Friday, June 8, 2007
It is time for Friday Show and Tell. This is one of my favorite blogging activities. If you want to participate hop over to Kelli's and read all about it. Sign up and show us something you treasure.
When we returned I received a package in the mail. Unknown to me, Lee and a friend, who has traveled extensively in Israel and other Mediterranean area countries, had gone shopping. Lee found these little treasures and, with the bargaining help from his friend A.C., he bought my birthday present. I was delighted!

My husband and I were privileged in the spring of 2000 to take a trip to Israel. For him it was a work trip: for me, mainly vacation. I did help by serving as a bus hostess for the tour part of our trip. It was a remarkable trip and experience. We visited the Galilee region, Bethlehem, the Dead Sea, the Jordan River, the Mazada, and Jerusalem. The trip, the fellowship with fellow Christians in the land of Jesus, and the incredible blessings from the production experience were magnificient. We look on that trip as a unforgettable highlight of our life journey.When we returned I received a package in the mail. Unknown to me, Lee and a friend, who has traveled extensively in Israel and other Mediterranean area countries, had gone shopping. Lee found these little treasures and, with the bargaining help from his friend A.C., he bought my birthday present. I was delighted!
These are clay artifacts from the First Century A.D.
The piece on the left is a lamp and
the other is a pitcher normally used to hold oil.
At least that is what was indicated on the certificate of authentication.
You can see a spot that was mended near the lip of the pitcher.
The pitcher is 4 inches tall.
You can see some damaaged areas near the front of the lamp.
It is so tiny--just 3 1/2 inches long and 2 1/4 inches high.
The lamp is packed with dirt, just as it came from the ground.
The salesperson in the shop asked Lee if he wanted the dirt cleaned out.
Lee declined. I am glad he did. I like having it just the way it was found.
These are real treasures for me. I can just imagine them being used in a home during the time of Jesus and the disciples. They are also a reminder of the wondrous experience we had of walking where Jesus walked.
The piece on the left is a lamp and
the other is a pitcher normally used to hold oil.
At least that is what was indicated on the certificate of authentication.
The pitcher is 4 inches tall.
It is so tiny--just 3 1/2 inches long and 2 1/4 inches high.
The lamp is packed with dirt, just as it came from the ground.
The salesperson in the shop asked Lee if he wanted the dirt cleaned out.
Lee declined. I am glad he did. I like having it just the way it was found.
These are real treasures for me. I can just imagine them being used in a home during the time of Jesus and the disciples. They are also a reminder of the wondrous experience we had of walking where Jesus walked.
Your word is a lamp to my feetPsalm 119:105 (NIV)
and a light for my path.
Those are wonderful treasures, Myrna, I love the little lamp! What a blessing to be able to take a trip to Israel!
P.s. your link on Mr. Linky doesn't work so feel free to try again!
Myrna, my husband lived in Israel for 9 months and his parents were there for several years. We were able to visit in the 90's. Visiting Israel gives you a new appreciation for God's Word. Talk about having it come to life!
Great Treasures.
On Kelli's PS. I had to search for your blog on Google to find you.
Oh what special treasures and memories of going to the Holy Land . That verse is one of my favorite and I love the song, too.
I would love to visit the Holy Land. What great treasures.
Wow that is amazing. What a unique keepsake. I would love a vacation to Israel. Talk about history!!
How sweet of them to take the time to shop and get you something special and surprise you. Blessings.
What great treasures!
It must have been an unforgettable trip Myrna. I'd love to do it some day.
What a wonderful gift. They are just amazing.
how amazing to have such a treasure.
That is awesome. What great treasures you have...thanks for sharing them with us.
The lamp is such a treasure! That must have been an absolutely amazing trip you took!
Thanks for sharing your treasures with us. The lamp and pitcher are beautiful.
I love that Psalm verse.
Myrna, What wonderful artifacts you husband would be so envious of your trip to Israel...he has always wanted to go...
Thank you for visiting and commenting on my faux brick floors...Betty
Those are wonderful treasures Myrna! You must have had a great time seeing all the places that we usually only read about! I love that verse too!
Best show and tell of Friday! I loved these and the fact the dirt was left in - I would have wanted it taht way as well.
I would love a trip to Israel!
Priceless treasures! I would love to visit the Holy Land someday. And its great you left the dirt in the lamp-you never know who may have walked on that soil.
Hi Myrna! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I thought I'd return the visit.
I love your artifacts, and that trip sounds like the trip of a lifetime!! I'd love to see all of those places. What neat items to have!!
Wow, what a wonderful surprise in the mail!!! I'm sure your trip to Israel was great, too!! I would love for Mr. U and I to be able to visit there one day!
Mrs. U
Wow, what a special birthday gifts! Where will you display them?
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a message :))
How neat! I've seen pictures of lamps like that but I don't think I've seen an oil pitcher.
Have a great week, Myrna! ;-)
Love and hugs,
Wow, Myrna...what a blessing to get to go to Israel! Don't know if I'll make this Israel, maybe the New Jerusalem! Thanks for visiting my blog...God bless
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