Monday, May 7, 2007
Monday Morsels

I'm playing around with my blog today. The last two weeks I called my Monday post "Monday Musings." Today I'm trying out the title "Monday Morsels." The word "morsel" means a small piece or amount; a tidbit. It does not just apply to food, but also to information, things reported, or thoughts. I think that is appropriate for the way my mind normally works on Mondays--thought tidbits.
So, if you drop by on Mondays just plan to sit a spell and share a cup of coffee (or tea/chocolate if you prefer) and maybe a little sweet morsel. We'll start our week with some random thoughts and bits of information.
6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
--Phillippians 4:6-9
This is the scripture I needed to remember on Friday night. We had a storm--an old fashioned thunder boomin', lightning flashin', rain pourin', storm. I was anxious and just a little scared. We lost electricity for awhile--several times. Because of my husband's health circumstances electrical power is an on-going concern--even though we have back-up equipment and an emergency plan. Sitting in the dark, listening to machines beep alarms indicating that the power source is gone, while waiting for the back-up generator to come on is not comforting. The generator comes on in 15 seconds--the longest 15 seconds you can imagine! Anyway, the storm and accompanying anxiety made for a rough night. Of course, by the light of day and a calmer mind I have reprimanded myself for not having a stronger faith at the moment. I have recovered my "peace of God" and my mind is calm. But Friday night was a doozy!
When I saw the images of the tornado devastation of Greensburg, Kansas on TV I felt like a real whiner for my Friday night anxiety. I can only imagine how those people are coping with the loss of their homes and town. My prayer is that they will also feel the peace of God and the blessing of His presence as they begin the heart-breaking process of recovery. At the same time I pray a prayer of thanksgiving that we were spared the devastation of a major storm.
Susan--the Penless Writer--offered some interview questions and I took the challenge. I haven't "known" Susan long, but I have read enough to know she would have questions that required thought and a little soul-baring. She did not disappoint. I hope to have those answers soon, Susan.
I hope all of you have a good week!
Labels: Faith, Family, Monday Morsels
Myrna - I like Monday Morsels...very fitting. Loved the picture of your grandkids. I am sooo eager to hear your answers :o)
That storm had to be so frightening when your husband is so dependent on the electricity.
Your grandchildren are so adorable!
These kinds of storms are so scary. I've lived in those parts of the country and I'm glad I don't anymore.
Your grandchildren are beeeuuuttiiiiful!! I can see why that picture makes you smile.
I can only imagine how long those 15 seconds seemed!
And we get a few storms here in the northwest, but mostly in the winter...hardly ever do we get the severe thunderstorms you described, and they do sound scary!
But the verse you quoted has meant so much to me over the years...
Oh, and your grandchildren are truly adorable!
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