Thursday, April 24, 2008
I've been busy taking care of life things. I think I'm ready now to have a little fun with you. I have so many things to talk about, but I won't hit them all today. I think a little random ramblin' is in order! I found this cute little shoe blogthing over at Cherdecor the other day. (I've been doing a bit of lurking and a little commenting)!
Anyway--I figure there is nothing more random that the shoes in my closet, so shoes/boots seems as good a place as any for me to start--Then there are the trees in my backyard--and my family--grandchildren. Oh, yes, it feels good to be back. I have lots of blog fodder to use from the last few weeks.
So, OK--enough ramblin'--Just What Kind of Shoe Are You? I don't know about this boot thang! I guess my wild, wacky, wide-open--um--bossy Texas roots are showing!
OK--More Randomness Ahead!
I have so many good friends! I have known that all along, but the last few weeks have really proven it to me. So many wonderful people have reached out to me in such a marvelous variety of ways--Phone calls, shopping trips, hanging out, cards, notes, and one of my favorites--EATING OUT!
The past three years I have spent most of my time at home. It is taking some adjusting getting used to going out in public. But, my friends are making sure that I am doing just that.
Here are two of my younger friends--two of the sweetest ladies in the world! The one sitting beside me calls me her "Southern Mom" (She's originally from a rather northern state.) She worked with me at two schools--I hired her both times! The other one worked with us at one of those schools--we chose her together. Now we have all gone on to other phases of life and none of us work at a school. We liked each other when we worked together, but now our friendship is on a different level. They have actually learned to call me Myrna rather than Dr. S! We laughed so much! Love 'em both!
Then, I took a little day trip with my very good friend (23 years), Joy! We went to a favorite spot for both of us. I have been there often with my family and Lee and I have been a couple of times with Joy and her husband, Richard. It is a little bit of a drive up into Kentucky, but worth it when you get to Patti's--a restaurant in a small KY town.
Patti's is the centerpiece of a little "old time" settlement. The restaurant has a very unique decor and delicious food--Be sure to reserve space for the absolutely unbelievable pies! There are several little shops there worth visiting. I actually bought a Christmas present. Really! Shhh! It's a secret!
In addition to the restaurant and shopping, there are pretty outdoor venues for weddings and such, gardens, a miniature golf course, and several other small tourist attractions. We saw a wedding reception in progress and then we were treated to the prom parade. All the nooks and crannies of the little village provide lots of photo op situations. So most of the prom goers in the area seemed to be there taking pictures. Fun to watch!
We weren't iexactly dressed for the prom parade (thank goodness), but we found some pretty places for pictures also!

Speaking of dresssing for the prom--What are some of those parents thinking about letting their daughters out in those dresses??! Oh! My! Goodness!
I haven't had my camera with me on all of the outings I have been on; but that's a glimpse of how I have been spending some of my time recently. Tomorrow night I have been invited to a friend's home for dinner with some other ladies. I'm looking forward to that. Friday, I'm having lunch with some Lifeway friends. Then there is a grandchild birthday party on Friday night! Are you seeing a theme here?! I'm going to have to go to Weight Watchers!!
OK! so we'll call this a start. I still have trees/family doin's/birthday parties and some other random stuff to share with you. So, come on back. I'll be here!
Anyway--I figure there is nothing more random that the shoes in my closet, so shoes/boots seems as good a place as any for me to start--Then there are the trees in my backyard--and my family--grandchildren. Oh, yes, it feels good to be back. I have lots of blog fodder to use from the last few weeks.
So, OK--enough ramblin'--Just What Kind of Shoe Are You? I don't know about this boot thang! I guess my wild, wacky, wide-open--um--bossy Texas roots are showing!
You Are Cowboy Boots |
![]() This doesn't mean you're country, just funky. You've got a ton of attitude and confidence. You're unique, expressive, and even a little bit wacky. You wear whatever you feel like – and you have your own sense of style. You are straight shooting and honest. You tell people how it is. Low maintenance and free wheeling, you're always up for an adventure. You should live: Where you can at least get to wide open spaces You should work: In a job that allows you to take change |
OK--More Randomness Ahead!
I have so many good friends! I have known that all along, but the last few weeks have really proven it to me. So many wonderful people have reached out to me in such a marvelous variety of ways--Phone calls, shopping trips, hanging out, cards, notes, and one of my favorites--EATING OUT!
The past three years I have spent most of my time at home. It is taking some adjusting getting used to going out in public. But, my friends are making sure that I am doing just that.
Here are two of my younger friends--two of the sweetest ladies in the world! The one sitting beside me calls me her "Southern Mom" (She's originally from a rather northern state.) She worked with me at two schools--I hired her both times! The other one worked with us at one of those schools--we chose her together. Now we have all gone on to other phases of life and none of us work at a school. We liked each other when we worked together, but now our friendship is on a different level. They have actually learned to call me Myrna rather than Dr. S! We laughed so much! Love 'em both!
Then, I took a little day trip with my very good friend (23 years), Joy! We went to a favorite spot for both of us. I have been there often with my family and Lee and I have been a couple of times with Joy and her husband, Richard. It is a little bit of a drive up into Kentucky, but worth it when you get to Patti's--a restaurant in a small KY town.
Patti's is the centerpiece of a little "old time" settlement. The restaurant has a very unique decor and delicious food--Be sure to reserve space for the absolutely unbelievable pies! There are several little shops there worth visiting. I actually bought a Christmas present. Really! Shhh! It's a secret!
In addition to the restaurant and shopping, there are pretty outdoor venues for weddings and such, gardens, a miniature golf course, and several other small tourist attractions. We saw a wedding reception in progress and then we were treated to the prom parade. All the nooks and crannies of the little village provide lots of photo op situations. So most of the prom goers in the area seemed to be there taking pictures. Fun to watch!
We weren't iexactly dressed for the prom parade (thank goodness), but we found some pretty places for pictures also!
Speaking of dresssing for the prom--What are some of those parents thinking about letting their daughters out in those dresses??! Oh! My! Goodness!
I haven't had my camera with me on all of the outings I have been on; but that's a glimpse of how I have been spending some of my time recently. Tomorrow night I have been invited to a friend's home for dinner with some other ladies. I'm looking forward to that. Friday, I'm having lunch with some Lifeway friends. Then there is a grandchild birthday party on Friday night! Are you seeing a theme here?! I'm going to have to go to Weight Watchers!!
OK! so we'll call this a start. I still have trees/family doin's/birthday parties and some other random stuff to share with you. So, come on back. I'll be here!
Labels: Random Thoughts
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Carolyn's Legacy--Prayers and Beauty

We said good-bye to our precious Carolyn last week. People, the service was a true celebration of life! I just have to share a little about this remarkable young lady.
Carolyn had an extremely rare form of cancer for almost three years. She had undergone numerous surgeries, several rounds of chemo and radiation, and countless other procedures. She was in remission for several months before the enemy came back with a vengeance. Carolyn endured it all with a stong faith and unstoppable spirit.
Carolyn made a public profession of faith just shortly before she became sick and received the cancer diagnosis. She faced her disease with a faith that you would expect from someone much older who had known the Lord for many years. She was an example for all who knew her. This was obvious at her funeral service when many people shared examples of how she made a difference in their lives. Just listen to this story that was told by the grandmother of another little girl with cancer. What a witness.
Carolyn was in the hospital for almost two months starting in late January. I believe it was during this time that this woman and her seven-year-old granddaughter met Carolyn and her family. The other child (Since I don't know this child I'm going to call her Clare--not the name the grandmother used.). Clare had the same very rare cancer as Carolyn. As I understand it, this form of cancer is not only rare, it is even more rare for girls as young as these two.
Carolyn was often in great pain during this hospital stay. At times she had such pain that she could not stand for her bed to be touched. However, one night Clare was having trouble going to sleep. Carolyn let her crawl up beside her. The girls wrapped their arms around each other and snuggled together.
This sweet grandmother told about sitting in the darkened room listening to the girls talk. Carolyn told Clare that they should pray. According the the grandmother, Clare knew some memorized prayers, but didn't really know how to pray specifically. Carolyn taught the younger girl to talk personally to God and pray about specific things.
The girls did not pray just for themselves. They talked to God about the other children in the hospital. They prayed for those children to have their pain controlled; for God to be with the families, etc. Carolyn taught Clare to look outside of herself to find others who also needed God's care. She taught her to simply talk to God about the things that were important to her at that time.
That story, told at the funeral, made such an impression on me. What a lesson! I have certainly been doing some thinking about my conversations with God.
And the butterfly at the top-- We released butterflies at the graveside service. Carolyn had told her younger brother that her funeral was "going to be fun." In a conversation with my sister about how that could appropriately happen I mentioned a butterfly release. I didn't know exactly what that was, but it sounded pretty and a somewhat "fun." After getting enthusiactic approval from her parents, my sister told me to "go ahead with the butterflies." Huh--I was just brainstorming ideas--but you know how it goes--Sometimes if you have an idea you "get" to do it.
I gladly arranged for it. It was much easier than I anticipated. Some other family members helped with the cost. At the end of the service Carolyn's brother, Jacob, released the gorgeous Monarchs under a beautiful Texas sky.
Carolyn was a "butterfly girl." Actually she loved all animals and God's creations in nature, but she had a special attraction to butterflies. The release was a wonderful way to honor her and her love of God. Lots of people were wearing butterfly pins and clothes adorned with butterflies because they knew about Carolyn's interest in them. What a lovely sight it was! The butterflies were very "people friendly" and were, of course, immediately attracted to all the flowers. I didn't have my camera, but some other family members took pictures of the butterflies. If I get copies off the pics I will share some of the butterfly antics.
BTW--If you have an interest in butterfly releases you might be surprised to find out how easy it is is to find a source. I just goo**gled "butterfly release." I found Vibrant Wings which happened to be very near where we were in Texas. The butterflies were delievered to us the morning we needed them. Most companies Fed*Ex overnight. Kathy gave us excellent service on short notice. She graciously tolerated my anxiousness about everything going well! :-)
Friday, April 11, 2008
Sweet Carolyn
There will come a time that I will post some frivolous, random thoughts about something like cleaning out my refrigerator or taking a walk on a beautiful spring day. Yes, I have started posts about those very topics this week. I also have some great stories about the grands. You may read them some day. This will not be the day.
Today my heart is broken--once again. Beautiful, intelligent, talented, vivacious twelve-year-old Carolyn lost her battle with cancer and went home to heaven. Carolyn is the daughter of my nephew, Jeff; granddaughter of my sister, Barbara. She fought valiantly for two and a half years. Now she is healed and is with Jesus, who she loves! (I posted about Carolyn here. I did not continue to relay information about her progress because of privacy issues.)
I will be traveling to Texas for this funeral--a trip I have made too many times in the past few years. Please remember my family as we--again--remember and honor a loved one, celebrate a life lived well, and rejoice in the power of saving grace.
Please remember Carolyn's sweet family. Her parents and her younger brother could certainly use some prayers for peace and comfort at this time.
Today my heart is broken--once again. Beautiful, intelligent, talented, vivacious twelve-year-old Carolyn lost her battle with cancer and went home to heaven. Carolyn is the daughter of my nephew, Jeff; granddaughter of my sister, Barbara. She fought valiantly for two and a half years. Now she is healed and is with Jesus, who she loves! (I posted about Carolyn here. I did not continue to relay information about her progress because of privacy issues.)
I will be traveling to Texas for this funeral--a trip I have made too many times in the past few years. Please remember my family as we--again--remember and honor a loved one, celebrate a life lived well, and rejoice in the power of saving grace.
Please remember Carolyn's sweet family. Her parents and her younger brother could certainly use some prayers for peace and comfort at this time.
Matthew 19:14
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me,
and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me,
and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Labels: Family
Monday, April 7, 2008
Thank you, friends, for your prayers and your encouraging and compassionate comments on my last post. Thanks, also for those of you who read and commented on Beth and Amanda's post at LPM Blog. This blogging world is truly amazing. How wonderful to have such caring friends in this special community.
My family and I are working our way to our new normal. We are missing Lee very much. However, we know he is well and we rejoice that he is home with the Lord. We are OK. God does not promise that we will not experience difficulties. He does promise to protect us and be with us. In the last days and weeks His love and care-- through the thoughts, words, prayers, and actions of many special friends--has been abundant!
I have wanted to post several times in the past two weeks. It has been difficult to know where to start. Today I have decided to just start. I think I need to "talk" some about the journey of the last two weeks. Today I want to share Lee's Home Going servicewith you. It was a special time for all of us.
This is Lee's eulogy, written by his family, that was printed in the order of service. BTW--Until now I have not shared our last name on this blog. Although I have mentioned that Lee was a video producer for Lifeway, I have not revealed the names of the people with whom Lee worked. However, I think that now--since so many of you have read the LPM Blog--I'll just go ahead and talk about that just a little bit in this post.
Elza Lee Sizemore. Jr., age 62, went home to be with his Lord on March 22, 2008. Lee leaves, to cherish his memory, his wife of 39 years Myrna Curry Sizemore; son Greg Sizemore and his wife Audré’; son Kevin Sizemore and his wife Holly; and grandchildren, Luke and Ella Sizemore and Joshua and Spoony Sizemore; brother, Jack Sizemore (Charlotte); niece Becky Clary (T.L) and family; sister-in-law, Barbara Curry Seals (W.M); step mother-in-law Rachel Curry; step sister-in-law Carol Bowdish; and many other treasured relatives from the Sizemore and Curry families.
Lee was preceded in death by his father, Elza Lee Sizemore, Sr.; mother, Emma Hay Sizemore; infant daughter, Dawn Marie; beloved brother-in-law Charles Curry; and sister-in-law, Jeannette Curry Anderson.
Lee was born in Virginia, July 12, 1945, to parents Elza Lee, Sr. and Emma Hay Sizemore. He grew up in Tazewell, VA and moved with his parents to Bradenton, FL after graduating from high school in 1962. He attended Manatee Jr. College and the University of South Florida, graduating with a B.A. in English and journalism in 1967. Lee received a Masters in Religious Education from Southwestern Seminary in Ft. Worth, TX in June of 1969. He married Myrna Curry in Ft. Worth in 1969 and they moved to Nashville in 1971.
Lee’s greatest joy in life was his family. He delighted in being with his sons, and later their wives, and his grandchildren. He was always ready to attend a basketball or soccer game, piano recital, school or church program, or any other event in which one of them was participating. Of all the names and titles he acquired during his life, none were sweeter or more important to him than “Poppy” when spoken by one of his grandchildren.
When he signed up for anything, Lee had a driving passion to be completely committed. He rarely missed any practices or games in which his sons played; he often was their coach. He was involved in various committee and ministry teams at church, often in leadership positions. Certainly he felt the calling to express himself creatively during his 35 years of service at the Baptist Sunday School Board, later renamed Lifeway. While there he served in a number of capacities, starting as assistant editor of Home Life magazine and finishing as a senior producer/editor of multi-media projects.
Lee expressed his desire to be involved in doing the work for which God called him, to the point of saying he did not want to outlive his ability to be involved in some sort of ministry. Even while confined to a bed, he still was able to write and edit pieces for Christ to the World (an organization dedicated to spreading the Gospel around the world). His family believes that God honored his wish to be involved in ministry until the end of his life, and then He graciously and peacefully took Lee home.
Family and friends are meeting together today to honor Lee’s love of the Lord and his life. Pastor, Dr. Poly Rouse, will officiate the service, assisted by Lee’s dear friends Dale McCleskey, Beth Moore, James Shelton, Travis Cottrell, and Dan Arterburn.
Pallbearers are members of the video crew that Lee worked with for many years. They are Rick Simms, Steve Fralick, Tim Cox, Eddie Bellar, Steve Bates, Bill Cox, Danny Ayala, and Steve Goostree. These friends traveled all over the world with Lee. They carried Lee and his wheelchair up many slopes and through many cities. It is only fitting that they carry him on this final journey.
Honorary Pallbearers are the employees of Digital Media Publishing and Publishing Services of Lifeway Christian Resources.
On a personal note, the family wishes to thank the labors of so many people who helped Lee and Myrna during the last three years of Lee’s life. Because Lee required constant supervision, a requirement of all ventilator patients, Myrna was unable to leave the home often. We know God gives grace even in the midst of suffering. The countless phone calls, emails, cards and messages sent by friends, the numerous visits to the hospital and home by the ministerial staff at Hermitage Hills Baptist Church, the frequent visits by friends from Lifeway, and the special efforts made by Jim Johnston, Keith Smyser, Richard Barnes, Kevin Brewer, Betsy Wedekind, James “Doc” Shelton, and Joy and Richard Dodge leave loving memories.
Many other neighbors, friends, and the staff of Glengarry School all provided support in many and varied ways. Be assured that all of these acts of kindness during Lee’s long illness helped boost the spirits of the Sizemore family and Myrna in particular. Please accept a sincere and gracious thank you for your love and support during an emotional season of life for the Sizemore family.
A video memorial to Lee can be found at Making Everlasting Memories by accessing
The service was just what we wanted it to be. Lee had chosen all the people who participated and all the songs that were sung. Travis Cottrell sang, "Be Thou My Vision." Travis sings at Beth's Events and traveled with Lee and crew many times. A video of this hymn is in the Jesus the One and Only Bible Study. Dan Arterburn, who has been one of our pastor's and a friend for almost thirty years sang Amazing Grace and led the congregation in Worthy of Worship and Victory in Jesus.
Dale McClesky, Beth Moore, and James Shelton spoke about their friendships with Lee, his life, his love of his family, and his witness for Christ. Dale and Beth have been Lee's friends for years--The three of themhave traveled the world together preparing Bible studies so that others can know more of Jesus. James is a dear family friend and a colleague of our son, Greg. Our pastor, Poly Rouse, spoke about the impact of Lee's life on others and offered the plan of salvation which was so important to Lee. We could not have asked for a better tribute to Lee and his life than what these friends offered at this service.
Lee had asked that his friends be involved--and they were. He had asked that we worship God--and we did. He had asked us to rejoice that he was with the Lord--and we did. What a blessing to share this time with family and friends!
Psalm 116:15
Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints.
My family and I are working our way to our new normal. We are missing Lee very much. However, we know he is well and we rejoice that he is home with the Lord. We are OK. God does not promise that we will not experience difficulties. He does promise to protect us and be with us. In the last days and weeks His love and care-- through the thoughts, words, prayers, and actions of many special friends--has been abundant!
I have wanted to post several times in the past two weeks. It has been difficult to know where to start. Today I have decided to just start. I think I need to "talk" some about the journey of the last two weeks. Today I want to share Lee's Home Going servicewith you. It was a special time for all of us.
This is Lee's eulogy, written by his family, that was printed in the order of service. BTW--Until now I have not shared our last name on this blog. Although I have mentioned that Lee was a video producer for Lifeway, I have not revealed the names of the people with whom Lee worked. However, I think that now--since so many of you have read the LPM Blog--I'll just go ahead and talk about that just a little bit in this post.
Elza Lee Sizemore. Jr., age 62, went home to be with his Lord on March 22, 2008. Lee leaves, to cherish his memory, his wife of 39 years Myrna Curry Sizemore; son Greg Sizemore and his wife Audré’; son Kevin Sizemore and his wife Holly; and grandchildren, Luke and Ella Sizemore and Joshua and Spoony Sizemore; brother, Jack Sizemore (Charlotte); niece Becky Clary (T.L) and family; sister-in-law, Barbara Curry Seals (W.M); step mother-in-law Rachel Curry; step sister-in-law Carol Bowdish; and many other treasured relatives from the Sizemore and Curry families.
Lee was preceded in death by his father, Elza Lee Sizemore, Sr.; mother, Emma Hay Sizemore; infant daughter, Dawn Marie; beloved brother-in-law Charles Curry; and sister-in-law, Jeannette Curry Anderson.
Lee was born in Virginia, July 12, 1945, to parents Elza Lee, Sr. and Emma Hay Sizemore. He grew up in Tazewell, VA and moved with his parents to Bradenton, FL after graduating from high school in 1962. He attended Manatee Jr. College and the University of South Florida, graduating with a B.A. in English and journalism in 1967. Lee received a Masters in Religious Education from Southwestern Seminary in Ft. Worth, TX in June of 1969. He married Myrna Curry in Ft. Worth in 1969 and they moved to Nashville in 1971.
Lee’s greatest joy in life was his family. He delighted in being with his sons, and later their wives, and his grandchildren. He was always ready to attend a basketball or soccer game, piano recital, school or church program, or any other event in which one of them was participating. Of all the names and titles he acquired during his life, none were sweeter or more important to him than “Poppy” when spoken by one of his grandchildren.
When he signed up for anything, Lee had a driving passion to be completely committed. He rarely missed any practices or games in which his sons played; he often was their coach. He was involved in various committee and ministry teams at church, often in leadership positions. Certainly he felt the calling to express himself creatively during his 35 years of service at the Baptist Sunday School Board, later renamed Lifeway. While there he served in a number of capacities, starting as assistant editor of Home Life magazine and finishing as a senior producer/editor of multi-media projects.
Lee expressed his desire to be involved in doing the work for which God called him, to the point of saying he did not want to outlive his ability to be involved in some sort of ministry. Even while confined to a bed, he still was able to write and edit pieces for Christ to the World (an organization dedicated to spreading the Gospel around the world). His family believes that God honored his wish to be involved in ministry until the end of his life, and then He graciously and peacefully took Lee home.
Family and friends are meeting together today to honor Lee’s love of the Lord and his life. Pastor, Dr. Poly Rouse, will officiate the service, assisted by Lee’s dear friends Dale McCleskey, Beth Moore, James Shelton, Travis Cottrell, and Dan Arterburn.
Pallbearers are members of the video crew that Lee worked with for many years. They are Rick Simms, Steve Fralick, Tim Cox, Eddie Bellar, Steve Bates, Bill Cox, Danny Ayala, and Steve Goostree. These friends traveled all over the world with Lee. They carried Lee and his wheelchair up many slopes and through many cities. It is only fitting that they carry him on this final journey.
Honorary Pallbearers are the employees of Digital Media Publishing and Publishing Services of Lifeway Christian Resources.
On a personal note, the family wishes to thank the labors of so many people who helped Lee and Myrna during the last three years of Lee’s life. Because Lee required constant supervision, a requirement of all ventilator patients, Myrna was unable to leave the home often. We know God gives grace even in the midst of suffering. The countless phone calls, emails, cards and messages sent by friends, the numerous visits to the hospital and home by the ministerial staff at Hermitage Hills Baptist Church, the frequent visits by friends from Lifeway, and the special efforts made by Jim Johnston, Keith Smyser, Richard Barnes, Kevin Brewer, Betsy Wedekind, James “Doc” Shelton, and Joy and Richard Dodge leave loving memories.
Many other neighbors, friends, and the staff of Glengarry School all provided support in many and varied ways. Be assured that all of these acts of kindness during Lee’s long illness helped boost the spirits of the Sizemore family and Myrna in particular. Please accept a sincere and gracious thank you for your love and support during an emotional season of life for the Sizemore family.
A video memorial to Lee can be found at Making Everlasting Memories by accessing
The service was just what we wanted it to be. Lee had chosen all the people who participated and all the songs that were sung. Travis Cottrell sang, "Be Thou My Vision." Travis sings at Beth's Events and traveled with Lee and crew many times. A video of this hymn is in the Jesus the One and Only Bible Study. Dan Arterburn, who has been one of our pastor's and a friend for almost thirty years sang Amazing Grace and led the congregation in Worthy of Worship and Victory in Jesus.
Dale McClesky, Beth Moore, and James Shelton spoke about their friendships with Lee, his life, his love of his family, and his witness for Christ. Dale and Beth have been Lee's friends for years--The three of themhave traveled the world together preparing Bible studies so that others can know more of Jesus. James is a dear family friend and a colleague of our son, Greg. Our pastor, Poly Rouse, spoke about the impact of Lee's life on others and offered the plan of salvation which was so important to Lee. We could not have asked for a better tribute to Lee and his life than what these friends offered at this service.
Lee had asked that his friends be involved--and they were. He had asked that we worship God--and we did. He had asked us to rejoice that he was with the Lord--and we did. What a blessing to share this time with family and friends!
Psalm 116:15
Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints.
Labels: Precious Husband