Thursday, February 7, 2008
Toilet Seats With Covers
I'm thinking about getting this outfit. Fetching, don't cha think?!
It would be perfect for some of my latest activities!
It would be perfect for some of my latest activities!
Here's the story! I told you a couple of posts ago about some plumbing problems and my surprise construction project with a piece of furniture. Well--It didn't stop there!
I started a new Bible study group at my house last week. (I'll post about that soon. It has already been a great blessing to me). HOWEVER, this post is about my unexpected stint as "Myrna, the Handywoman."
Anyway--as I was saying, this lovely group of women was gathered at my house and we were having a great time getting to know one another and starting our study. We took a break. You know with a group of mostly middle-aged women you must take a break in the middle of any meeting that is going to last longer than thirty minutes! Well, wouldn't you just know it! During the break the toilet seat in my guest bathroom cracked!
I started a new Bible study group at my house last week. (I'll post about that soon. It has already been a great blessing to me). HOWEVER, this post is about my unexpected stint as "Myrna, the Handywoman."
Anyway--as I was saying, this lovely group of women was gathered at my house and we were having a great time getting to know one another and starting our study. We took a break. You know with a group of mostly middle-aged women you must take a break in the middle of any meeting that is going to last longer than thirty minutes! Well, wouldn't you just know it! During the break the toilet seat in my guest bathroom cracked!
I was so embarrassed.
I mean, really, what else can go wrong in my bathrooms?!
Don't answer that! :-)
Now, if this is TMI for you, just skip over this part. I'm going to show you the damage.
I was so embarrassed.
I mean, really, what else can go wrong in my bathrooms?!
Don't answer that! :-)
Now, if this is TMI for you, just skip over this part. I'm going to show you the damage.
I'm beginning to feel like our house is falling apart--especially anything plumbing related! I knew a Ho*me Dep*ot trip was in order! Online of course! Since I now do not trust anything bathroom related in my house I REALLY went shopping. I bought three! Yes! I got three toilet seats. After much measuring and studying product specifications, I chose what the folks at HD call a"Toilet Seat with Cover." I just figured we would cover all of the bathrooms in the house. Just in case, you know! Do you think I am getting just a tad bit paranoid about the facilities?!!

Whew! I got the seat secured just two hours before the ladies were going to be knocking on my door ready for Bible study! What would I have done if it had not arrived in time, you ask? I thought of that! I would have removed the seat in my bathroom and put it in the guest bathroom! Then I would have locked the door to my bathroom!!! :-)
BTW, while we are on the subject of toilets, if you want to know more than you ever thought there was to know about cleaning a toilet, you can go here, here, and here. You can even go here for some free toilet cleaning products. I've never used this product--just thought I would pass info along since I CANNOT SEEM TO GET OFF THE SUBJECT OF TOILETS!!! LOL
I still have two more "seats with covers" to install! That's my "handywoman" job for today. Can you stand the excitement in my life?!
You may have noticed I get lots of deliveries at my house.
I keep all of the delivery companies in business!
What did we do before online shopping?!
AND--this was the best--Online shopping
with FREE shipping!!
I keep all of the delivery companies in business!
What did we do before online shopping?!
AND--this was the best--Online shopping
with FREE shipping!!
Monday this box was delivered by my good friend the U*PS delivery man! I was so glad to see it. I had been tracking my purchase online so I knew it should make it to the house in time for this week's Bible Study.
Of course then I had to figure out how to get it on the actual toilet! That's what directions are for and I decided to do it the right way and read them first--especially because there were a couple of little items that I wasn't sure about. I was surprised how easy it was. Even I could do it! Really easy! It even fit!
Whew! I got the seat secured just two hours before the ladies were going to be knocking on my door ready for Bible study! What would I have done if it had not arrived in time, you ask? I thought of that! I would have removed the seat in my bathroom and put it in the guest bathroom! Then I would have locked the door to my bathroom!!! :-)
BTW, while we are on the subject of toilets, if you want to know more than you ever thought there was to know about cleaning a toilet, you can go here, here, and here. You can even go here for some free toilet cleaning products. I've never used this product--just thought I would pass info along since I CANNOT SEEM TO GET OFF THE SUBJECT OF TOILETS!!! LOL
I still have two more "seats with covers" to install! That's my "handywoman" job for today. Can you stand the excitement in my life?!
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Good for you, Myrna! A lot of those things that men make out to be complicated aren't really all that hard.
Did you get that entertainment center assembled???
Well ... you do lead quite the exciting life.
In my house, I too and the fix it lady. Remember the dimmer switch at Christmas time?
In fact, you need to get yourself a girl tool box like I have in the pantry :)
OH yes, the entertainment center. Diane reminded me. How is it going??
I have started the "entertainment center," but have not finished it. I would love to start a project and work right through to the end. However, that's not the way it works around here most of the time!I also think "entertainment center" may be a lofty name for this humble little piece of furniture! Hope to post about it soon! :-)
Now you need a tool belt like the lady in the picture.....I have one and I love it!
You are on handy woman!
YOU GO GIRL! Well done! Looks like you have the elongated toilets :)
I used to have a house cleaning business and I do love a clean toilet (I used toothbrushes besides the regular brushes) to get them darn clean! Blessings on you Handywoman!
Yay! I'm glad you got it fixed in time, Myrna! My MIL is getting me a *pink* toolset for my birthday so hopefully I'll be fixing things around here too! :0)
Good for you and glad they arrived in time. Excited to hear more about your new Bible Study.
Well, my goodness - you are quite the handywoman! I can knit, crochet, and quilt. I can cook any kind of meat you throw at me. I can clean a house or change a diaper in no time flat. But I don't think I could change a toilet cover!
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