Wednesday, April 25, 2007
I'm still working on the direction or focus of my blog. I have always been the kind of person who needs to jump in and then figure out all the rules, procedures, fine points, etc. So, as I stumble along doing my own thing, I am discovering lots of interesting things about the blogging world. One concept that I am constantly aware of and exploring is the manner in which others organize their writing and the presentation of their blogs. I have found lots of good ideas out there that I intend to use to help me continue to develop my own little corner of blogland.

I have not completely decided what I think of memes and other lists/games that are passed around/tagged on blogs. I have never been a great fan of chain letters and these are so similar; however I see some that are fun or interesting. I like Thursday Thirteen and have participated a couple of times. I also enjoy Wordless Wednesday that some people have shared. I guess it is more the subject or purpose that makes the difference for me rather than the fact that it is meme/game/list/whatever.

Anyway, I needed to do something light hearted today. My blog has been serious for a couple of days and I have had serious decisions to deal with in real life also--I need a mind break--So here goes!

I found this at Susan's Penless Writer.
Thought I'd give it a try 'cause I do love word puzzles and games!
Feel free to use it and pass it along.
• Use the the first letter of your name to answer each of the following.
• Answers must be REAL places, persons, things. . .NOTHING MADE UP!
• If you can't think of anything, skip it.
• Try to use different answers if the person before you had the same initial.
• DO NOT use your name for the boy/girl name question.
• DO NOT use a search engine to look up answers!
• GO!

1. Your Name: Myrna
2. Famous singer/band: Madonna
3. 4 letter word: Moon
4. Street name: Mulhollan Dr.
5. Color: Magenta
6. Gift/present: Magi Music Box
7. Vehicle: Mercury
8. Things in a Souvenir Shop: Macrame Plant Hangers
9. Boy's Name: Matthew Michael
10. Girl's Name: Mary Marie
11. Movie Title: Matrix
12. Drink: Milk
13. An Occupation: Matador
14. Flower: Marigold
15. Celebrity: Marilyn Monroe
16. Magazine: Mademoiselle
17. U.S, City: Minneapolis Minnesota
18. Pro Sports Team: Mariners
19. Fruit: Mango
20. Reason for Being Late to Work: Misplaced car keys
21. Something You Throw Away: Moldy Muffins
22. Things You Shout: MOVE THAT BUS!
23. Cartoon Character: Mickey Mouse

  posted at 5:34 PM  

At April 25, 2007 at 9:05 PM, Blogger Susie said...

It takes a while to realize exactly the direction you want your blog to go, and even then, that can change.
Memes are fun and usually, if I tag someone I always say to only play if you want to. That way there's no obligation at all.
I enjoyed reading your answers to this one!

At April 26, 2007 at 12:04 PM, Blogger Susan said...

Oh Myrna you did great. I'll tell you what Momma Roar told me "If there were bonus points you'd get them for so many double m's!!" You had some really different and interesting answers. I know your feeling about these games, meme's etc. Sometimes it is just fun to do a fun, mindless things and this one appealed to me and I'm so glad you choose to do it too. Saying a little prayer for you that God will supply you with the answer you are needing about what is going on that you made reference to.

At April 27, 2007 at 12:15 AM, Blogger Tammy said...

I know what you mean...I have been blogging for almost a year and I don't think I have one solid "style" of blogging. You know, how some are mostly funny, some are mostly devotional...I guess my style would a little of everything, depending on my mood!
But I love how you speak from your heart here.
And you did great with this meme! I feel the same way as Susie- meme's can be a fun way to get to know each other, but I don't want people to feel obligated. (I usually end up tagging "whoever wants to try it".

At April 27, 2007 at 4:56 PM, Blogger Barb said...

When I first started blogging, I did a lot of the memes. Lots of weekly things, too. I think it was mostly because I had no idea where I was going with my blog. It's not really a journal. But I fell out of love with all the memes and only do them occasionally now.

I think the longer you blog, the more it all falls into a place you're comfortable with.

Boy, you picked a good one to do today. I've seen this all over the place and I think it's hard. Your answers are great! Especially moldy muffins. That's a great answer. :-)

At April 30, 2007 at 1:54 AM, Blogger Diane@Diane's Place said...

I don't know that I really have a style. I just do my own "thang". ;D

I think the most important thing is to just be yourself. Just as when you meet people face to face and some become friends, others not, it's the same here in Bloggityville, I find. We're just naturally drawn to some people by common interests.

I know my blog is not everyone's cup of tea, and I'm okay with that. I click on a blog occasionally and just quietly slip away without commenting because, no offense to them, but their blog just doesn't appeal to me. No harm, no foul.

Hope you've had a blessed weekend, Myrna.


Diane :-)


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