Monday, August 13, 2007
Back to School!

All of the school age grands start back to school.
Three of the adults also begin the school year as teachers.
Oh! The excitement! The anticipation! The fun!
The end of vacation!
Joshua is entering fifth grade. In his school that is the last year of elementary school. That makes him in the last grade and oldest group in his school. He is an excellent student. However, I think that, at this stage, a lot of thought and energy at the beginning of school focuses on the social aspects of life. Oh dear, do I see preadolescence behavior sneaking into the picture?!
Luke is very serious about school beginning. He is going to a new school and is excited about that. He already knows several children in the first grade at his new school and is sort of, in a six-year-old way, looking forward to seeing them at school. He is thrilled that he is going to the same school his Daddy went to when he was a little boy.
Ella enjoys being with her "fren's" at preschool. She always has a good time--particularly when she can be in charge! She will also enjoy being with her Mom on the days they stay at home!
Three of our four adult children are teachers, so they also start a new year today. Our older son, Greg, is an English teacher and basketball coach at an academic magnet high school. Greg's wife, Audre', is resuming her teaching career part-time after being home since Ella was born. She will be teaching reading on a job-share basis at a nearby elementary school. This is a new venture for her because she has always taught middle school. It was a terrific and unexpected job offer that was exactly what she needed at this time. (God always has a plan, you know). Holly, our other dil, is teaching fourth grade this year. She has the convenience and joy of teaching in the same school the boys attend.
Kevin, our younger son, is not a teacher. He works as a CPA and does a lot of volunteer coaching. When the family is together Lee and Kevin have almost learned to tolerate the rest of us when we get started on "school talk."
So, there you have it.! They are all off on new adventures today. We pray the Lord's blessing and guidance for them and all the other children and teachers starting a new school year.
Labels: Family
How exciting. The only other job that is more rewarding is parenting. Of course, I am partial to the teaching profession. And I love to learn!
Blessings for each of them in the new school year. Our E starts next Monday. And as you know, I DON'T!!!
Myrna, come and see your name written in buttons!
It does feel good letting someone else make the decisions. I like that freedom of retirement.
Blessings on a new school year for all of them.
The first day of school is always exciting. May they all have a blessed year!
I hope you are staying cool today!
The start of school is always so exciting! Good luck to all of them!
God bless :)
Thanks for sharing about each of these children and grandchildren and their school experience coming up. It is an exciting time. Our 8 year old grandson, Aric, will start next Monday in the 3rds grade. He is here with Grandpa and I today. Of course we began the day with a trip to the doughnut shop:O) Do you think dad let's him have doughnuts for breakfast? What are grandpartents for......spoiling?
There is such an excitement at the beginning of a new school year - I always loved it (except I didn't enjoy teaching after all). But I still work in a school setting, and it's exciting every year. Our granddaughter starts kindergarten soon. Unbelievable. She'll only be 5 on August 31.
Wow your school starts early! Our kids go back the 5th of September. T is going to be in K and she is all excited. I got her some new school clothes today most of them with horses on them somewhere.
I'm still trying to come up with a creative Name Game! Sometimes I'm a little slow with things?! heehee! Some days I'm a little slow with everything!
Myrna...great blog!!! I enjoy so much reading about "out family", and the many blessings we have received from our Father. You write so well....Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
I Love You, Wanda
What a great post! I am so excited for Luke and Ella also. I know they will have a great year. I love you!
Yes, it is back to school time. My husband, myself, and all 3 kids went back to school this week. It's always good, but we so enjoy being home all summer together. I always go into mourning for a week or two.
I hope everybody had a great first day!!
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