Monday, July 9, 2007
Some Places to Visit

Today I'd like to share several places in bloggyville that I have visited recently. There's a lot going on out there! I have found a few places you might enjoy going to meet new people, have a little fun, learn something, or even win a prize! So here goes--my little list of places I have seen in the last few days that I think you might like to visit.
• First of all--A new blogger to introduce--Holly at SoccerMom is a sweetheart who is just getting started with blogging. She intends to chronicle family events and I'm sure she will have some good ideas to share from time to time. She is a great wife, mom, teacher, cook, etc! I know Holly irl and I know that anything she sets out to do she does with gusto and does it well. Go on over and meet her. I love Holly--AND--The good looking men on her Saturday post are also very near and dear to my heart! I'm sure you'll guess why.
• It's Tuesday, which means sometimes I would be over at Seeds From My Garden or Many Colored Days participating in Woman to Woman. I really recommend that you go over there and read what some lovely ladies have to say about today's topic. This is how Morning Glory described the topic:
Tips and Tricks - Keeping your marriage alive: Whether you've been married for 38 years, 8 years or are a newlywed, you've probably picked up a few keys to a happy marriage, one which is nurturing and continues to grow. Maybe your marriage has struggled, but you've found a road back to each other and have insights to offer those in a similar situation.
What would you say are the three most key elements in your marriage that keep the romance alive and the heart aflutter?"
I usually write a few words to share. Today's topic is dear to my heart, but I just have not had time, or maybe I should say--taken time, to do it justice. Or maybe I could say I am working too hard on my marriage to take time to write about it. I can sum up for you in a couple of sentences my suggestions for marriage.What would you say are the three most key elements in your marriage that keep the romance alive and the heart aflutter?"
I have blogged several times about our marriage and our life today. You can find some of those thoughts here and here. I will also be honoring my husband in a post in a couple of days. Somebody has a birthday coming up! :-)
Anyway--run on over to Morning Glory's and Lei's and find what others have to say today. There are always a variety of perspectives on the given topic. I think you will enjoy your visit. I'm going over a little later today to read. Hope to see you there!
• Someone we know is celebrating the anniversary of her 29th birthday. Leigh Ann is not really old enough to worry about how many years she is from 29, but she is funny, funny, funny and extremely creative. She has been celebrating her day by giving other people gifts! Today is the last day to get in on the Birthday Giveaway so you better hurry over! You can find her at Living to Learn and Learning to Live. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LEIGH ANN! Thanks for sharing the fun and your special day with us.
• Overwhelmed is launching a new Bloggy activity this week. She is hosting Pay It Forward Book Exchange. If you are a reader you will probably want to get in on this one. The first book she is offering is Lucky, by Alice Sebold. She suggests that other bloggers might like to grab her button and do their own Pay It Forward Exchange. Head on over tojoin the fun! Note: I am supposed to insert Overwhelmed's button here. I cannot get it in! I will continue to try, but Blogger is currently refusing it with a quirky little comment. Sorry.bout that!
• Barb at A Chelsea Morning is giving away a set of Debbie Macomber 's series, Cedar Cove. Ya'll that's six books! On second thought, don't go over there--She probably already has about three hundred people signed up--And, Anyway--I want this one!
• Those of you with little girls might want to go over to Skimbaco and link up for the beautiful child's eternity necklace they are giving away in their weekly contest. I just know it would look delightful on my little granddaughter, E Girl!
OK--I've given you several places to visit. You better get on the road. Oh--transportation? Not a problem--
Your Carriage Awaits!

Click on the picture to work this fun little puzzle.
Have Fun! I'll see you soon!
Your Carriage Awaits!

Click on the picture to work this fun little puzzle.
Have Fun! I'll see you soon!
Labels: Family, Just Having Fun, Random Thoughts
Well, you're just full of info today! Thanks for the plug for Woman to Woman. It's been an inspiring topic to read from so many points of view.
Don't worry about not having time to write for it. The joy of the whole project is the freedom to write when you can or want to.
Happy Tuesday, Friend.
Have a great Tuesday. You've shared some interesting links!
Thanks for the links, Myrna. I've already visited most of them. :-)
I know what you mean about Demon Blogger. I've actually been having pretty good luck with it lately, but when it wants to it can really be a booger! :-)
Love and hugs,
Thank you for all the link, Myrna!! I hope you had a great Tuesday!
Thank you for your sweet birthday wishes and you kind words! You are such a blessing to me!
I've got 20 minutes left to enjoy my birthday - I'm 32 - I'm proud of it and I'm no longer going to celebrate the anniversary of my 29th birthday. Yeah right, who am I kidding? ;)
Good Morning - make sure you stop by my blog today - you're a winner!
Thanks for spreading the word, Myrna. Hope to see you again next time. :)
Hey Girl, you sure have been around ole' Bloggyville today! Sounds like some good things to check out and my blog is down for the moment so I have time to go visit some of the ones you mentioned. Love the Woman to Woman they always have some great topics to read and think about. Guess I'd better get moving and check all these things out! Thanks! xoxox
Love your suggestions for a good marriage!
I will try to check out some of the sites you suggested when I get some time.
Hi Myrna...I, too, enjoy Woman to Woman, but the last few times have somehow missed out on participating.
Marriage is such a good topic, though...and I can only imagine the richness you would have added to it, Myrna. I have gained so much just by what I've read so far about your loving relationship and the hurdles you've both faced along the way.
Thanks, Myrna, for entering my Pay It Forward Book Exchange! I’ll throw your name in the hat for the “Lucky” book that I’m giving away..
Check back on Saturday morning when I’ll draw and announce the winner!
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