Monday, May 21, 2007

One thing for sure about blogging--You can learn something new everyday! In my former life as school principal if I had a tech problem there were several people I could call. Now--I have to search for the answer myself! I am learning a lot more this way!
Another thing I plan to do today is visit! There are so many people I am enjoying getting to know in Bloggville. I plan to visit several blogs and read some of the "back stories" of some I have not yet read. I hope to find some new people along the way. If you have a favorite blog you think I should just not miss--please leave me a comment and let me know about that one. Thanks in advance!
Mr. L Report--For those of you who keep up with my husband's medical progress-- I told you that he had a rough day on Friday. He is still having difficulty with the congestion and accompanying fatigue. We have made some medication changes--not so much what as how and when. We will see if these changes make a difference.
L is busy this morning with the computer. He does check email often and loves hearing from friends and family. He also participates in a family NASCAR pool online. If you know him you understand the competitiveness that we deal with! :) He is, of course, leading the pool--and he knows NOTHING about car racing!
I was reading the devotional on Faith Lifts at Five Minutes for Mom early this morning. Lundie has some good words to say about Psalm 13. She leads the reader through verses that outline Despair and Confusion, a Plea to God and, finally, to Trust and Hope.
As I read Lundie's devotional thoughts I was struck by how difficult we humans sometimes make life. As the Psalmist does in the beginning of the psalm, we act like the hardship or despair we are experiencing--real or perceived--will last forever as if there is no answer for us.
The answer is in talking with the Lord as the Psalmist does in Verse 4 when he requests "Consider me and answer, Lord." That plea, "answer me," implies listening to what the Lord has to say. I think that implied action is the part that trips us up sometimes. It is so easy to beg for an answer and then neglect to listen for it.
Verses five and six really hit me as I read in the early morning hours. The answer is always so simple--made so complicated only when when we become anxious and full of despair. The answer He gives us is Trust. As the Psalmist realizes, "I have trusted in your faithful love." The Psalmist further testifies that he is aware the Lord is already providing answers in his profession, "He has treated me generously."
The Psalmist promises to express his trust in the Lord through discernible actions. That promise, not just for this moment, but also for the time ahead is, "My heart will rejoice," and I will sing unto the Lord."
So there we have it--the answer. Trust because He has already rescued us; He has already shown us mercy; He has already given to us abundantly. Rejoicing and praising because we know he will continue to care for us generously. What a glorious way to face the uncertain future--trusting, rejoicing, and praising.
Psalm 13 (Holman Christian Bible)
1 LORD, how long will You continually forget me?
How long will You hide Your face from me?
1 LORD, how long will You continually forget me?
How long will You hide Your face from me?
2 How long will I store up anxious concerns within me,
agony in my mind every day?
How long will my enemy dominate me?
3 Consider me and answer, LORD, my God.
Restore brightness to my eyes;
otherwise, I will sleep in death,
4 my enemy will say, "I have triumphed over him,"
and my foes will rejoice because I am shaken.
5 But I have trusted in Your faithful love;
my heart will rejoice in Your deliverance.
6 I will sing to the LORD
because He has treated me generously.
because He has treated me generously.
What a great post, and full of wisdom.
That is really strange about you missing pictures!
Now today I cannot see your pictures. Mine went away and never came back either!!
What's going on???
Such good thoughts, Myrna. Thanks for sharing this with me.
I remember an old song we use to sing: "Trust and obey....for there's no other way" That sums up a lot!
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