Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Fall Bible Study--Preview

Tech Stuff
1. Mr. Linky--I have never done this and I want to see if it really works for me--Read line above for explanation of my anxiety! If you are planning to participate in Bible Study--or if you just want to humor me--sign up, post something on your site about Bible Study--and leave a comment. Thank you!
Edited to say: Yay! I got Mr. Linky on here!
You just don't know how happy that makes me!
Happy dance! Happy Dance!
2. Bible Study Button--Leigh Ann is the smart friend who made the button at the top of this post--using a photo I took. Smart lady, isn't she.? She also won a book in the Giveaway. And, I promise, one had nothing to do with the other. Her comment number truly did come up on the random number generator! If you want to link back with the button, please email and I will send you the code.You just don't know how happy that makes me!
Happy dance! Happy Dance!
Bible Study
Next week my real life home study group will be meeting for the first time. We will be viewing the Introductory DVD and completing the viewer guide page in our book. Our discussion will center on what is ahead for us in this study and why we are here. Therefore, that's what we will discuss here at Cherish... next week.
This study is about the tabernacle and the importance of it as God's Dwelling place. BUT--It is a whole lot more than that. If you have studied with Beth before, you know that she will lead you on a treasure hunt of the scriptures. She will show us, through the study of the tabernacle, how God wants to live with us and talk with us. In addition, she will show us through scripture how His plan for dwelling with us has been, and will continue to be, in place for eternity. Friends, this is POWERFUL!
I have watched the first DVD--actually I have watched all of them, but that's another story! I have recently watched the introductory DVD and I am overwhelmed and astounded by this study. If you are doing this on your own with us, I REALLY encourage you to download the video at Lifeway. You will be blessed and it will really help you understand what is ahead. If you have never studied with Beth you will be blessed beyond your expectations and you will certainly appreciate her passion for the Lord and his Word.
If you haven't bought a book yet, go get one, girls! You can pick them up at Lifeway stores or on line here. I ordered the Giveaway books through Ama*zon because delivery was guaranteed to be a little bit faster. (Which was kind of funny to me because Amazon orders probably come from the same place--the Lifeway warehouse about fifteen miles from my home)! BTW, I'm tracking those Giveaway books and you should be receiving them VERY soon!
By the way, if there are some real life friends lurking out there today--If I have not invited you to join us for study at my house, I apologize. My Bad! You are certainly welcome. Come on out. I will have a book for you. You can call me for the information. Lee will be glad to see you, but he will not be joining us for study. If you know him, you know he does love some Bible study with Beth!
1. Sign up below and post a comment about Fall Bible Study at your blog. Please leave a comment so I know if you will be joining us.
2. Get your A Woman's Heart Study Book--also called Member Book--
4. Plan to view the Introductory DVD and come back next week to discuss the beginning of the study.
1. Be sure to read: Exodus 25:1-2, 89 Luke: 24:25-27 Revelation 15:5
2. View the Introductory video if possible.
3. Some of you are in study groups that have already started. Please review/remember what you did in the introductory session and use that for your post.
3. In your post next week, let us know how you are doing this study (by yourself, with a friend, in a group, at church, in a home, etc).
4. In your post about Beth's introductory lesson you can take off in any direction you feel led to go. If you need a nudge, try this--What does it mean to you that God pursues you and wants a relationship with you?
My goal for this Bible study is for us to search the scripture together and learn more about the way God desires and plans to have a relationship with us that will further His Kingdom. I also hope that, along the way, we have some bloggy fun and fellowship. If you have questions or suggestions please use the comments section or email me at
Labels: Bible Study
This all sounds so exciting and wonderful!!!
Myrna, I would love to join you but I won't be able to. The downloads for the video are $5 a shot, which means a total of about $55. That would not be a problem if I still had a paycheck :) but with the choices we've made I have to also choose not to join you.
I am teaching a Cynthia Heald study at my church of course, and will learn more from teaching than I ever do from "learning" as you can well attest.
I will be popping in to see the study, and perhaps I can talk my church into offering it next semester, which means THEY will pay for the video :)
I love that you are doing this! To God be the glory!
I am sorry, I could not figure out where to leave a comment when I signed up.
I hope this is where I am to comment. There are two of us joining in so I signed in twice so you would know.
We are really excited about this group.
Glad you were able to get everything working!!
Sounds good Myrna!
I'm excited, I'm excited, I'm excited! :D
This sounds wonderful.
I'm going to be starting up a Women of Faith bible study soon.
Here I am. . . I am looking forward to joining this group!
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