Friday, July 6, 2007
Show and Tell

Flowers From Martha
Kelli, at There is No Place Like Home, is the host of
Friday Show and Tell. She explains it this way:
"Welcome to Show and Tell Friday! Do you have a something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, an antique find. Your show and tell can be old or new. Use your imagination and dig through those old boxes in your closet if you have to! Feel free to share pictures and if there's a story behind your special something, that's even better!"
If you want to join in the fun hurry over to Kelli's and sign up!

Friday Show and Tell. She explains it this way:
"Welcome to Show and Tell Friday! Do you have a something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, an antique find. Your show and tell can be old or new. Use your imagination and dig through those old boxes in your closet if you have to! Feel free to share pictures and if there's a story behind your special something, that's even better!"
If you want to join in the fun hurry over to Kelli's and sign up!
My Show and Tell today is about a basket of beautiful flowers that have been gracing my dining room table for this past week. I wish I had thought to take a picture on Monday when my neighbor brought them over--But they are still gorgeous!
I have known Martha for at least twenty-eight years. She was our younger son's kindergarten teacher. Oh the stories she could tell! We have also been in a professional/social organization together for several years. Then, about four years ago she and her husband, Bruce, moved in next door. What a pleasant surprise.
Martha and Bruce are great neighbors! They are a wonderful Christian couple. Martha lives a Mary/Martha life. She is an example of a woman who shows the "Mary" side of her heart by loving and serving the Lord using her "Martha" talents and personality. She collects friends the way some people collect lighthouses, dolls, or angels. She obviously finds great joy in taking care of people, entertaining them, and just in general sharing her great capacity for love and friendship.
Since Lee's illness two years ago and the following months of disability, these two thoughtful people have been a great source of help. I think God allowed them to be our neighbors just when we needed someone like them. The greatest thing is that I know I can call at any time and they will be right here.
So my Show and Tell is about flowers and wonderful neighbors. In a few days it will be time to take the flowers out of the basket and return it to Martha. I would never be able to return all the kindnesses these sweet people have extended to us in the past two years. Thank you Lord, for wonderful neighbors!
What wonderful, thoughtful neighbors you have! You are blessed, Myrna. :-)
I love the "Bless This Chick" site you mentioned in your last post! I've already made several to use. :-)
Also, I use Bloglines to keep up with all my blog buddies' new posts. I've also heard some good stuff about Google Reader but I don't have any experience with it.
Have a wonderful weekend, Myrna. :-)
Love and hugs,
They're lovely! Isn't it wonderful to have such great neighbors and friends?
It is a wonderful blessing to have good neighbors - friends who are always there when you need them. I'm so glad for you Myrna. They sound like lovely people.
What a sweet, thoughtful thing for her to do. Friendships like this are precious and few.
Beautiful story. The flowers didn't upload for me to see but I appreciate the wonderful act of friendship and kindness you shared.
The pictures did not load for me, but I so enjoyed visiting your blog. I bet the flowers were lovely:)
Such wonderful neighbors. You certainly are blessed.
What sweet and thoughtful neighbors you have, Myrna! I enjoyed hearing about your friendship!
Beautiful flowers yes, but even more beautiful, wonderful neighbors.
I'm short on time tonight...but wanted to quickly stop by and wish you a wonderful weekend. Enjoyed your Show and Tell!
Hi Myrna:-) I'm so glad my teddy bear brought back such wonderful memories for you!! Isn't it amazing how sometimes we can be so blessed and get neighbours like you have? Wonderful! xo
How wonderful and thoughtful your neighbors are. What a comfort they must be to you.
What a sweet show and tell - even though the picture didn't load for me either, I could imagine the beautiful flowers in my mind as well as your beautiful neighbors!
by the way, your comment tonight made me giggle! :D
What a blessing to have such loving, caring neighbors. And may we all follow their example in every way possible and be good neighbors ourselves. Thank you for sharing this lovely story.
Sounds like you have a wonderful friend.
I couldn't get your picture but I agree with you about wonderful makes life a lot easier with great neighbors!
You are truly blessed with wonderful neighbors that have become friends!
I'm not seeing the picture of the flowers, but I can imagine! :)
I do see the basket of flowers now. Beautiful. What a fun theme for a wedding. Blessings..
What a beautiful arrangement.
I'm sure you enjoyed these in your home.
~ Christina
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