Thursday, August 2, 2007
Life and Lunch With Friends
Don't you just love friends! I do. In the last two weeks I have been blessed by several of them. A theme in my life right now seems to be "lunch with friends." Most of you know that my husband and I live a pretty quiet life at home. When I leave home I always have someone stay with Lee. His illness is serious enough that someone must always be with him. Therefore, anytime I enjoy some social time there is planning involved.

I have several dear friends who do not mind the planning. They even understand if we have to cancel and reschedule several times before we actually do whatever we plan. So the last few days have been special to me, because I know these sweet women have to work around my needs anytime we get together.

TH and A--Last week, on Monday my precious friend TH and her five year old daughter A came for lunch. They stopped at Panera and brought lunch to Mr L and me.

TH and I have been friends for about ten years. We worked at two schools together; she was the librarian, I was the assistant principal at one school, principal at the other. We have been through some serious life changes and experiences together. I'll have to tell that whole story at another time.

I always love having them in my home. A is a precious child who always brightens my day. She seems to have an understanding of life beyond her years and is very comfortable with adults. This year she starts the adventure of school. I expect a phone call or email on day one. A's former kindergarten/librarian mother will have to put into practice all the things she has told parents in the past about getting through the first days!

Thirty Year Friend--Last Thursday I met S for lunch at a restaurant near downtown--in the big city. We have been having trouble connecting for months. Sometimes she comes to our home and sometimes we meet somewhere else. She lives way on the other side of the big city. For the last several months every time we planned something, I had to change plans. She patiently waited. Finally we were able to make plans, and keep them, on a day when I had someone available to stay with Lee. The date was perfect--It was July 26. Both our birthdays fall on the 26th--exactly six months apart--neither one of them in July. I will admit, she is the younger one, by several years. We celebrated both our birthdays on July 26!

S and I have been friends for 30 years! It is so hard to believe it has been that long. We were mere babies when we met as teachers. :-) We taught at the same school for six years. In fact, the man who is now her precious husband also taught there. We have stories--some that will never be told!

S and I have the kind of friendship that survives time and separation. There have been times when we didn't see each other for a couple of years. But we can start the conversation right where we left off, without a hitch. She has been so faithful to our friendship during this season of illness for L. I know that if I called her right this minute and said, "I need you.," she would be here ASAP!

Two Special Friends--This Tuesday two friends, G and J, brought lunch on Tuesday. They brought brisket and other fixin's from Fam*ous Dave's. Mr. L does love him some brisket! These two friends live close and I see them more often than some others. However, it is still a planning fest when we get together.

G and I have been friends for about 16 years. We met, you guessed it, at a school where we taught together! We have been through school changes, worked on committees, written grants, and in general shared professional experiences together. More importantly, we have shared life. We have listened and commiserated through children surviving teenage years. We have stood by each other through surgeries and illnesses, both personal and family members. Her sweet mother passed away during this time. We have celebrated becoming grandmothers. We are always just a phone call away.

J and I have been friends for over twenty years. We have taught at two school together, but surprisingly, that's not how we first met. We met because our husbands, Mr. L and R, worked at the same place. We have been friends as couples for that whole time. Finally, after all these years, we belong to the same church. Of course, L and I are never there right now, but they recently joined. I'm glad they are there.

J and I taught at the same school and car pooled for several years. then we both had opportunity to move closer to home and, once again, ended up at the same school. Actually, children in both school where we taught sometimes thought we were sisters. There is a resemblance.

We have shared the growing up years of our children, celebrating marriages, and the birth of grandchildren. As couples we have eaten numerous meals together. We have shared countless hours watching movies and playing games, two pastimes we all enjoy.

L and R have both retired from their former jobs. R has recently started working in another capacity and travels between home and a nearby state. They will eventually make their home in the other state. I don't like looking forward to the time both of them are gone. During this time when J is by herself a lot, she knows she is welcome here anytime. I know she is just a phone call away from me.

Friends--they are so special! I thank the Lord for these, and others, who are dear friends. I also have to say--I love the lunches!


  posted at 10:19 AM  

At August 2, 2007 at 12:19 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

It was fun to read about your precious friendships. As you know, my trip up north earlier this summer gave me the chance to catch up on old friends who never get old, if you know what I mean. Seems that no matter how many years are in between visits, we can just start right back up where we left off. Friends bring much joy to our lives. Especially those that are more like family. I'm so glad you have been enjoying yours.

At August 2, 2007 at 12:46 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

What a sweet post about the friendships in your life!

Yes, we all need friends...lately, I am in a sort of transitional time and finding myself sadly lacking in every day friends at the moment. However, I do have those old friends that even though we have different lives, and live an hour apart, we try to do lunch a few times a year and when we do, it's like no time has passed!

Having seasons of life that are a little more dry of everyday friends can really make me appreciate true friendships that much more- they are such rare and wonderful gifts!

At August 2, 2007 at 12:48 PM, Blogger Kelley said...

What a wonderful post about your dear friends. I don't know what I would do without my girlfriends. We can totally be ourselves with each other and like you said, are always only a phone call away. Like your friends, these ladies enrich my life so much more than they know!

At August 2, 2007 at 3:57 PM, Blogger Midlife Mom said...

Yes friends are a true blessing in this life. I have friends that I don't see for months due to distance but when we do see each other it's like we finish the sentence we started the last time we saw each other. Great post!

At August 2, 2007 at 4:28 PM, Blogger Carole Burant said...

We certainly do need friends in our lives and when they're lifelong friends, then it's even better:-) I'm so glad to hear you've been able to enjoy such lovely lunches with these friends of yours. I have two such cherished friends in my life...Steve and June...don't know what I'd do without them:-) xox

At August 2, 2007 at 5:15 PM, Blogger someone else said...

You're very rich having such wonderful friendships. I know you totally understand how precious they are.

At August 2, 2007 at 5:21 PM, Blogger Susan said...

So good to hear that you've had these opportunities to get with friends. Next to family, friends are the most important thing we have on earth. Thanks for telling us about these in your life.

At August 3, 2007 at 9:20 AM, Blogger Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Nothing better than lunch with good blessed you are!


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