Saturday, July 21, 2007
Growing "Olt"
Two of my grandchildren were here for a little while yesterday. I always love seeing any of the four of them. Luke and Ella are here more often than the other two. Of course, they live just down the road from us. I pass by their street every time I go to the grocery store, or almost anywhere I go! So nice! Joshua and Spoony live not too far away, but it does take almost two hours for them to get here. So we see them fairly often, but not on a drop-in basis.
Anyway, I started thinking yesterday about some of the really precious times I have had with grandchildren. What a blessing they are! Joshua was our first, and we had him for about four years before the others started coming along. So, he holds that special, first grandchild spot in our hearts. The others have their own special places--and they are each unique and precious! But this little story is about Joshua.
Joshua had just turned four when Spoony (Isaiah) was born. Yes, there is a story behind the name, and I will probably get around to telling it sometime. But, remember, this story is about Joshua. Spoony was premature and spent time in NICU at a hospital near our home. During the early days of Spoony's life Joshua spent a few days and nights with us while his parents stayed near the hospital at Ronald McDonald House. He really had not spent nights alone at our house much before that; so we treasured the time with him.
One day, as Joshua and I were leaving the hospital, he began to explain his family to me. Joshua and Spoony have lots of people who love them, and Joshua has always had a special relationship with each of his grandparents. His maternal grandparents are Granddaddy and Nanny (aka, Buck and Wanda), his maternal Great-Grandmother is Boo (aka, Margaret or MaMaw). Lee and I are Poppy and Grandmama to the grands. These are the characters in this story.
OK--So Joshua and I are driving along, He is in his carseat in the back and I'm grooving along up front by myself. He says, "You know. Gran'mama, I've got four olts." (Joshua was still working on a couple of speech sounds.)
I answered, "Old whats, Joshua?."
"You know, four olts in my famly."
"Oh! You think you have old people in your family. Who's old?" I couldn't think of anyone that he knew well that was particularly old--certainly not his grandparents!
"You know. There's Grandaddy, and Poppy, and Boo, and You! All olts!"
"Oh, Joshua. Are you sure all those people are old?"
"Oh, yes! All olts. Grandaddy, Poppy, Boo and You! All the olts in my famly."
Well, you can see where this is going. If I'm going to be "olt," I thought it only fair that Wanda also be considered "olt." No matter that she is several years younger than me, wears about a size nothing, is always perfectly coiffed and dresses cuter than any grandmother I have ever known. I mean, I love her, but if I am old, the other grandmother is also going to be old! lol. I gave it my best shot.
"Well, Joshua, how 'bout Nanny. Isn't she one of your olds, too?," I sweetly offered.
"OH, NO! Nanny's not olt. Just Grandaddy, Poppy, Boo, and you, Gran'mama."
I tried again, gearing up my defenses just a little. Boo is probably more than fifteen years older than me, Grandaddy is probably two or three years ahead of me, and Poppy beats me by eight months. I wasn't going down without a fight!
"Joshua, I'm really not old, you know. Your Poppy and Grandaddy and Boo are older than me. I'm not old."
"Oh, yes you are! Grandaddy, Poppy, Boo and you are the olts. Nanny's not."
I was pretty naive, and this was the first time anyone had told me I was old. Of course, I was eligible for AARP discounts at the time. Still, I didn't think of myself as elderly--still don't for that matter! I was not going over to the old side without a struggle. I should have known better!
"Oh Joshua, I don't want to be one of the olds. I'm not really old. I'm young."
Joshua with Nanny (on the left) and Grandmama.
Joshua is 9 and in the fourth grade in this picture.
It was taken on Grandparents Day at his school last year.
Anyway, I started thinking yesterday about some of the really precious times I have had with grandchildren. What a blessing they are! Joshua was our first, and we had him for about four years before the others started coming along. So, he holds that special, first grandchild spot in our hearts. The others have their own special places--and they are each unique and precious! But this little story is about Joshua.
Joshua had just turned four when Spoony (Isaiah) was born. Yes, there is a story behind the name, and I will probably get around to telling it sometime. But, remember, this story is about Joshua. Spoony was premature and spent time in NICU at a hospital near our home. During the early days of Spoony's life Joshua spent a few days and nights with us while his parents stayed near the hospital at Ronald McDonald House. He really had not spent nights alone at our house much before that; so we treasured the time with him.
One day, as Joshua and I were leaving the hospital, he began to explain his family to me. Joshua and Spoony have lots of people who love them, and Joshua has always had a special relationship with each of his grandparents. His maternal grandparents are Granddaddy and Nanny (aka, Buck and Wanda), his maternal Great-Grandmother is Boo (aka, Margaret or MaMaw). Lee and I are Poppy and Grandmama to the grands. These are the characters in this story.
OK--So Joshua and I are driving along, He is in his carseat in the back and I'm grooving along up front by myself. He says, "You know. Gran'mama, I've got four olts." (Joshua was still working on a couple of speech sounds.)
I answered, "Old whats, Joshua?."
"You know, four olts in my famly."
"Oh! You think you have old people in your family. Who's old?" I couldn't think of anyone that he knew well that was particularly old--certainly not his grandparents!
"You know. There's Grandaddy, and Poppy, and Boo, and You! All olts!"
"Oh, Joshua. Are you sure all those people are old?"
"Oh, yes! All olts. Grandaddy, Poppy, Boo and You! All the olts in my famly."
Well, you can see where this is going. If I'm going to be "olt," I thought it only fair that Wanda also be considered "olt." No matter that she is several years younger than me, wears about a size nothing, is always perfectly coiffed and dresses cuter than any grandmother I have ever known. I mean, I love her, but if I am old, the other grandmother is also going to be old! lol. I gave it my best shot.
"Well, Joshua, how 'bout Nanny. Isn't she one of your olds, too?," I sweetly offered.
"OH, NO! Nanny's not olt. Just Grandaddy, Poppy, Boo, and you, Gran'mama."
I tried again, gearing up my defenses just a little. Boo is probably more than fifteen years older than me, Grandaddy is probably two or three years ahead of me, and Poppy beats me by eight months. I wasn't going down without a fight!
"Joshua, I'm really not old, you know. Your Poppy and Grandaddy and Boo are older than me. I'm not old."
"Oh, yes you are! Grandaddy, Poppy, Boo and you are the olts. Nanny's not."
I was pretty naive, and this was the first time anyone had told me I was old. Of course, I was eligible for AARP discounts at the time. Still, I didn't think of myself as elderly--still don't for that matter! I was not going over to the old side without a struggle. I should have known better!
"Oh Joshua, I don't want to be one of the olds. I'm not really old. I'm young."
Joshua is 9 and in the fourth grade in this picture.
It was taken on Grandparents Day at his school last year.
Labels: Family, Grandchild Fun
I'm a 43 year old Grandma, and some days I sure feel "olt", let me tell you! And yesterday was one of those days, for sure.
It was nice to put a face with the name, Myrna, and you aren't "olt" at all. :-)
Have a wonderful weekend!
Love and hugs,
LOL I so enjoyed this little story about Joshua...out of the mouth of babes! hehe I loved seeing a picture of you too and you don't look "olt" at all...hmmm I wonder if the other grandma removed all her makeup and such, if she'd still look "not olt" to him! hehe I say he has two beautiful grandmas:-) xox
I admit to giggling my way through this story. So sorry you are an "olt" and Nanny is not. Kinda a bummer...but a cute bummer! =o)
I loved this story. How cute. Hey, grammy's are suppose to by olt, but just to their grandkids. I think there are much worse things he could have said. I'm sure you are priceless to him and beautiful as well!
He is one blessed little boy!
I, too, was so pleased to finally see a face with such a sweet name :)
Cute post "olt" grandma...I can hardy wait for the blessed opportunity! It reminds me how one of our daughter (when she was very young) thought that my husband was older than his Mother. I think it came about after our youngest was born and we started pointing out to the two older daughters that they were "big girls" and much more grown up than the baby. Somehow that translated into "big" as being older. I'm sure you see the logic husband is 6' and his Mom is only 5'1". So, my husband MUST be older! LOL Enjoy those babies!!
That was such a cute story, Myrna!
Can't you remember when anyone over 30 was "olt". I do!!!! My 8 year old grandson, Aric, reminds me I am old all the time :o) To him I am but I'm really just a recycled teenager!!!!
They just say the cutest things don't they? I have found that I have to have a bit of a thick skin sometimes because they don't mince words.
For example, this weekend our littlest granddaughter said to my husband, "Let's go out and play Papa. I like you best."
I'd fight him for it- but I like him best too.
Wonderfully written Myrna. (And I don't think you look olt at all).
Oh Myrna that is just a hoot!!! Don't you just love the things kids come out with!? My grandkids think I'm olt too!
Myrna...this is just the cutest story, I remember that you had told me this before, but all the details makes it better. I love your blog, and I don't think that you are "olt" at all!!! Actually, Spoony told me the other day that I was a "little old"! Seriously thought Myrna, I would love to be as beautiful as you! Love you both bunches, Nanny
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