Thursday, October 4, 2007
A Meme "Four" You

Just "Four" Fun!
I was sent this in an email recently.
I decided to use it as a Meme and send it on to you!
1. Office Assistant in College Dorm
2. Secretary/Writer/Printing Assistant/General Flunky in
Weekly Newspaper Office
3. Teacher
4. Principal
Four Places I Have Lived
1. Gomez, Texas
2. Lubbock, Texas
3. Ft. Worth, Texas
4. Chillicothe, Texas
Four Places I Have Been on Vacation
1. Bahamas
2. Santa Fe, New Mexico
3. Nova Scotia, Canada
4. Mackinac, Michigan
Four of My Favorite Foods1. Almost Anything Mexican
2. Mesquite Barbecued Brisket
3. Greek Salad
4. Cr*acker Bar*rel Breakfast
Four Places I'd Rather Be Right Now
I'm Really OK Right Here; But--I'm Just Sayin"
1. Island of Patmos, Greece
2. An Inn in Maine
3. Lake Barkley, Kentucky
4. A Movie--With a Co*ke and Some Popcorn
Four Places I'd Rather Not Be Right Now
1. Grocery Store
2. Cleaning Bathrooms
3. Hospital
4. Principals Meeting--Oh, Yeah, I don't do that anymore! Yippee!
Four People You Are Tagging for This Meme
I tend not to tag specific people very often.
Don't want to limit the fun, don'cha know!
If you have things to tell us--
Just Go "Four" It!
Let me know so I can come over to see your list.
I tend not to tag specific people very often.
Don't want to limit the fun, don'cha know!
If you have things to tell us--
Just Go "Four" It!
Let me know so I can come over to see your list.
Labels: Meme Fun
Always fun reading these.
I always like the meme's to learn more about my blogging buddies. I did that one on e-mail too a while ago. If I ever get my act together from all that's going on here I should do it on a post.
Thanks for stopping by even though I have been rather absent lately due to my work load for the craft fair. I sewed for about 6 hours yesterday so think I will take a break today and get caught up on reading posts.
Yes I am getting my stuff ready for the Halloween Swap and hope to have it in the mail today. It's so much fun isn't it?
My MRI results were okay thankfully. I do have to see a neuralogist spelling???? for another opinion though. Am waiting for the date for that. It was a good sign that it didn't bleed after hitting my head a few weeks ago. God is good isn't He?!!
This was fun, Myrna!
(And since I home school, I was about to download that "four" page for my Kindergartener...LOL)
You are a Texas girl. I've been to Mackinac, I've been a teacher, I love Mexican. Love your where you'd rather be list :) oh and the places you'd rather not be. The one that really cracks me up is the principals meeting one...
Myrna, I enjoyed your meme. We would, not surprisingly, be alike in a few areas, although I have never been to Texas except on a layover.
Mexican Food, Greek Salad, and that Inn in Maine -- I am all over those. In fact, a Greek Salad while staying in Maine would be perfectly acceptable.
Glad to hear your Cardinals are back. I enjoy that lovely couple that has made our back yard their home year round. They are fun to watch as they visit, eat, raise their family, and eat some more.
Oh, those are good. I might have to do this one in a few days. I love your answers...especially the cleaning the bathroom one!! =o)
That was fun to read, Myrna! I love Mexican food too..YUM!!!
I have only lived one place in my life and that is Houston, Texas...
Boy, I know you are glad to be retired right now.
I played the meme and it's up at my site. Have a wonderful weekend...
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