office has been replaced and the box with that combination is long gone! Anyway, I settled for FIC. I will tell you in a minute the significance of those letters.
Well--You know I took this trip to Texas last week. During that visit a group of us were at my stepsister's house. Oh! My Word! I have got to do a post on her home before long! Carol is a very meticulous housekeeper. Everything is neat and clean with everything in its place. ALWAYS. She also loves to collect things--Lots of things! I took pictures--You will be amazed! ANYWAY--
I saw this right there on the wall as you start up the stairs. This picture of a mailbox with the number--you guessed it--428--on it. It is difficult to see the number in my photo, but it is there.
I told her about my little mailbox. We laughed out loud. Probably none of the other people there knew why we thought that was so funny. She and I saw the humor immediately.
Here's the silly story--
When we moved to our little town Carol's "Mama." Rachel, and our "Daddy," Charlie, had just married. Therefore, although we had known Carol and her mother for years, we were a new family. There were three girls in the family--my sister Barbara (17), Carol (10), and me(15). Like I say, we had known each other most of Carol's life, but now we were sisters. We were in for lots of firsts.
There were lots of major and important firsts. There was at least one that was pretty minor and unimportant. None of us had ever had a mailbox with a combination. Carol and I came up with the way to remember the combination that I mentioned earlier--BIC1/2. Of course, because we were silly--Barbara Is 1/2 Crazy!
Ha! Ha! Carol and I thought we were so funny! Barbara, on the other hand, was not impressed with our humor. As she told our nephew last week when Carol and I were ROFLOL, "They always picked on me!"
OK--Why did I settle for FIC for the combination of my little memento mailbox? I could not find Barbara Is 1/2 Crazy, but I could have Family Is Crazy.
Labels: Family, Memories, Show and Tell
Friday afternoon my sisters, brother-in-law, and I had time to take a little trip down memory lane. At least it was down memory lane for Barbara and me. Carol and Wimpy have heard some of these stories enough throughout their lives that they probably thought they had lived them also. However, I think Carol may have learned some family history that was new to her on this trip.
We visited Denton that afternoon. My family lived there when I was very young--early 1950s. We moved from there after my mother died in 1953. My Dad passed away in 1989 and both of them are buried there. Our first stop was the cemetery.
I can't tell you the whole story about going to the cemetery. What happens in Denton stays in Denton! I'll just say--We got just a tad lost. We still all love each other--Even if some of us are directionally challenged!
You can tell from this picture that it is the old style cemetery--With large headstones and lots of trees. Carol commented that it is like the cemeteries you see in movies. It is a very quiet and peaceful place.
with her husband, W.M. (AKA Wimpy)

We drove by some of the places that Barbara and I remembered from our early childhood years. We went through downtown. This stately courthouse is in the center of downtown. They don't build such ornate courthouses anymore, do they?
Another interesting building that we remember well is on the campus of Texas Women's University. It is the Little Chapel in the Woods. Our older sister was married there in 1953. she was a student at what was then known as Texas State College for Women. Our niece, Paula, was married there just a few years ago. She graduated from TWU.
Barbara and I remember coming to the campus with mother often to visit the gardens just outside the chapel. At that time we lived just a block from the campus.
Interestingly, Carol's mother, my stepmother, also attended this college. Carol remembered some of the stories that Rachel used to tell about going to school in Denton.
We drove past the last place our family lived in Denton. The house is no longer there. A small apartment complex was built on that lot years ago. Most of the other houses on the block are still there. Barbara and I reminisced about our childhood friends. lemonade stands, roller skating, and other childhood pastimes. Barbara could name every child in every family on that street! Amazing!
We lived in this house before moving to the last Denton house. It is certainly showing its age now. It was never a mansion, but it was home. My family moved several times when I was very young. This is the first house I remember vividly. I was probably two or three when we moved to it. See the little step to the porch? That's where I broke my arm running to ask Mother for money for the ice cream man!
I know you may be thinking, "She said she was going to Texas to see her brother. Where is he?" He was busy with other things on Friday afternoon. So, we took that time to go on this little memory lane trip. I will share the rest of the Texas trip another day.
I appreciate so much the expressions of concern and the prayer pledges that so many blogging friends left in my comments last week. Thank you! I had a wonderful visit with my brother. He was upbeat and determined. His family is supportive of him and will take good care of him and his precious wife. I'm sure they would appreciate your continued prayers as they face this uncertain season of their lives.
In the course of the weekend I visited a model home that my nephew just finished, my sister's house--decorated in what we decided to call, "unique nostalgic eclectic" style, and some places where family memories were made. I'll share some of that part of my trip during the next few days.
Today I'll share the part of the trip that gave me a few new gray hairs--Dallas roadways! I got this in an email today from a Texas driver. It describes what I experienced perfectly! I was on Beltline (It does go forever with no end!), Preston Road, and more than one freeway. I was also lost in Denton for a little while (but that's one of those stories best left untold) and I think we were behind a Mercedes at lesast once. Keep reading--you'll understand what I mean!

First, you must learn to pronounce the city name. It is DAL-LUS, or DAA-LIS, depending on if you live inside or outside LBJ Freeway.
Next, if your Mapsco is more than a few weeks old, throw it out and buy a new one. If in Denton County and your Mapsco is one-day-old , then it is already obsolete.
Forget the traffic rules you learned elsewhere. Dallas has its own version of traffic rules..."Hold on and pray."
There is no such thing as a dangerous high-speed chase in Dallas. We all drive like that.
All directions start with "Get on Beltline," which has no beginning and no end. (It REALLY DOESN''T!)
The morning rush hour is from 6 to 10. The evening rush is from 3 to 7. Friday's rush hour starts Thursday morning.
If you actually stop at a yellow light, you will be rear-ended, cussed out and possibly shot.
When you are the first one on the starting line, count to five when the light turns green before going to avoid crashing with all the drivers running the red light in cross-traffic.
Construction on Central Expressway is a way of life and is a permanent form of entertainment. We had sooo much fun with that, we have added George Bush Turnpike and the "High 5" to the mix.
If someone actually has his or her turn signal on it is probably a factory defect.
Car horns are actually "Road Rage" indicators--and remember, it's legal to be armed in Texas...
All elderly ladies with blue hair in a Mercedes have the right of way, Period.
And remember, it's legal to be armed in Texas...
Inwood Road, Plano Road, NW HIghway, East Grand, Garland Road, Marsh Lane, Josey Lane, 15th Street, and Preston Road, all mysteriously change names as you cross intersections.
The North Dallas Tollway is our daily version of NASCAR. The minimum acceptable speed on the Dallas North Toll Road is 85 mph.
A trip across town east to west will take a minimum of four hours, although many north/south freeways have unposted minimum speeds of 75.
It is possible to be driving WEST in the NORTH-bound lane of EAST NORTHWEST Highway. Don't let this confuse you.
Final Warning: Don't Mess with Texas Drivers...remember, it's legal to be armed in Texas.
Labels: Family
This is a Sticky Post for the Bible Study Giveaway.
Original date: 8/24/07
It will stay here until Thursday night 8/30/07 about midnight.
I will announce the winners on Friday.
Scroll past this for my current post.

I know! I know! I promised you a surprise on Thursday! Well, Thursday went by in a blur at my house--More about that in a little bit. I promised a surprise and I plan to deliver. Here we go!
Fall Bible Study at Cherish...the word!
A Woman's Heart
by Beth Moore
Fall Bible Study Giveaway!
Yes, I said FIVE!
Five of these!

While the title is familiar, the content for this in-depth video teaching series is all new and rich in detail.
Taken primarily from the Book of Exodus, A Woman’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place by Beth Moore will take you on a fascinating journey into why God would chose to live in a wilderness tabernacle, made by human hands.
Taped in Beth’s home church in Houston, this updated edition of A Woman’s Heart contains all new video footage and exciting new graphics. Regardless of whether you studied Beth Moore’s first LifeWay study years ago, you’ll find A Woman’s Heart well worth another visit."
This giveaway is very simple. Just leave me a comment on this post and let me know you would like to be included in the drawing. Be sure you leave a valid email address so I can get in touch with you concerning your real address.
I will leave this post up until next Thursday, 8/30. Then I will either have a drawing or use a random number generator to pick the winners--depending on how many participate. (I'm not making a ginormous number of little slips with names on them like I did for the last giveaway!)
If you do not know about Fall Bible Study at Cherish...the word! you can read my Wednesday post to get all the info. I hope you will consider joining us for this study. I think it will be great to learn together!
I am going to Texas to visit my brother. He has been diagnosed with a recurrence of cancer and is in the process of beginning radiation and chemo. My sister--who also lives in Texas but not in the same city--and I decided to go visit him this weekend. Our stepsister, who lives near my brother, will also be with us. We are going to love on him and give him our support as he begins this battle. He had surgery last year for this cancer. At his spring check-up there was no sign of cancer. Last week his doctors found that it had returned.
I wrote about my brother and his wife when they celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary in July. He is my only brother and is very special in my life. I am praying that God will use these doctors to provide a miracle. I love him and his whole precious family so very much.
This is going to be a quick trip. Some of you have read about my husband's illness. It is not easy for me to decide to be gone for several days. However, our sons will be with Lee while I am gone. He will be well cared for. I think they're planning a MAN Weekend! That's means non-stop sports--talk, TV, fantasy team strategizing, reminiscing about their own "glory days", etc! They probably won't even notice I'm gone!
You're not likely to see a post from me this weekend. I may be around reading and commenting a little bit. I'll be back early next week. Please keep my whole family in your prayers this weekend.
My plane leaves in 8 hours. I need to get some sleep!
Labels: Bible Study, Bloggy Giveaway, Family

Fall Bible Study
At Cherish…the Word!
A Woman’s Heart--Updated
By Beth Moore
So, here is the extra kick to Fall Bible Study @ Cherish… the Word. I want you to come over to my place once a week, and we’ll share Bible study together with Beth. You will need to do your individual study before we meet weekly at Cherish... Here are some ways you can do that:
• Join a Bible study group in your area. There may be one at your church or somewhere else in your community. If you don’t know of one, you can look on the Bible Study Group Bulletin Board at Living Proof Ministries.
• You could purchase A Woman’s Heart Bible Study Kit and invite a group of friends to your house to study together. The Leader Guide in the kit gives you all the information you need. I assure you it would be a double blessing for you. It’s not particularly cheap—maybe you can find one to borrow! ☺
• You could study by yourself or with a friend. You will need the printed group member book and access to the videos, or the audio component of the videos. Now, you know there are all kinds of copyright laws and things that keep me from being able to share Beth’s videos and the printed study on my blog. I can’t run over to YouTube and throw the video on there, and I can’t copy the study for you on my blog. However, you can go to LifeWay and download, for a fee, the videos. There is also an audio component available at LifeWay and on iTunes. The printed member books are available for purchase online through LifeWay and at Lifeway stores.
By the way—I do not work for LifeWay Christian Resources or Living Proof Ministries. I am not being paid by either of these organizations. I simply wanted to host a blogging Bible study activity at Cherish…the Word! I have completed several of Beth’s studies, have been privileged to be at the taping of some of them, and love her as a sister in Christ. I was excited when this update was available and chose to use it for this experimental Bible study journey.
If you have ever read the LPM Blog, you know that Beth and her daughter, Amanda--who manages the blog—do love their “blogging Sistas!” If you have not stopped by their blog you have missed a blessing. I suggest you hurry over there. And--After all, I did discover the wonderful world of blogging through the LPM blog! You can read about that here. I did let Beth know about the idea for this blogging study. Her response was typical Beth. Something about the hairs sticking up on her arms and chill bumps! If you “know” her, you understand that. She ended with, “Myrna, I cannot say AMEN loudly enough! YOU GO, GIRL!
My real life study group is going to meet in my home on Monday evenings. I will put up my discussion notes from the week’s study by Wednesday 12:00AM EST (that’s Tuesday 11:00 PM where I live). I will have a Mr. Linky up.
You can sign up on Mr. Linky for us to come back to your place. You will share a summary of what you learned in your own study, a wrap-up of what people in your group had to say, pictures of irl friends at your group meeting (with their permission, of course), or whatever creative thing you come up with that will enrich our Bible study. You can grab the Fall Bible Study Button for your site. When we get started, I will ask that you leave a comment on my blog when you link up.
Each week I will offer one or two discussion starter ideas for the next week. You are certainly welcome to base your posts on your personal perspective, or that of others in your group. Some people will appreciate the discussion starter suggestions; some will have something else relevant they prefer to talk about. Either way works for me.
I would like to emphasize that I want this endeavor to glorify and honor the Lord. You may want to tell a funny story about your Bible study group, share an anecdote, etc. And that is OK—as long as you have permission from you group, that’s your choice and responsibility. We definitely want to have fun and fellowship along the way! But, please, remember that this is a Bible study, and we want to focus on what we have learned from the Bible as we have fun with our girlfriends!
There are eleven weeks in the study. It starts with a video Introduction in which Beth sets the stage for us. Each of the ten week’s lessons includes five days of readings and a video message by Beth that will “bless your socks off.”
Come over to Cherish… the Word between September 5-September 11 for any updates about the study and for the discussion starter ideas for the Introduction session. And--BTW--Come back tomorrow for another bit of news!
I just can’t wait to get started! I’ve been thinking and praying about this for a long time. Now I have committed to it by posting the details. I invite you to join me, and let’s just enjoy what God has in store for us!
Here’s the schedule for Fall Bible Study at Cherish…the Word!
September 19 Lesson 1 Broken Hearts, Broken Ties
September 26 Lesson 2 New Starts and Barren Hearts
October 3 Lesson 3 Prepared Hearts
October 10 Lesson 4 Hearts Approaching the Altar
October 17 Lesson 5 Hearts in Fellowship
October 24 Lesson 6 The Heart of a Servant
October 31 Lesson 7 A Heart That Interceded
November 7 Lesson 8 Hearts Beyond the Veil
November 14 Lesson 9 The Heart of the Testimony
November 21 My home group will likely take the week off because of school holidays. If we choose to do that, we will finish up the next week. If we take the week off, I will plan a special Bible Study activity for blogging friends that week. Stay connected to find out what we will do!
November 28 Lesson 10 Mended Hearts, Eternal Ties
Mark your calendar,
get your book,
and be ready to start
September 12!
Remember to come back here tomorrow--A surprise for you!
Labels: Bible Study, Faith

She says, "It's the time of the week for Alphabet Soup.
Today's list of pleasantries is brought to you by the Letter F.
This is our opportunity to show the world
there are some good words
that begin with the Letter F."
Go on over to MG's and sign up!
1. Family--Where would I be without all the people who are in my life because we share the same name or lineage. Love 'em!
2. Faith--the foundation of my life.
3. Frappuccino--I'll have a White Chocolate Mocha, please!
4. Friends--Real life friends are priceless. Blogging friends are a fun blessing.
5. Festivities--I love a party!
6. Flight--I love traveling to new, exciting, peaceful, or familiar places! I'm easy to please when it comes to traveling!
7. Flowers--This was a surprise! I was working on my list of words beginning with F when the door bell rang. The picture below shows what was on the other side of the front door. My precious husband knows I've been having some struggles the last few days. He sent this to cheer me up! It's working! Every time I walk past them I smile and my spirits get a lift!
fantastic, fearless, faith-filled,
and maybe even frilly,
Labels: Alphabet Soup, Just Having Fun
Psalm 55:8 (NIV)
I would hurry to my place of shelter,
far from the tempest and the storm.
Psalm 55:15-17 (NIV)
16 But I call to God,
and the LORD saves me.
17 Evening, morning, and noon
I cry out in distress,
and he hears my voice.
Psalm 26:2 (NIV)
Hear my cry for mercy
as I call to you for help,
as I lift up my hands
toward you Most Holy Place.
Psalm 121:1-2 (NIV)
1 I lift up my eyes to the hills--
where does my help come from?!
2 My help comes from the LORD,
the maker of heaven and earth.
Anyway, I just haven't had time or emotional energy for much blogging. Now, I'm ready for a little diversion from real life, so I'm ba-a-a-a-ck! Just in time for some quick Saturday updates.
First--Thank you for the comments and emails in response to my call for help. Several people responded. Bloggers are great! Leigh Ann, aka Momma Roar, has made me a great button using a picture I already had ready. I was surprised and delighted that she was able to complete it so quickly. Talented girl, that one! Thanks, friend!
Now--On to some family fare!
Son Kevin and his family have been here for awhile this weekend. Joshua plays on a "traveling" soccer team. They were playing a tournament nearby, so we enjoyed their company last night and today. Holly, Joshua, and I went shopping this morning and had lunch out. Joshua is such a good shopper--His mother and Nanny (other grandmother) have trained him well! :-)
Our shopping trip included stops at Books-*-Mi**ion and Di*k's Sports. There is a new shopping area near my home. It has some great stores and restaurants--several I'm not familiar with. The sports store was new to me. They have everything--even pink/purple Princess soccer balls, footballs, and basketballs--small ones. I may have found Christmas presents for Miss Ella! lol
Holly found a canopy for their family for soccer games. It will get them out of the sun and keep them a few degrees cooler. They were planning to use it for the first time this afternoon. Of course they got it just in time for the "cool" weather we are having--It's all the way down to 99 and 98 from three digits. Sheesh! Will we ever get back to normal?!!
that she can also use in her classroom. I found a new Karen Kin*Joshua and I share the love of reading , so the visit to the book store was great! We explored all the new series books. He showed me the ones he is interested in and we got the last one for a series I had given him for his birthday. Holly found some good books for Joshua and Spoonythat she can also use in her classroom. I discovered a new Karen K*ngsb*ry book. I could have spent the rest of the day in the bookstore!
We finished our excursion with lunch at NYPD Deli--Wonderful pizza and Calzones. After we ate ours, we brought more home for Kevin, Poppy, and Spoony! Poppy/Lee loves Greek salad and they had the real thing. He enjoyed it very much! I'd say we had a successful shopping trip.
Oh--except for one thing! I forgot to take the camera. That is one blogging habit I have not perfected. I have to work on that!
I did take pictures of one thing this week. Well, actually dil, Audre', took the pics at our house. Luke came over after school on Wednesday. I think that is going to be a regular, but not every day, thing since Mom is teaching. He is going to spend about an hour with us on occasional afternoons. His carpool will bring him here to stay until Mom gets here from her school. Both schools are near us and have the same hours, so he won't be here long--Just long enough to eat some ice cream. That is his favorite treat at Grandmama and Poppy's!
Audre' took pictures of Luke in his school "uniform." The school system here has started a Standard School Attire policy this year. Students must wear combinations limited to khaki, navy, or black pants, skirts, jumpers, shorts, etc. and white or navy tops with collars. Each school can choose four additional colors for tops.
I think the kids look very nice, neat, and cute in their SSA. Luke's school allows white, navy, blue, red, yellow, and green. Some schools have put pink in the mix--Got to take care of the princesses among us! They also have some things they can add like vests, jackets, etc.--But everything has to conform to the colors and other policies. If you have loops you MUST wear a belt and all shirts must be tucked in. No more baggin' saggin' pants, no jeans, no midriffs showing, etc.
Luke is pictured above in his navy and yellow version of SSA. Of course, he was not in the habit of wearing baggin', saggin' clothes before the new policy! I do think he makes a cute little model. Oh, yes! He does wear shoes to school! :-)
I think I may actually get this posted before Saturday is over. I'll see you tomorrow with a song and some scripture for Sunday.
Labels: Bloggy Business, Family, Grandchild Fun
• Can you recommend someone who can make a button super fast?
• Is there anyone reading who can make a button quickly? I would, of course, be willing to pay extra for speedy service!
• Can someone give me terrific directions for putting one together myself? I have some artwork I can use, but I don't really know what to do with it. Just not that techy!
• Any other suggestions?
Thanks for sharing any advice or suggestions you have.
Labels: Bible Study, Bloggy Business

All of the school age grands start back to school.
Three of the adults also begin the school year as teachers.
Oh! The excitement! The anticipation! The fun!
The end of vacation!
Joshua is entering fifth grade. In his school that is the last year of elementary school. That makes him in the last grade and oldest group in his school. He is an excellent student. However, I think that, at this stage, a lot of thought and energy at the beginning of school focuses on the social aspects of life. Oh dear, do I see preadolescence behavior sneaking into the picture?!
Luke is very serious about school beginning. He is going to a new school and is excited about that. He already knows several children in the first grade at his new school and is sort of, in a six-year-old way, looking forward to seeing them at school. He is thrilled that he is going to the same school his Daddy went to when he was a little boy.
Ella enjoys being with her "fren's" at preschool. She always has a good time--particularly when she can be in charge! She will also enjoy being with her Mom on the days they stay at home!
Three of our four adult children are teachers, so they also start a new year today. Our older son, Greg, is an English teacher and basketball coach at an academic magnet high school. Greg's wife, Audre', is resuming her teaching career part-time after being home since Ella was born. She will be teaching reading on a job-share basis at a nearby elementary school. This is a new venture for her because she has always taught middle school. It was a terrific and unexpected job offer that was exactly what she needed at this time. (God always has a plan, you know). Holly, our other dil, is teaching fourth grade this year. She has the convenience and joy of teaching in the same school the boys attend.
Kevin, our younger son, is not a teacher. He works as a CPA and does a lot of volunteer coaching. When the family is together Lee and Kevin have almost learned to tolerate the rest of us when we get started on "school talk."
So, there you have it.! They are all off on new adventures today. We pray the Lord's blessing and guidance for them and all the other children and teachers starting a new school year.
Labels: Family
Nahum 1:13 (NIV)
Now I will break their yoke from your neck
and tear your shackles away.
Psalm 63:4 (NIV)
I will praise you as long as I live,
and in your name will I lift up my hands.
So, it's time for me to start catching up on some blogging fun! I have several bloggy things that have been waiting on me to feel like having some fun. It will take several posts for me to take care of all of them. I will take them in no particular order. Today we will have a little name fun!
Several days ago Chris at Frazzled Farm Wife tagged me with this creative name game. Chris, I could never top the "corny" artwork you produced! You can see other art work if you visit
Susan, Leigh Ann, or Pen of Jen . I'm sure there are others out there.
If I have included someone who has already done this little activity, you are definitely excused from passing it on. After all, how many times can you write names in some different way!:-) For you others, the choice is also yours--pass it on, or not. Oh, and you can include as many, or as few, names as you want. anyone else who would like to join in--Have at it! Please let me know if you do so I can be sure to view your contribution to the game. Have fun!
Directions: My challenge to my blog friends is this: write 8 of your blog friends names in a unique way and post them. Then come back over and let me know. You must write the blogger's name that tagged you, then add 7 others. Be creative and if possible use the natural wonders of the world! I cheated just a little there--However, I think my computer and the internet are wonders of the world. Natural??--Maybe not so much!
All of these people make me smile, so I'm sending a smile and a wink (A smile and wink are natural wonders--use your imagination). Have a great day!

Chris is the Frazzled Farm Wife. I love keeping up with life on the farm--harvesting, barn raisin's, etc. She also has a great family that is always busy!

Susie can be found at Susie's Space. She writes beautifully about the happening's in her family. Earlier this year she wrote a lovely
Midlife Mom, "Minnie", lives at Home on the Range. She is grandmother to two sweet children. I love her stories about Maine, which I think is one of the most beautiful places on earth. I also enjoy hearing about Buddy and MM's other horses. a very interesting place to visit!

Becky is The Butler's Wife. She tells her stories with a dose of humor. She has been busy, busy, busy this summer. I think she is trying to get all her retirement projects done so she can make a new list! :-)
Linda is found at Middle Years. Linda always seems to know just what I need to hear. She writes often inspirational posts, but also tells interesting family and personal stories. Like so many blogging friends, Linda is one of those people I'm sure I would enjoy knowing irl. On top of everything else she lives in Texas--I do love the home country!

Dawn, Just Call Me Grandma Dawn is a relatively new blogging friend! She is, obviously, another grandmother who loves those precious little ones. She also has a connection to the education field, which was where I used to hang out. I'm enjoying getting to know her.
Here's a smile for you! I could stay here sending out smiles for a long time. However, my husband thinks he might like to eat today, and I think I might join him. So, I guess I better go take care of that little detail of life. Hope all of you are having a great weekend!
Labels: Friendships, Just Having Fun

You can go over to her place to get all the up-dated guidelines and get in on the fun!
It was a gift from my family.
Last year I retired from a career of thirty plus years as an educator. I declined having a reception in my honor at school because my husband's illness would not allow him to attend. My family wanted to have a celebration, so they planned a party at our house. It was a wonderful afternoon and the perfect blend of people from several different schools where I had worked over the past thirty years.
Not being a tech expert :-) I have not been able to figure out how to enable you to see the details clearly. So I'm going to show you the way it is displayed in our home and the people who gave it to me.
On the left side you see contributions from brothers Spoony and Joshua.
On the right you find the work of the brother-sister team, Luke and Ella.
Joshua, nine and in fourth grade, composed a poem for his contribution:
To help kids learn and grow
So they won't be down low.
Grandmama is great.
There is no debate!
Ella, gave me a beautiful two-year-old hand print and decorated it with vibrant stickers. A princess has to have some pink hearts, you know!
This is the last part of the prayer--
"Thank you again, Father, for gracing our family with such a wonderful wife, mother, and grandmother. She has been a model of Your grace in all areas of our lives. We love her more than our words can express. Please reward her with a crown of righteousness for being the fruit of the Spirit before us.
In the mighty name of Jesus, amen."
Labels: Family, Precious Husband, Show and Tell
Sometimes There is Power In Numbers?
Sometimes, life, or at least an event in life, doesn't turn out exactly the way you think it might. Maybe that's a good thing , maybe it's a disappointment!
For example--Just assume you are out for a stroll with your family. There you are, ambling right along, minding your own business. Suddenly life changes! You might have a warning, or maybe you don't. Danger definitely lurks! Maybe you cause it! Maybe you run from it. Maybe you try to stand it off. Or maybe...
Watch this little video to see what I mean! Then tell us in your comment what you learned. Be sure to tell us whose perspective you are taking.
Labels: Random Thoughts
You know, sometimes real life just demands some attention. Some of you are aware that Lee, my husband, has a disabling condition. He is doing OK. However, we have seen better days. We had what I call an "up and down night," on Monday night. When we are in that mode I feel a bit sleep deprived. Those are the days I don't get much blogging, or anything else, done. Today we are expecting special company. So--again not much time for blogging. Real life has to take precedence.
Just thought I'd let you know--When you don't see me for a few days it is usually because we are going through an "up and down time." Please pray that we will both feel God's presence during these days and nights. I'll see you soon!
Labels: Bloggy Business, Precious Husband
2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
he is a new creation;
the old has gone, the new has come!
Mark 1:11 (NIV)
"You are my Son, whom I love;
with you I am well pleased."
John 3:16 (NIV)
For God so loved the world
that he gave his one and only Son.
that whoever believes in him
shall not perish but have eternal life.
Jeremiah 17:7-8 (NIV)
7 But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD,
whose confidence is in him.
8 He will be like a tree planted by the water
that send out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit."
Psalm 27:1-3 (NIV)
1 The LORD is my light and my salvation-
whom shall I fear:
The LORD is the stronghold of my life--
of whom shall I be afraid?
2 When evil men advance against me
to devour my flesh,
when my enemies and my foes attack me,
they will stumble and fall.
3 Though an army besiege me,
my heart will not fear;
though war break out against me,
even then will I be confident.

She explains it this way:"Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!
Yay! It's Friday!
This week I'm going to share another little collection that I treasure.
I shared my small doll collection in an earlier Show and Tell.
I have a couple of other collections on the same set of shelves with the dolls.
Today I'm going to show you what I call my "reading figurines."
Most of these have been given to me by some really fine people;
some I have found myself and added to the group.
in their spot on the shelves in my back hallway.
(Click on the pictures in this post for an enlarged view).
These little Precious Moments figurines were some the first in the collection. The one on the left of the little lady reading to her dog was given to me by my husband.The other one, of a teacher holding a report card, was given to me by friends of my older son when they stayed in our home on a visit to Nashville. I include it in this collection because I certainly assigned plenty of reading grades in my time as a teacher!
This beautiful piece was given to me by my husband several years ago. He said it reminded him of me. I guess he has seen me read more than one book!
This Lladro figurine was given to me by the mother of one of my students about twenty years ago. I have always loved it. It reminds me of the importance of sharing books with children when they are very young.
There are actually a few more figurines in the collection. They are too large for the shelf and are still packed away from the trip from my office to our house when I retired last year. Someday I will find a place for them here at home and they will come out of retirement.
There are plenty more great things to see at other places.
Be sure to go to Kelli's to get the links.
Labels: Show and Tell