Wednesday, May 2, 2007
OK, I'll take the plunge and show the purse. Barb thinks she is the last one in bloggyville to do it. No, No, Not at all! That would be me!
Barb must be extremely neat and organized--at least her blog posts, pictures, and purse are! I'm in awe because I am the queen of stacks--You know, stacks of books, stacks of magazines, stacks of mail, etc. I think it is admirable to have a place for everything and I do like clean. However, the concept of everything in its place sometimes escapes me. More drawers than I care to admit have turned into "junk" drawers. I do stay a few steps head of the Clean Sweep Team, and, the Health Dept. will probably not shut me down anytime soon. I say all that to prepare you for the state of my purse--not an organizer's dream!
I don't spend a lot of money on a purse because, well, there are just a lot of purses in the world! It is good to be able to tell one good-bye and choose another one for awhile. I have a friend who LOVES purses. She has many and changes them often according to what outfit she is wearing. She also LOVES jewelry and would not think of leaving the house without at least earrings and a bracelet--and of course, purse-- that complement the outfit. I mean the woman is an accessorizing genius. I must add, she ALWAYS looks great!
Anyhow! I fall somewhere between those who buy one purse and use it forever and my IRL friend who has a closet full of them and uses them all. I like to have one that I use most of the time, but I change it for another one every few months, by seasons, or when I see a purse that is just calling my name. Therefore, I don't normally spend a lot for one. I did buy a Dooney&Burke purse one time, but I found it at the outlet in Freeport, Maine--and it was very reasonably priced!
This current, very ordinary. number is one I bought at Kohl's in 2005 and used for two winter seasons. I am almost ready to tell it good-bye. It is red because red is my neutral color. I mean, really, doesn't everything go with some shade of red?

Now for the inside? Stand back, it may look like a relatively small purse, but you would be surprised what might come out of it!

Actually, not as bad as usual. I'm almost proud of myself--no overripe bananas, leftover candy eggs, or checks/letters that should have been mailed a week ago! Let's see--We have the following:
• a wad of receipts from my last trip to Kroger
• an old grocery list torn from my book. If the purse were bigger the book would be in it--Gotta have my little notebook!
• a sunglasses case--I didn't open it, but--wonder of wonders--the sunglasses are there!
• my wallet--You can tell it is stuffed and past due to be replaced!
• cell phone--What did we do without them?
• a headband--I have no idea why that is there--I only wear them when I'm washing my face and putting on make-up.
• a pair of earrings--Uh, why?
• two pens--Only 2?!
• three one dollar bills--Must have been in a hurry at a check-out counter.
• $1.29 in change--We could do a lot of good for the world if we combined all the change in the bottom of women's purses--except for you very organized ones that don't budge at check-out until you have put it where it belongs. I'm so envious of your self-discipline!
• two Imodium tablets--You don't want to know, but I don't leave home without them.
• a syringe--It is for my husband's trach--used to put air in the cuff that stabilizes it inside his throat. We have several; this one is left over from a trip to the hospital.
I usually have lipstick, gum, and a package of tissue--Wonder where they are?
Well, now that I have all that stuff out of there, why not do a little house, er, purse cleaning and organize a new one. I'll organize it, but I don't promise it will stay that way! Here's the choices I have at this time--one was a gift, one left from last year, and one picked up on sale at the mall. Which should I choose--or should I go shopping again? Hmmmm, I'm thinkin'______

Since Barb and I think we are the last ones to show our purses, it may be futile for me to say this, but here goes--I tag YOU! Show us what you carry around with you!
Barb must be extremely neat and organized--at least her blog posts, pictures, and purse are! I'm in awe because I am the queen of stacks--You know, stacks of books, stacks of magazines, stacks of mail, etc. I think it is admirable to have a place for everything and I do like clean. However, the concept of everything in its place sometimes escapes me. More drawers than I care to admit have turned into "junk" drawers. I do stay a few steps head of the Clean Sweep Team, and, the Health Dept. will probably not shut me down anytime soon. I say all that to prepare you for the state of my purse--not an organizer's dream!
I don't spend a lot of money on a purse because, well, there are just a lot of purses in the world! It is good to be able to tell one good-bye and choose another one for awhile. I have a friend who LOVES purses. She has many and changes them often according to what outfit she is wearing. She also LOVES jewelry and would not think of leaving the house without at least earrings and a bracelet--and of course, purse-- that complement the outfit. I mean the woman is an accessorizing genius. I must add, she ALWAYS looks great!
Anyhow! I fall somewhere between those who buy one purse and use it forever and my IRL friend who has a closet full of them and uses them all. I like to have one that I use most of the time, but I change it for another one every few months, by seasons, or when I see a purse that is just calling my name. Therefore, I don't normally spend a lot for one. I did buy a Dooney&Burke purse one time, but I found it at the outlet in Freeport, Maine--and it was very reasonably priced!
This current, very ordinary. number is one I bought at Kohl's in 2005 and used for two winter seasons. I am almost ready to tell it good-bye. It is red because red is my neutral color. I mean, really, doesn't everything go with some shade of red?
Now for the inside? Stand back, it may look like a relatively small purse, but you would be surprised what might come out of it!
Actually, not as bad as usual. I'm almost proud of myself--no overripe bananas, leftover candy eggs, or checks/letters that should have been mailed a week ago! Let's see--We have the following:
• a wad of receipts from my last trip to Kroger
• an old grocery list torn from my book. If the purse were bigger the book would be in it--Gotta have my little notebook!
• a sunglasses case--I didn't open it, but--wonder of wonders--the sunglasses are there!
• my wallet--You can tell it is stuffed and past due to be replaced!
• cell phone--What did we do without them?
• a headband--I have no idea why that is there--I only wear them when I'm washing my face and putting on make-up.
• a pair of earrings--Uh, why?
• two pens--Only 2?!
• three one dollar bills--Must have been in a hurry at a check-out counter.
• $1.29 in change--We could do a lot of good for the world if we combined all the change in the bottom of women's purses--except for you very organized ones that don't budge at check-out until you have put it where it belongs. I'm so envious of your self-discipline!
• two Imodium tablets--You don't want to know, but I don't leave home without them.
• a syringe--It is for my husband's trach--used to put air in the cuff that stabilizes it inside his throat. We have several; this one is left over from a trip to the hospital.
I usually have lipstick, gum, and a package of tissue--Wonder where they are?
Well, now that I have all that stuff out of there, why not do a little house, er, purse cleaning and organize a new one. I'll organize it, but I don't promise it will stay that way! Here's the choices I have at this time--one was a gift, one left from last year, and one picked up on sale at the mall. Which should I choose--or should I go shopping again? Hmmmm, I'm thinkin'______
Since Barb and I think we are the last ones to show our purses, it may be futile for me to say this, but here goes--I tag YOU! Show us what you carry around with you!
Labels: Just Having Fun
These are cool photos. I wish I could get used to carrying a purse..I love the colors on yours
thanks for signing up for the scavenger hunt...we are having a blast
Oh, I love your purse! And you did such a great job with this! :)
You do manage to fit quite a bit into that little handbag, though! LOL
With my super big shoulder bag, I have everything in there, sometimes, but the kitchen sink...and a pen when I need it! ;)
Fun post, and you look like you're fairly well organized!
I haven't worked up the nerve to do this one yet. Barb suggested I post all my purses. Have to check and see if my camera has wide angle capablitites!!
I use the same purse for a long time, usually until it starts to fall apart. I did just recentely get a new one with the help of a friend. It was smaller that I normally get so I had to down-size but it would still take up a whole page to list all that is in it. My favorite purse story is my sister's--believe it or not (I swear this is true) one day she pulled out a bottle of Nuflor (meds for pigs, she is a territory manager for hog sites) and her son's belt.
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