Isaiah 40:11 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
11 He protects His flock like a shepherd;
He gathers the lambs in His arms
and carries [them] in the fold of His [garment].
He gently leads. . .
I am a Christian woman who shares a blessed life with my precious husband, our two adult sons and their wives, and four grandchildren. We cherish the adventures God has allowed us to have together. I recently retired from an over thirty year career as an elementary teacher and administrator.
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Happy birthday to your sister, Barbara. It's also my forever friend, Joan, birthday :o) When we were young Joan used to think they put the flags up all over town for her birthday (Pearl Harbor Day)!!! Did Barbara ever think that?
I never heard her mention that particular aspect of the day. But, she has talked about having her birthday on such a sad day in history. She was born just two years after Pearl Harbor Day. Of course, our country was still at war.
She was third of four children. I came along later as one of the very first Boomer Babies!
Thanks for wishing her Happy birthday!
Happy happy birthday to your sister! I'd sing but it would be off key probably and scare her to death!
That was a great post on the tips for keeping us gals safe in this world! I know I am too unconcerned when it comes to parking lots and the such. I guess I just feel like 'it could never happen here' and that is a dangerous way to think. Thanks for posting it! :o)
Happy Birthday to your sister Barbara:-) Wishing her a day filled with love, family and friends!! xox
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