Saturday, October 27, 2007
Well, Hello!
I am so far behind on reading and posting--I may have to reintroduce myself! I will be around to talk to friends as soon as I can. I appreciate the emails and comments I have received from some of my blogging friends checking up on me. Thank you for caring.
It just seems like life came crashing down on me and I needed some time to myself. So--for the last couple of weeks I have been staying in quiet mode. I have been reading some of my Fall Into Reading selections, doing some Bible study, and spending time taking care of Lee and me. Oh--and I started a never-ending closet cleaning project. Here's some highlights of my time off--in no particular order--
• I won an award!
My sweet dil gave me the Sweet Treat To Read Award. Thank you, Holly. I'm so glad I have the privilege of being your mil! Now to pass along this sweet treat! I'm sure several of you already have this award. I could name every single one of the people I read on a regular basis. I enjoy them all! However, that would take all day! So I'll just pick, hmmm? OK, here we go--
Kelli at There Is No Place Like Home Who doesn't love Show and Tell?! I also enjoy Kelli's pleasant and gracious way of inviting us into her home. There is always something lovely to see and admire! AND--She lives in the great state of Texas--can't get any sweeter than that!
Becky at The Butler's Wife Becky is truly one of the sweetest people I know--Blogging and IRL. She is kind, generous, and creative. On top of that, she cares about the environment! Her blog reflects all of that and more. I'm proud to call her friend!
• I got great mail! I received one very special package. I feel a badly that I haven't shared it with you yet. In fact, I thought I might show you, in this post, the beautiful table runner that I won at Becky's giveaway on her 200th post. However, I have decided it deserves its own spotlight. I'm going to save it for Friday's Show and Tell. I know, I know, that makes it even longer that I will wait to share it. Please forgive me, Becky! It will make a perfect Show and Tell because I plan to treasure it always. Come back Friday!
• I read!
I decided my quiet mode was perfect for some reading. I used the time to do some of the reading on my Fall Into Reading list.
I finished Exile, by Richard North Patterson.

What an involved story! The storyline was intriguing and complicated. It also provided me with new insight into the conflict between Is*rael and Pal*esin*ians. I will leave the in-depth review of this book to someone else. I do recommend the book, both for the story and for the historical and political aspects. Although the story is fictional, the background information is very revealing and educational.
After that heavy reading, I turned to some--shall we say--"chick lit". Yes, I read rather eclectically! Debbie Maccomber is good when you are in the mood for some basically light reading with characters that you can love, or --in some cases--just want to know what they will do next. I don't love Will Jefferson or Warren what's his name, but it is interesting to see what foolish thing they will do next. The main characters--like Grace, Olivia, and company--are the ones you come to love.
Yes, I read the Cedar Cove Series
Book Five:
50 Harbor Street
50 Harbor Street
Book Six:
6 Rainier Drive
Book Seven:
74 Seaside
74 Seaside
• I started the never ending closet project.
I'll do a post on this before long. I decided my closet needed a really good cleaning. It really did! I mean, who really needs about a million ugly black purses! Anyway--one thing has led to another and it took me longer than it should have to get things back in order! But--the results should be worth the effort!
• I enjoyed Bible Study.
The group of women who meet at my house on Monday nights is precious! We are having the best time with A Woman's Heart. I am woefully behind on my Bible Study posts about on the blog. I will be doing catch-up in just a few days.
• I have enjoyed the grandchildren--
Luke and Ella have been over a few times--along with their parents. Luke comes after school a couple of days a week. He and I get started on his homework; sometimes we play games. He comes through the door asking for ice cream. Some grandmamas bake cookies--I make sure there's ice cream in the freezer! I'm thinking it is about time for a visit from the other grandchildren--Looking forward to that!
• I spent time with husband, Lee.
An up-date for some of you Lee followers--yeah, you friendly lurkers are included! He is doing OK. He has recently had some lack of energy issues, but is doing somewhat better now. He also continues to have heavy congestion problems. That is an ongoing aspect of his condition and we have learned many ways to deal with it.
Lee also--as always-- enjoys visits from friends. If you are in that large group of people, you are invited to come by. If he is not up to a long visit we'll let you know.
If you know Lee, you know he is going to be doing something to advance the Father's Kingdom. Since his retirement he has been doing some volunteer writing for a mission effort called Christ to the World. He writes radio scripts that are translated into other languages and broadcast in Asia and Northern Europe. He has recently been able to complete a couple of these.
Lee wants all the blogging friends to know how much we appreciate your kind comments and promises of prayer at the loss of his mother and my brother. We really have felt lifted up. Thank you from both of us!
So there you have it--I told you it was a quiet time off. Just life! It's good to be back at the computer and I look forward to getting around to all my friends. See you soon!
Labels: Random Thoughts
Hi, Myrna! I missed you, but I felt like you were just busy with life. I thought if there was something urgent going on you'd have at least posted a short message so we could be praying.
Hope your Sunday is blessed. :-)
Love and hugs,
You have been missed.
Blessings today.
Welcome back, dear Myrna, you certainly have been missed! Just the other day I had checked on your blog to see if you had posted anything! I think we all need some "quiet time" in our lives so I can understand why you needed to be away from blogging for a bit. Lee continues to be in my prayers, I know that with your TLC he's doing just fine:-) xox
It's so nice to catch up on all your "doings" Myrna. I've been much quieter in bloggyville myself lately, and I imagine I will continue it that way for some time. I think you've been spending the time very profitably!
Have a blessed weekend.
Thanks for the detailed report. I knew that you'd be back and was just eager for it :o)
Welcome back! have been busy! Glad you are back with us again.
Welcome back! That does not sound as quiet and relaxing a break as I would have planned! You are a busy lady.
Thank you, dear sweet busy lady, for the sweet treat award. That is just so nice.
And you are funny about the table runner. I am not sitting here wondering when you are going to put up a picture. I am just so glad you will enjoy it. So don't worry about my thinking. Sometimes I just don't even think.
Like when I take a blogging break :)
I am wanting to read all of those Macomber books too. I just could not fit them on my fall list. So many books ... so little time.
Glad all is well. Hi to Lee. He's doing good work.
Hi Myrna,
You were missed. Seems like you've had so much to deal with lately..
I enjoy reading Debbie Macomber also. Did you notice each book is sequential in the numbering of the houses? So the next number she writes will be 8-- something. Took me a while to figure that out!!
I'm glad you did what you needed to do. The reading sounds great. I need to try Debbie's books. I LOVE series.
The closet project - ugh. I need to do that BADLY!!
Welcome back to blogland.
Welcome back Miss Myrna!!!!! I have been worried about you and Lee so am glad to know that things are okay. We all need some quiet time once in awhile, even from blogging. (I can hear the gasps!) lol!
That is wonderful what Lee is doing and he will be blessed because of it.
Take care my friend and know that we all are thinking of you two! :o)
Myrna, I missed you too. I had a feeling you were stepping back for awhile and it sounds like your had a very nice break. But I'm so glad you're back! :)
1st timer here--your blog is beautiful! and you are one busy woman!
Myrna, what can I say except "You are amazing"! I love you and Lee so very much, you are always in our prayers - please keep us in yours! Wanda
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