Sunday, May 20, 2007
We had a great time with our children this weekend. Our younger son and his family came on Friday night. They got here in time to see our other grandson's soccer game. Then they came to Grandmama and Poppy's for hamburgers. I was able to go to a soccer game on Saturday while one son stayed with Poppy. The four cousins had a wonderful time being together--they always do. How nice to be together as a family for a day. K and his crew traveled to KY Saturday afternoon to meet the other grandparents for a meal at Patti's (By the way, if you are ever traveling I24 in KY a stop at Patti's is a must! YUMMMM&FUN)
Speaking of the Fun Four--Let me introduce them--
This is E Girl. she is three years old and is the princess of the group. Coming after the three grandsons and her uncle and dad, she is definitely the PRINCESS of ALL THINGS GIRLY in our family! I love this picture! I cannot count the number of times she has flashed those eyes at me just that way--meaning she is making a point about something. E Girl is growing up before our eyes and is a bundle of energy and affection. She is a delight at all times.
This is L. He is six and is just finishing up kindergarten. He is a thinker and a reader. He loves to figure things out and loves to talk. He also likes to play games. He and I have chased each other around the Trouble and Sorry boards a lot in the last year. He is thoughtful and sensitive to others. He enjoys playing soccer and basketball. Another favorite pastime is going to basketball games with his dad (a high school b-ball coach). L Boy and E Girl are brother and sister. They live near us and attend the same church where we have been members for twenty-five years (their mother is currently on the ministerial staff there) Their Dad is our older son.
This is S Guy! He is exuberantly in love with life! He smiles with his whole body! He learned to read this year and is developing a very evident artistic talent. He loves to create things with cardboard boxes and is always thinking creatively. He plays soccer and is on a swim team. He is six and just completing kindergarten. S Guy and L Boy were born exactly two months apart--S is the younger. S Guy and his mom gave us quite a scare when he was born. He was premature and only weighed a little over three pounds. During his time in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit he showed the world that he was a fighter and there were lots of things he was sent to do. He has been going full speed since he was born.
This is J Man. He is the oldest and was the center of attention for four years before the others began making their appearances. He is bright, friendly, and good. He likes to read and is an excellent student. He plays soccer and basketball, and is on a swim team. He and his dad are HUGE Duke basketball fans! Joshua is ten and is finishing fourth grade this week. J Man and
S Guy are brothers and attend the school where their mother is a teacher. They live in a small town about eighty miles from us. We are always thrilled when they bring their parents and come to see us. Their dad (a CPA) is our younger son.

Here they are together--The Fun and Fantastic Four. They are the delights of our lives. We are proud to be their grandparents. We are equally pleased with their parents. One of our answered prayers is that our sons and their wives would be Godly parents and that our grandchildren would be raised in Christian homes. We often see the evidence of that in the daily lives of all four of these children. Thank you, Lord, for these precious gifts.
Speaking of the Fun Four--Let me introduce them--
S Guy are brothers and attend the school where their mother is a teacher. They live in a small town about eighty miles from us. We are always thrilled when they bring their parents and come to see us. Their dad (a CPA) is our younger son.
Here they are together--The Fun and Fantastic Four. They are the delights of our lives. We are proud to be their grandparents. We are equally pleased with their parents. One of our answered prayers is that our sons and their wives would be Godly parents and that our grandchildren would be raised in Christian homes. We often see the evidence of that in the daily lives of all four of these children. Thank you, Lord, for these precious gifts.
Children's children are a crown to the aged,
and parents are the pride of their children.
Proverbs 17:6
and parents are the pride of their children.
Proverbs 17:6
Labels: Family, Grandchild Fun
I can tell they are the joy of your lives. Your descriptions of them are so full of love and just the right amount of pride. You have a lovely family. Every one of those children are precious. Enjoy!
Myrna - I couldn't see the pictures :o(
Glad you had such a grand time. Family is so wonderful.
The pictures didn't show up for me, but I just loved reading your descriptions of your family! My children love when they are together with their cousins too!!
You have 4 delightful and beautiful grandchildren. Enjoy them!
They all sound wonderful and I can tell how much you adore them. Your granddaughter is precious and I love that look:)
That's a pretty cute set of grandchildren, Myrna! Those eyes on the Princess would be awfully hard to say no to.
Myrna- I loved reading about your Grandchildren...each one with their different likes and personalities!
You are so blessed to have christian children,that are raising the grandchildren in the ways of the Lord.
I couldn't see the pictures either but it sounds like they showed in some of the other comments...strange?
I couldn't get the pictures either but maybe you can post them again when Blogger is being a little more easy to get along with. Your granchildren sound absolutely wonderful! How blessed we are to have grandkids to love and to spoil!
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