Friday, September 28, 2007
Show and Tell--Basketball Player

It's Friday! That means it is time for Show and Tell at Kelli's.
Run over there and get in all the fun!
Run over there and get in all the fun!
Lee was coaching basketball at church in those days. He has always loved that game! He coached a team of one kind or another for almost thirty years. Sometimes it was adults at church; other times it was our children in their leagues, or a high school AAU team.
Of course, our sons caught the basketball bug and both played in high school. Now one of them is a high school coach and the other is coaching his own sons. In the next generation, all three of our grandsons have already played on basketball teams. I'm sure our granddaughter will have the opportunity if she wants to play!
The little Bball player spent many years in Lee's office at work. When Lee retired the little player came home. He now guards the action in our home office.
Labels: Family, Show and Tell
Myrna, I like your basketball player. I made some very much like yours back when also...
I don't know how I managed to post my Show and Tell twice tonight. I deleted one and it had your comment on it. Would you please be kind enough to comment again.....I'm so sorry......Betty
What a cute little player! So the men in your family must all be very tall, right? My DH is 6.7257 tall and played basketball when he was younger, too.... ;-))
By the way, you are right, Bruno enjoys roaming our garden and always stopps at the catnip! And thank you so much for your nice comment that you just left!
It's 6.45 a.m. over here in Germany and I now need to hurry for the office.
Best wishes, Anita
Wasn't ceramics just the most fun? Just love your little basketball guy. You did a wonderful job.
Take care,
He looks like a very cheery little guard for your office!
These family "treasureres" that mean so much. A cute guy here!
That is so cute! I remember when my aunt made my cousin one very similar, but it was a football player. Boy back in the day ceramics was a big thing!
That fella is adorable. My mom used to do ceramics. And pottery. And all that fun.
What a cute little guy, with sweet memories! I did ceramics for a while too, fun!
What a great little guy to have around. Makes me smile. Blessings on you...
Very cute! You did a great job
Very neat!
Cute and such a nice memory. It makes me think of the first time my youngest son played basketball--it was hilarious--he did nothing but run all over the court with his hands raised at all times--don't know how he kept them up so long!!
I love it "he now guards the action in our home office".
He is a CUTE one! Thirty-four years? Now, he is a antique! Ha! Ha! Just kidding! Where did the time go? I bet it seems like yesterday. I have a son who is thirty four,but I never got to do ceramics. That must have been fun!
What a sweet memento to your family's interest in basketball!
You asked if the son who did the murals was the one who lifted his hands in the basketball game--No,that was my youngest son who was the weird basketball player--I forgot to say that he jumped up and down all the while as he had his arms upraised, Hilarious!
What a cute little fellow, Myrna! My mom used to do ceramics. She would bring lots of fun things home!
I remember the days when those figures were all that rage. Oh man, does that date me. lol
I have a son who is into volleyball like your dh is basketball. He eat, sleeps and breathes it and of course coaches it.
What a great memory for me. My neighbor used to do ceramics and she would let her daughter and me paint whatever we wanted and then she would fire them for us. I had all kinds of those cute kids! I haven't seen one in years. I'm so glad you shared. What a heart warmer :)
Oh how cute! What a neat story behind him too! My husband has one of those but he is a football player and he recieved it from the cheer squad during his high school football days!
I love your blog and will be checking it often!
Hugs ~ Sharon
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