Sunday, May 27, 2007
In Remembrance
I thank my God every time I remember you.
--Philippians 1:3
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord
--Psalm 33:12

My Country 'Tis of Thee
--Philippians 1:3
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord
--Psalm 33:12
Live as free men,
but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil;
live as servants of God.
--1 Peter 2:16

My Country 'Tis of Thee
- My country, 'tis of thee,
- Sweet land of liberty,
- Of thee I sing;
- Land where my fathers died,
- Land of the pilgrims' pride,
- From every mountainside
- Let freedom ring!
- My native country, thee,
- Land of the noble free,
- Thy name I love;
- I love thy rocks and rills,
- Thy woods and templed hills;
- My heart with rapture thrills,
- Like that above.
- Let music swell the breeze,
- And ring from all the trees
- Sweet freedom's song;
- Let mortal tongues awake;
- Let all that breathe partake;
- Let rocks their silence break,
- The sound prolong.
- Our father's God to Thee,
- Author of liberty,
- To Thee we sing.
- Long may our land be bright,
- With freedom's holy light,
- Protect us by Thy might,
- Great God our King.
Labels: Celebrating Holidays, Faith
The land of the free and the home of the brave. May it ever be so!
Amen to penless thoughts! This morning in church we had a group singing patriotic songs with a moving picture of a flag waving on the big overhead screen. It was very moving to say the least! There was a standing ovation when they finished! May we ever enjoy the freedoms that we have now especially the religious freedoms!!
When I was in grade school we started off each day with the Lord's Prayer and this song. (and of course the Pledge of Allegiance)
Too bad it's not that way anymore, isn't it?
Myrna, Your posting today is so appropriate......we have so much to be thankful for and so many to thank for our freedoms, religious freedom foremost.....
Thank you for visiting with me and taking the time to comment. I like the 'Elizabeth' dishes.....My son-by-love,Chip, made the dish shelf for me...The goblets are a gift from a longtime friend....
Please come again.....Betty
This is a wonderful tribute. We are so blessed to live in this country and owe so much to those who have given their lives to preserve the freedoms we enjoy.
I really enjoyed your post. Thanks for visiting!!!
Thanks so much for leaving your one word for the Body of Christ.
obedient servants.
Oh that is so precious and I know that is exactly what you are from reading your posts. I agree, we do change that is part of the kaleidoscope. Many colors and shapes, and changing as they shift.
Wonderful tribute...Amen!
Beautiful Scripture passages you are sharing on this Memorial Day.
May we remember all the fallen ones and the ones who are serving.
But may we also remember the One who gave us ultimate freedom.
Be blessed today and always.
We truly do have so much to be thankful for. Thanks for your post.
There couldn't be a more perfect post for Memorial Day, Myrna. This song always sends a chill up my spine.
And I love your dolls. I can see why they make you smile every time you look at them. Lovely.
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