Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Fall Bible Sudy--Introduction

Welcome to the first week of Fall Bible Study
at Cherish...the Word!

Guidelines for the study:
We are using A Woman's Heart: God's Dwelling Place--Updated, by Beth Moore, as our learning guide. You can buy it at Lifeway Stores, online at Lifeway, or other online book sellers. We will be reviewing the Introductory Lesson this week and will address one lesson a week for the next ten weeks.

I am trying here, one more time, to explain the options that you have for participating in this study. I think I may have gotten it right this time. I have tried to be concise, but thorough. There are several options to participating in the study:

Option One--Attend or host a study group at a church or home. Study the assigned scriptures and do the homework in the study book. Meet with your group to discuss the lesson for the week, view the video, and complete the viewer guide. Come here on Wednesday to link up. Post on your own blog about your learning experience for that week.

Option Two--Buy a Member Book (also called study book). Download the videos at Lifeway. There is also an audio version available. Work by yourself or with a friend. Study the assigned scriptures, do the homework in the study book, view the video, and complete the viewer guide. Come here on Wednesday to link up. Post on your own blog about your learning experience for the week.

Option Three--If you do not have access to the video and are not able to download it, this is probably the option for you. Buy a Member Book. Work by yourself or with a friend. Study the assigned scriptures and do the homework in the study book. Come here on Wednesday to link up. Post on your own blog about your learning experience for the week. You will lose the richness of the face-to face-experience with Beth and the great guidance she provides in the video. However, I believe you will still have a quality Bible study experience.

Audit--Some colleges offer audit experiences for classes. You can, of course, do that here, too. After all, this is bloggyville. This plan is not really a plan for participating in the study, but rather, what we basically do every day on our blogs. Come here on Wednesday, check out the links for the week, and read about what others learned in their study. Give it some thoughtful consideration. Comment about your insight based on your own previous or ongoing Bible study.
Schedule--I will be posting the weekly schedule in my sidebar as soon as html and I come to agreement on who is boss of the template!!! Until then, you can find it here.

Bible Study Buzz at My House

OH! MY! GOODNESS! This was beyond great! I have attended several Beth Moore studies--at church and in a friend's home. This is the first time I have hosted one. I have been missing out on a really wonderful opportunity!

The group meeting on Monday nights is a mixture of people from my church Bible study class, friends I have worked with, a relatively new friend who has become very dear to me, and a delightful lady I met for the first time last night. There will be some more friends joining us next week--they are doing other things this week like cruising, etc. :-)

We spent some time getting to know each other just a little better.We discovered common interests and characteristics. We exclaimed at the youthful look of a couple of people with adult children, and in general enjoyed getting comfortable with one another. We also discovered that several of us had been to Deeper Still Conference in Nashville this past weekend. Beth and other bible teachers, Kay Arthur and Priscilla Shirer were featured. That common bond prompted some lively conversations about our shared experience.

I can't leave my teaching/principaling habits behind me, so I had treasures for my guests. We passed around a bowl of "goodies" and each person got to choose one. Included were small bags of coffee, bookmarks, lights to clip on a book, and other small surprises. I was also glad to revisit one of my favorite teacher tasks--passing out brand new books!

We were off to a good start and ready to turn to the reason we had gathered. We began with prayer. Then after a brief discussion of the reason I wanted to have this study at my home and a few"housekeeping" chores concerning our meetings, we settled down to view the introductory video.

I cannot tell you how blessed we were in that room. When the video ended there was a moment of complete silence. Then a lively discussion broke loose. We discussed how we feel the power of God's Word coming from Beth Moore. But mostly we discussed the amazing mind pictures she painted for us of how God is pursuing us. We were astounded by the idea that the plan for the tabernacle has existed, and will exist for eternity. We were fascinated as Beth led us through both Old and New Testament scripture to prepare us for the coming weeks. Every woman present expressed a feeling of awe at what we had heard and a desire to know more. .

Let me tell you--That group left my home better friends than when they came, with a purpose for Bible study for the next week, and a commitment to let God "open our minds and understand the Scriptures." I have no doubt that I was led to pull this particular group of women together. I also know that God is pursuing all of us, desiring a deeper relationship with each of us. I'm so excited about the possibilities!

Studying God's Word
Beth Moore's studies typically begin with a video introduction. She lays the groundwork for the in depth search of scripture and the overall direction the study will take. Through her obvious love of the Lord and her commitment to sharing her understanding of His word with women she has developed a teaching style that is both engaging and challenging. I have never failed to come away with a new perspective, a deeper understanding, or a clearer vision of what the Lord has to say to me personally.This week was no exception.

My attention was grabbed from the beginning by the idea that God pursues me and wants a deeper relationship with me just as He did with Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:8-9). That is not really a new idea for me to consider. It is one I definitely need to give more personal attention to than I have in recent months. It is easy to get caught up in the must-dos of life. I truly believe that I have felt the need to be involved in this study because of God's pursuit of me and my need to more clearly understand His plan for me in this season of my life.

I believe the idea that intrigued me the most was in the description of God revealing His plan to Moses. Now, I knew that God had given Moses plans on the mountain. However, my understanding now is that those plans were not new, but had existed for eternity.

Hebrews 8:5 (NIV) says the "sanctuary is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven. This is why Moses was warned when he was about to build the tabernacle: 'See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain."

People, this is exciting stuff! If the tabernacle the Israelites built is a copy of what was in heaven, then it will be in heaven when we get there. We will see it! Not only that, we will worship God there! In the meantime, he wants to dwell with us here. He wants to talk with us. He wants us to worship and serve Him!

Well, I have to say--My heart is full! My mind is whirling! There is so much to think about, to consider, to ponder, to examine. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happens next!
Looking Ahead
We will be back next week to discuss Week One, "Broken Hearts, Broken Ties." In this lesson Beth will take us from Adam and Eve, to Noah, thenAbram, all the way to Moses and the Israelites. Does that sound daunting and challenging? Of course, but worth every minute of it!

Bible study is very personal and I'm sure we will all have ideas of how to "discuss" the lesson in our posts next week. I don't presume to try to tell you what to write about.

However, if you need a starter you might ponder the following:
• Consider the concept of covenants. What are some of the covenants God made with individuals in the scriptures we study this week.
• Review the importance of the phrases, "to work and take care of," or "serve and worship" to the tabernacle. How does that apply to your life?
• Consider the actions of God toward the people of Babylon. What does that tell us about God's plans for us?

There are so many wonderful blessings within the first week's study. Those ideas listed above are just three that have jumped out at me as I have studied. (I'm trying to stay at least one week ahead of the group meeting at my house).

I hope you will continue to come to share with us as you work through this amazing study. We will meet back here next Wednesday. Blessings on you this week!

Luke 24:44-45 (NIV)font>
44He said to them,
"This is what I told you while I was still with you:
Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me
in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms."
45Then he opened their minds
so they could understand the Scriptures."



  posted at 1:00 AM  

At September 12, 2007 at 8:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Bible Studies. I start up next Friday at my church in So. Cal. God's richest blessings on yours the in home one and the virtual one!

At September 12, 2007 at 10:18 AM, Blogger Susan said...

I can hear the joy and excitement in your post about this new endeavor that God has lead you into. I think it is so wonderful you are doing this Myrna. I look to hear the good reports of God moving amoung the women in your house and the women in blogland!!!!
You are indeed being a willing servant.

At September 12, 2007 at 11:29 AM, Blogger Tammy said...

Oh Wow! I wish I could be actually there for the Bible study in your home, Myrna!

I have started the study, but do not have access to the video. And I'm doing it by my little self, so not as much fun...(except that I'm also doing it with you all via internet!)

I didn't finish the first study yet, but what I did read blessed me. I'll try and finish today and then post about it if I can!

At September 12, 2007 at 8:01 PM, Blogger Cherdecor said...

Myrna, thank you again for going to all the trouble to set this whole study up! I watched Beth's first lesson this morning and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I know that this is going to be life changing.

My day was a little more than hectic today so I didn't get to reflect on her teaching like I wanted to but tomorrow is another day.


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Isaiah 40:11 (Holman Christian Standard Bible) 11 He protects His flock like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries [them] in the fold of His [garment]. He gently leads. . .

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I am a Christian woman who shares a blessed life with my precious husband, our two adult sons and their wives, and four grandchildren. We cherish the adventures God has allowed us to have together. I recently retired from an over thirty year career as an elementary teacher and administrator.

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