Friday, May 25, 2007
Welcome to Show and Tell Friday! Do you have a something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, an antique find. Your show and tell can be old or new. Use your imagination and dig through those old boxes in your closet if you have to! Feel free to share pictures and if there's a story behind your special something, that's even better!
Kelli is the host for Show and Tell . You can find more posts for Show and Tell with her at There is no place like home.

The little sweetheart above is a Vogue Ginny Doll. These dolls were popular in the 1950s. Some girls collected them the way girls collect American Girl Dolls today. My older sister and I both had one of these dolls. Sis gave me this one several years ago as a remembrance of our childhood. Little Ginny is a precious symbol of my special relationship with my sister.
About eight years ago I was serving as the Assistant Principal of a brand new school. It was a wonderful adventure that I am so glad I had. The staff called me the "Cruise Director" I often had the task of smoothing the waters and helping ease the tension sometimes caused by hard work and the stress of building new working relationships. The office staff gave me the little girl in the red checked dress for Christmas. It has meaning attached to it that I'll just keep in my heart at this time. Just know it is special and I remember that year fondly!
The photo above is yellowed with age. I had prints made for Sis and me when I found this photo in some old family papers. It is the two of us with our Uncle Ed. We lived with him and our Aunt Frankie (my dad's oldest sister) for a year after our mother died. They were an important part of our lives. Uncle Ed was farmer, politician, former teacher, businessman, and a surprisingly loving man. Don't let his arms-folded pose fool you--We were the apples of his eye! Anyway--the subject is dolls! This picture is Christmas, 1953. I am the blondie on the right with my Saucy Walker doll. I don't know what Barb's doll was called, but I think she did something like talk or walk or something as dolls sometimes do! Don't you love my lady-like pose (not!) and those stunning red socks.
Now for the Queen of the Collection! You need a little background information here--Don't laugh! My mother's name was Beulah. Actually it was Bertha Beulah--I know! I know!--What were they thinking! Oh well, at least it's better than her sister--AllieBamah . I am not lying! They were both precious Texas ladies and they loved each other so very much. My mother was always called Beulah and her sister was Bamah.
Anyway, back to the doll. If you are from the South--or have ever traveled in the South you are probably familiar with Cracker Barrel. Several years ago I found this pretty little doll at the Cracker Barrel near my home. Her name is Beulah. It is written on the little card you see attached to her waist. I bought two dolls, one for me and one for my sister. We were going to be together at a family reunion a couple of months later. I knew she would love the doll. We share a doll history as well as sort of half raising each other.
When I got home I realized I had made a mistake. My oldest sister and my brother would be at the reunion , too. I couldn't take just one doll--I had to have two more. Not that my brother played with dolls as a child--I just knew that if all the sisters had one, his family had to have one also. So back to CB I went. Of course they had no more Beulah dolls--just Charlotte and Virginia!
I hunted for those dolls all over the place. There are several Cracker Barrel Restaurants in the general area where I live. I went to every one of them. I didn't trust just calling. I had to look at the card on every doll available myself. Finally, I called the company inSearcy , Arkansas that sold the dolls. No luck! They did not have any more. I decided Barb would just have to have her doll without mentioning it.
Less than a week before I was to go to Texas for the reunion I was in another store--Linens and Things. This is not a store I where I shop often. I just happened to be there with a friend. I was walking around browsing up and down the aisles. Suddenly, I realized I was looking straight at a display of dolls just like Beulah! I couldn't believe it! I started searching the dolls' cards. Charlotte. . .Virginia. . . Amelia. . . Virginia. . . Beulah!!!!!. . .and finally after searching the whole pile of dolls I found TWO!!BEULAHS! They had just what I needed, no more, no less.
I was able to go to Texas with four dolls. My sisters and brother all loved the dolls. My brother shared his with his younger daughter. Kind of silly, I guess--Just little cloth dolls. But to me, my Beulah doll is a reminder of the woman who was our mother. I remember her as a gentle, caring, fun-loving person. She loved us all dearly!
The Beulah doll sits on the shelf, holding court with the other dolls. Each one is a reminder of a special time in my life. They make me smile every time I walk past.
Kelli is the host for Show and Tell . You can find more posts for Show and Tell with her at There is no place like home.
A couple of weeks ago I shared the Mary Hartline Doll that my husband gave me for Valentine's Day this year. I decided that as long as I was discussing dolls, I would just go ahead and share the other beauties on the shelf. These dolls have all come to me in some special way and have a special place in my heart. In the picture above you see the entire small collection.
The photo above is yellowed with age. I had prints made for Sis and me when I found this photo in some old family papers. It is the two of us with our Uncle Ed. We lived with him and our Aunt Frankie (my dad's oldest sister) for a year after our mother died. They were an important part of our lives. Uncle Ed was farmer, politician, former teacher, businessman, and a surprisingly loving man. Don't let his arms-folded pose fool you--We were the apples of his eye! Anyway--the subject is dolls! This picture is Christmas, 1953. I am the blondie on the right with my Saucy Walker doll. I don't know what Barb's doll was called, but I think she did something like talk or walk or something as dolls sometimes do! Don't you love my lady-like pose (not!) and those stunning red socks.
Now for the Queen of the Collection! You need a little background information here--Don't laugh! My mother's name was Beulah. Actually it was Bertha Beulah--I know! I know!--What were they thinking! Oh well, at least it's better than her sister--AllieBamah . I am not lying! They were both precious Texas ladies and they loved each other so very much. My mother was always called Beulah and her sister was Bamah.
Anyway, back to the doll. If you are from the South--or have ever traveled in the South you are probably familiar with Cracker Barrel. Several years ago I found this pretty little doll at the Cracker Barrel near my home. Her name is Beulah. It is written on the little card you see attached to her waist. I bought two dolls, one for me and one for my sister. We were going to be together at a family reunion a couple of months later. I knew she would love the doll. We share a doll history as well as sort of half raising each other.
When I got home I realized I had made a mistake. My oldest sister and my brother would be at the reunion , too. I couldn't take just one doll--I had to have two more. Not that my brother played with dolls as a child--I just knew that if all the sisters had one, his family had to have one also. So back to CB I went. Of course they had no more Beulah dolls--just Charlotte and Virginia!
I hunted for those dolls all over the place. There are several Cracker Barrel Restaurants in the general area where I live. I went to every one of them. I didn't trust just calling. I had to look at the card on every doll available myself. Finally, I called the company inSearcy , Arkansas that sold the dolls. No luck! They did not have any more. I decided Barb would just have to have her doll without mentioning it.
Less than a week before I was to go to Texas for the reunion I was in another store--Linens and Things. This is not a store I where I shop often. I just happened to be there with a friend. I was walking around browsing up and down the aisles. Suddenly, I realized I was looking straight at a display of dolls just like Beulah! I couldn't believe it! I started searching the dolls' cards. Charlotte. . .Virginia. . . Amelia. . . Virginia. . . Beulah!!!!!. . .and finally after searching the whole pile of dolls I found TWO!!BEULAHS! They had just what I needed, no more, no less.
I was able to go to Texas with four dolls. My sisters and brother all loved the dolls. My brother shared his with his younger daughter. Kind of silly, I guess--Just little cloth dolls. But to me, my Beulah doll is a reminder of the woman who was our mother. I remember her as a gentle, caring, fun-loving person. She loved us all dearly!
The Beulah doll sits on the shelf, holding court with the other dolls. Each one is a reminder of a special time in my life. They make me smile every time I walk past.
Labels: About Me, Family, Show and Tell
Oh Myrna I loved this!!! Your comments about your uncle sound like my father. You "just happened" to find the other 2 dolls? I don't think so!!!! God is good - He gives us the desires of our heart :o) That is so special that you found 4 "Beulah" dolls!!!
You were very thoughtful to track enough of these down for your siblings. And God was kind to give them to you!
I love this story! I agree with Susan, God had a hand in your finding your other two "Beulahs". I love dolls and yours are just beautiful!
Wow! That is the neatest story.
How very thoughtful of you to track down enough dolls. You really must be a sweet person, and a blessing to your family. Isn't God good?
Myrna, what special memories. And precious keepsakes. Thanks for sharing.
What a wonderful story, Myrna! I'm so glad you were able to find two more Beulah dolls and what a sweet reminder of your childhood days. Thank you for sharing them with us!
Beautiful story, just so sweet.
Thank you for sharing it with us :)
Hi Myrna,
I loved your doll story, as I used to be a collector too!
Those two Beulahs were truly meant to me yours!!
Great post!
What a wonderful story!! I think I would have been like you and searched until I was satisfied. I loved this.
I hope to be back for a show and tell soon, just not this week.
This is so wonderful! Another story about God's goodness!
Beautiful dolls, and what a wonderful story!!
Wow what great treasures and how neat that you have memories and a story to go with each.
Have a blessed weekend.
PS Oh I know the names were horrible back then. My grandmother was a Bertha. (lol)
I enjoyed your S&T post!
I love Cracker Barrel and spoke of it in my first ever S&T today!
Glad you found all the Beulah dolls!
Myrna, I wanted to respond to your question on how I am enjoying retirement. I finished my report cards today with an hour of work at school, then handed in my keys and cried all the way to the car. But they are bittersweet tears. It is a wonderful, small Christian school that I began teaching at 8 years ago when it first opened. So there is some wonderful history. And very, very good sister/friends.
I don't think it has totally hit me. Summer, as you know, is a normal part of a teacher's life. So it sort of just feels like that. And I have a LOT to do. I'll post about some of that as we go along.
Thanks for checking on me. I am not at all unhappy with this. You have probably not read my blog for long enough to know that this is my 3rd attempt at retirement. Every time this small school has been unsuccessful at finding a replacement. So I have returned twice to help them out.
Last week the 4th grade teacher quit suddenly and they asked me if I'd consider taking 4th next year. I was very at peace to say no. NO, thank you. Honored to be wanted that badly, but no.
So we begin ...
I love your dolls, especially Beulah, knowing the story behind it makes it so neat. That was so thoughtful of you to share her with your siblings too...even if it did take awhile.
I guess it would take someone from Alabama to appreciate your aunt's name. I love it! AllieBamah
Nice story about the dolls and with a happy ending.
Loved hearing about your special memories. and wonderful story! The dolls are charming! Thanks for stopping by the cabin and Have a great weekend! Blessings to You-Claudia O.
You have a pretty doll collection!!
That is a wonderful story about finding the dolls! Hummmm... wonder how that happened?! Let me see, 'hearts desire' comes to mind! God is so good and your hearts desire was a most unselfish desire for someone else! I have a Ginny doll too that I got as a child but she has short hair. I'll have to take a picture one of these days and post it to see if you think it is an actual Ginny. :0)
Thanks for visiting my blog! I thought I'd return the favor. I LOVE your doll collection. What a great show and tell.
I really enjoyed your doll story and the happy ending. Seems like we always find things when we stop looking for them. God was so kind to lead you to your "Beulahs".
I hung on every word, Myrna...this was so beautiful.
I was touched on how those dolls represented your sweet mother whom you lost at such a young age...and how you searched and searched...and God gave you that simple desire of your heart- to share with your siblings.
Your dolls are all beautiful! Thank you for sharing them and your wonderful stories that go with them!
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