Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Alphabet Soup--Brought to You By the Letter K
A good way to start the day--or, for a break in the middle of the day--or, even, to end the day. Yes, thinking of things that are good in your life is a just a good thing anytime. Alphabet Soup is the brain child of Morning Glory over at Seeds From My Garden. Go on over and see what she has for you today.

I love KNOWING that these K things are in my life and plan to KEEP them around as long as possible.

Kevin--Our younger son. Kevin and his family are delightful! We love all of them dearly! Kevin is also the "money guy" for us. Having a CPA in the family certainly comes in handy at tax time and when we have other money related questions. This is also amusing to his Dad and me. At an earlier time in his life we would never have seen him in that role! I'm just sayin'!

BTW, you can meet his wife, Holly, at Soccer Mom.

Knowledge--I have always loved learning! There were times in my life when others would never have guessed this! I had TOO MUCH FUN! in High School and Freshman year in college for people to see me as a serious scholar! :-) But the learning bug did take hold later--I even went so far as to get a doctor's degree (Ed.D)! I know, I know! Why?! Well, I wanted to. AND--There was a great scholarship attached to it.

Kookies--Yeah, some one who loves knowledge should know how to spell better than that! But kookies (cookies) are good--especially chocolate chip ones.

Kisses--Yep, I can't leave those out. Of course kisses from the husband are nice--but I love those little grandchild kisses, too!

Kicks--I have spent many hours watching little children (sons and grandchildren) kicking a soccer ball. Fun! Fun! I don't get to go to the games as much now, but we enjoy the videos the parents occasionally share with us. Nothing like watching children learn what competition is all about--and how to play on a team.

Kids--Naturally, I love my kids and our grandkids! However, I had a professional career that was dedicated to kids--and knowledge. What a combination!
There are not many things in life more rewarding than watching, and helping, a child learn!

What K things are in your life? Why not share them with us. Leave me a comment so I can come to your place to read your list. Also--Be sure to let Morning Glory know you're joining in. She'll definitely want to come read your list.

Have a Fun and Safe Halloween!

For me, Halloween is all about children having fun. Our neighborhood does not have through streets or a lot of vehicle traffic--just the people who live here. Actually there is no reason for anyone to cut through the neighborhood--You would just end up in the lake on one side or the woods of a restricted reserve and National Historical Landmark on the other. Which, of course, makes it the perfect place for trick-or-treating.

We have lots of little ones who come by for candy. It is not unusual to have over 130 kids between 6 and 8 o'clock. There is a carnival atmosphere throughout the neighborhood. Families with children in wagons, a few decorated golf carts, and a couple of flat bed trucks with loads of kids--in addition to the groups walking with flashlights--are likely to be here. I close the door and turn off the light when it is obvious that all the little ones have gone home to bed. I'm not really into giving candy to older teenagers!

So--I've got to go get the candy ready for the big night! The weather is supposed to be dry and cool, but not cold. Which means--I better be ready for 'em, cause they will be a comin'!

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  posted at 12:02 AM  

At October 31, 2007 at 2:00 PM, Blogger Dawn said...

I"m with you on the big kids trick or trating. But we're never home for the little ones, because we have a big thing at church called Light in the Night. It brings in people from the neighborhood, and we usually gain a few families for our church each year. Lots of work, but worth it!

At October 31, 2007 at 2:25 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

K is a Keeper!!

Those are good ones. I'd have to add kindness, knitting, and kin. I tried to get all kreative with K words to write you a krafty little komment but my brain is fried.

At October 31, 2007 at 4:54 PM, Blogger someone else said...

Great K words, Myrna. I'm glad you joined in.

At November 1, 2007 at 12:35 AM, Blogger Tammy said...

Loved your letter K meme!

Wow, you do get a lot of kids coming to your house! We ended up just taking the girls to a few on our street, very early in the evening, and then off to a church harvest party. But even when I do stay home to give out treats, there doesn't seem to be all that many...we're lucky to get 20!

At November 1, 2007 at 11:45 AM, Blogger Susie said...

Great K Meme! Mine was full of misspellings ;)


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