Thursday, July 5, 2007
A Little After the Holiday Randomness

This is who I have been the last couple of days. Grandmamachick! Both sons and their families were with us for an early Fourth-on-the-Third celebration. We had an All-American meal of fried chicken, potato salad, layered pea salad, baked beans, fruit/melon mixture, and ice cream with what I called Cherry Nut Crunch.
After dinner the grandchildren participated in a time honored, family-get-together, cousin activity. You know the one--See who can run the fastest, kick the farthest, yell the loudest, and still be the precious children we all know them to be! They loved being together and I loved every minute of watching them!
On the 4th I went to the mall with one dil and one grandson for a few hours of that Great American Tradition--SHOPPING ON THE HOLIDAYS! It was fun and we found some bargains. Spoony, J's younger brother, spent part of the day with his cousins. (Someday I will explain that child's name--Spoony. He's the one I also call S Guy). Son and Poppy spent time together--watching a movie and talking about whatever dads and sons talk about when the children and women are gone. (Wonder what that is?!)
It was a nice, quiet--well, four children are not quiet--but quiet is highly overrated. Any way it was great family time. The grands and their parents all went on to other fourth celebrations later in the afternoon. That left Poppy and me with some of that highly overrated quiet time--with the sounds of neighborhood fireworks serenading us in the background.
Happy Birthday, America!
Thank you, Lord. for time with people we love so much!
I need a little help! Anyone??????
This blogging gig is fun, but it can be frustrating on some levels. I need some suggestions from some of you very organized people. The main thing I need to know is how to keep up with the blogs I read in order to keep my blog life a little more simple and organized!
Just talk to me about bloglines, blogrolls, or bloganything that helps you keep up with the blogs you read. What do you use, how does it work, why do you use the service you use--or whatever plan you have developed on your own? Anything you have to say on the subject of keeping up with he blogs you read! What does a fairly new blogger like me need to know? Can you tell I. NEED. HELP!
Have at it--Give me some answers in the comments--or if you have a lot to say you could write a post at your place and let us know--I can link back to you. Thanks in advance for any suggestions you have!
BTW--For a chick similar to the one I have up there at the top you can go here to make one).
Labels: Family, Random Thoughts
It sounds like you had a great day or two with your family!
I use bloglines to keep up with the blogs I read. It keeps a list of all of your blogs and hilights the blogs when people have new posts. This keeps you from checking all of your blogs constantly looking for new posts. It was really easy to set up and subscribe to new blogs. Just go to I don't know about any of the other services, but this one works great for me. It can get overwhelming, but this helps.
I use bloglines, too, and it's been very useful. My daughter uses another service, but I don't know what it is. Bloglines has really helped save time.
Glad you had such a grand time with your kids and grands.
I use bloglines. Now I can add and delete as I choose. Saves SOOOO much time.
I LOVE that graphic!
I also use bloglines. There is also google reader but in my experience bloglines is quicker in updating the current blogs.
It took me a while to figure it out, but it does come together - feel free to email me with any questions - I'll be happy to help.
I also use bloglines to help me keep tract of new posts at my favorite blogs. It REALLY is helpful. If you want some more info...go to my post dated June 24th and read the comments from fellow bloggers for their hints and ideas. Hope this helps!
I use bloglines as well Myrna. There are some days it's a bit overwhelming (the number of posts I have to read), but it is helpful to have them all right there. My problem is getting all of this in some sort of balance!!
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