Thursday, July 17, 2008
Painting and Peggy Sue
I'm a klutz! Yes, I believe I am. I planned to add something to the Peggy Sue record. Instead, I got busy and didn't finish posting it! I guess some of you may be wondering why I put that up here. Well--Read on! Here's the post that was supposed to go with that last little YouTube bit of craziness!
I really I'm back to blogging. HOWEVER, I have been just a little busy! I'm having three bedrooms, the office, a small hallway, and a small bathroom painted this week. YOOHOO!
The painter does not take down wallpaper or border. :( Three of my rooms have either border or wallpaper. I believe the border in my bedroom was put up with SU*PER glue! I understand completely now why the painter no longer removes border or wallpaper. He has been most patient with me as I have tried to loosen the concrete, er, glue, on the wall in my bedroom. I still have to remove the wallpaper in the bathroom. What fun! Trust me--No more border in my house!
I really I'm back to blogging. HOWEVER, I have been just a little busy! I'm having three bedrooms, the office, a small hallway, and a small bathroom painted this week. YOOHOO!
The painter does not take down wallpaper or border. :( Three of my rooms have either border or wallpaper. I believe the border in my bedroom was put up with SU*PER glue! I understand completely now why the painter no longer removes border or wallpaper. He has been most patient with me as I have tried to loosen the concrete, er, glue, on the wall in my bedroom. I still have to remove the wallpaper in the bathroom. What fun! Trust me--No more border in my house!
Painting is not all that has been going on at my house!
Now, you know you want to listen to this golden oldie. Go ahead--It will make you smile. Some of you will probably sing right along! Some of you may wonder about the technology. The little black thing going round and round is a "record." To be more specific, it is a a 45! It is being played on a contraption called a "record player." Enjoy!Wasn't that fun!
Peggy Sue!
She came home last Friday!
Little Miss Peggy Sue is a precious
little black and white
bundle of affection and energy!
Peggy Sue!
She came home last Friday!
Little Miss Peggy Sue is a precious
little black and white
bundle of affection and energy!
Labels: Peggy Sue, Random Thoughts
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Buddy Holly Coral 45: PEGGY SUE
Friday, July 11, 2008
Show and Tell--My Red Hutch

It's been several months since I've participated in Show and Tell. In fact, it's been so long I have almost forgotten the rules and guidelines! Maybe I had better let Kelli fill us in on the idea. Here's what she says over at There is No Place Like Home:
"Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item."
Several weeks ago I went shopping in Franklin with a couple of friends. We had a great day! The main purpose of our trip was to find some treasures for my bedroom. I am in the process of making changes in there.
We found this great red hutch/cabinet. Both of my friends said, almost at the same time, "You have to have that!" After several hours of shopping and thinking about it, I had to agree with them. So, here it is--a new treasure at my house.
Yes, it will be in my bedroom. I'm not sure about everything that will be in the room. We did find a wonderful creamy white quilt and shams, a green/gold/cream patchwork throw, and a fantastic black iron bed. I didn't get the bed, but I will probably go back for it. This room is going to be different from anything I have ever had before. I'll be sure to share some pictures when I get it finished--If I can get pictures taken, downloaded, etc. :)
What treasure are you going to share with us today? Hurry on over to Kelli's and get in on the fun!
I'm off to "visit" some of ya'll! Have a great day!
Labels: Show and Tell
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Fourth Fun
Indulge me just a minute. I know July fourth is just a memory now--but I have been trying to get this post up for three days! Between Blogger not cooperating and my rusty blogging skills, it just hasn't happened!
So--Have you ever watched Jon and Kate Plus 8 on TLC--a family of eight children (one set of twins and one set of sextuplets)? Kate--the very organized mother--takes lots of pictures. We repeatedly hear her say, "I hate this darn camera!" I think I have the same camera because I am beginning to hear my self repeat that same sentiment.
I have not typically been the family photographer. We have thousands of pictures, but Lee is not in half of them--because he was always the one taking the pictures. Since you can never have too many boxes of random pictures, I have been trying to remember to snap a few pictures.
Of course, being even an amateur photographer requires--first of all--remembering to have the camera handy. Then there is the problem of downloading the pictures occasionally. AND--if the pictures actually get downloaded there's the job of emptying the memory card. You know, so that you can actually put another picture on it! (I know there is internal memory, but I don't trust that)! Then, at last, if all those pesky things happen the camera must actually be picked up at the opportune moments and A PICTURE ACTUALLY TAKEN!! Are you beginning to grasp my level of ineptitude? Whatever happened to simple film and flashbulbs and lining people up to pose?!!!
So--OK--maybe???--I don't really have the same camera as Kate after all. Maybe my photographic problems are all operator error! Whatever, I sometimes find myself without adequate pictures. The past weekend is a fine example! Anyway--just imagine that you are looking at lots of pictures!
I went to M-ville for the Fourth. Foe some reason, involving town history, that little city decided to celebrate the 4th on the 5th. The day did not matter--It was certainly an old-fashioned kind of July 4 celebration.
We went to a parade. It was a typical small town parade full of old cars, new convertibles, pickups, tractors beauty queens, and politicians passing out candy and promises. There was even a small herd of sheep being moved along by a very well-trained dog and his master. Now can't you just see all the pictures I could have taken IF I had remembered to. . .
We hung out on the covered front porch. Cool breezes from the fans and a mostly shady spot make this a good place to sit and talk, dream, and maybe get up and dance! Betcha thought I wouldn't have pictures!
Luke dancing for Wooky!
Luke, Spoony, and Lilah hanging out together on the swing.
Lilah is the family Basset Hound. She and Wooky go everywhere together.
See one--See them both.--Kind of like Spoony and Luke when their families are together.
My apologies to all other family members and friends.
These are the only people pictures from the weekend!
Uh--I told you--I have serious photographer limitations!
Just before our group got to the civic center we got wet! It POURED rain for a few minutes--just long enough to get us SOGGY! No pictures of that--Thank goodness!

What? I can't fool you?! You think I didn't take that picture. . .
So--Have you ever watched Jon and Kate Plus 8 on TLC--a family of eight children (one set of twins and one set of sextuplets)? Kate--the very organized mother--takes lots of pictures. We repeatedly hear her say, "I hate this darn camera!" I think I have the same camera because I am beginning to hear my self repeat that same sentiment.
I have not typically been the family photographer. We have thousands of pictures, but Lee is not in half of them--because he was always the one taking the pictures. Since you can never have too many boxes of random pictures, I have been trying to remember to snap a few pictures.
Of course, being even an amateur photographer requires--first of all--remembering to have the camera handy. Then there is the problem of downloading the pictures occasionally. AND--if the pictures actually get downloaded there's the job of emptying the memory card. You know, so that you can actually put another picture on it! (I know there is internal memory, but I don't trust that)! Then, at last, if all those pesky things happen the camera must actually be picked up at the opportune moments and A PICTURE ACTUALLY TAKEN!! Are you beginning to grasp my level of ineptitude? Whatever happened to simple film and flashbulbs and lining people up to pose?!!!
So--OK--maybe???--I don't really have the same camera as Kate after all. Maybe my photographic problems are all operator error! Whatever, I sometimes find myself without adequate pictures. The past weekend is a fine example! Anyway--just imagine that you are looking at lots of pictures!
I went to M-ville for the Fourth. Foe some reason, involving town history, that little city decided to celebrate the 4th on the 5th. The day did not matter--It was certainly an old-fashioned kind of July 4 celebration.
We went to a parade. It was a typical small town parade full of old cars, new convertibles, pickups, tractors beauty queens, and politicians passing out candy and promises. There was even a small herd of sheep being moved along by a very well-trained dog and his master. Now can't you just see all the pictures I could have taken IF I had remembered to. . .
We hung out on the covered front porch. Cool breezes from the fans and a mostly shady spot make this a good place to sit and talk, dream, and maybe get up and dance! Betcha thought I wouldn't have pictures!
Aha! fooled you!
The only pictures I got from the weekend
were on the front porch--Cousins and dogs having fun!
were on the front porch--Cousins and dogs having fun!
Spoony dancing with Wooky!
Wooky is a Goldendoodle puppy.
Yes, I said, "puppy!" She is about six months old and
is sporting her first "summer cut."
Lilah is watching from her low-to-the-floor view.
What a pair of dogs!
Wooky is a Goldendoodle puppy.
Yes, I said, "puppy!" She is about six months old and
is sporting her first "summer cut."
Lilah is watching from her low-to-the-floor view.
What a pair of dogs!
Lilah is the family Basset Hound. She and Wooky go everywhere together.
See one--See them both.--Kind of like Spoony and Luke when their families are together.
My apologies to all other family members and friends.
These are the only people pictures from the weekend!
Uh--I told you--I have serious photographer limitations!
Kevin and Holly provided a great cook-out spread for about 25 people--Hot dogs, hamburgers and all the trimmings. Holly's grandmother, Margaret, made the BEST BANANA PUDDING EVER! Insert mind images of great food and fellowship here. . .
Then we walked about three blocks to the Civic Center for the official city fireworks. It seemed like about four miles because it was UPHILL--BOTH DIRECTIONS--at least it felt like it! I think I was the only one in my generation to make the trek! The others were smarter--They stayed home on that nice covered porch and watched from there!
Then we walked about three blocks to the Civic Center for the official city fireworks. It seemed like about four miles because it was UPHILL--BOTH DIRECTIONS--at least it felt like it! I think I was the only one in my generation to make the trek! The others were smarter--They stayed home on that nice covered porch and watched from there!
Just before our group got to the civic center we got wet! It POURED rain for a few minutes--just long enough to get us SOGGY! No pictures of that--Thank goodness!
The fireworks were beautiful! SEE--

What? I can't fool you?! You think I didn't take that picture. . .
A great family and friends Fourth of July.
I hope you had a memorable holiday!
I hope you had a memorable holiday!
Labels: Celebrating Holidays, Family, Grandchildren
Saturday, July 5, 2008
In Christ Alone
Friday, July 4, 2008
Hey There! Have a Great Fourth of July!
Happy Fourth of July!!

Hey! Blogging Friends!
I'm on my way back to the blogging world! Thank you for the emails and comments supporting me while I have been dealing with life. I appreciate all of you so much.
I have been busy! Just returned from a trip to Texas! I spent time with lots of precious family members. We had a cousins reunion--How great! I saw cousins I had not seen in YEARS! What fun talking about our parents and the legacies left by them and their parents. My dad was one of eleven children! Therefore, we had lots of stories to tell!
I also spent time with my sister-in-law, Carlene--just the two of us. She and I both said good-bye to our husbands in the last year. It was difficult being at a family gathering without either one of them. She and I talked way into the night. AND--we had a couple of small adventures together---We're not telling!!
I also spent some days with my stepmother and sister. Carol and I had adventures also. I know a lot more about storage now! That girl is the queen of storage solutions! She introduced me to some stores that we don't have here in Musi*ic City. Like IK*EA, The Con*tai*ner Store, and C and Barrell. Fun places!
I do love visiting the Mother Country--but I'm glad to be back home in the Volunteer State. Now I'm making plans for some changes at home--like paintng rooms, etc. There will be lots to show and tell about that, I'm sure.
Today I'm headed to celebrate the fourth with grandchldren-complete with a parade, cooking out, and fireworks!
Oh, I almost forgot--I'm in love! Yep!--My heart has been stolen! She's almost two months old and has the sweetest face! She's coming to live with me before long! I KNOW there will be stories to tell!
I'm on my way back to the blogging world! Thank you for the emails and comments supporting me while I have been dealing with life. I appreciate all of you so much.
I have been busy! Just returned from a trip to Texas! I spent time with lots of precious family members. We had a cousins reunion--How great! I saw cousins I had not seen in YEARS! What fun talking about our parents and the legacies left by them and their parents. My dad was one of eleven children! Therefore, we had lots of stories to tell!
I also spent time with my sister-in-law, Carlene--just the two of us. She and I both said good-bye to our husbands in the last year. It was difficult being at a family gathering without either one of them. She and I talked way into the night. AND--we had a couple of small adventures together---We're not telling!!
I also spent some days with my stepmother and sister. Carol and I had adventures also. I know a lot more about storage now! That girl is the queen of storage solutions! She introduced me to some stores that we don't have here in Musi*ic City. Like IK*EA, The Con*tai*ner Store, and C and Barrell. Fun places!
I do love visiting the Mother Country--but I'm glad to be back home in the Volunteer State. Now I'm making plans for some changes at home--like paintng rooms, etc. There will be lots to show and tell about that, I'm sure.
Today I'm headed to celebrate the fourth with grandchldren-complete with a parade, cooking out, and fireworks!
Oh, I almost forgot--I'm in love! Yep!--My heart has been stolen! She's almost two months old and has the sweetest face! She's coming to live with me before long! I KNOW there will be stories to tell!
Labels: About Me, Celebrating Holidays, Family